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Interested in Starting CrossFit in 2016?
Our Fundamentals Course is always right around the corner! Interested in signing up for
TWO FREE WEEKS! Click here to do it.
Want some Details? Scroll down to check out the schedule or any other details you may want to know about.[/text_output][accordion][accordion_item title="What is the monthly Fundamentals schedule?" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]
2015 - 2016 Fundamentals Start Dates:
Our Fundamentals program begins on a Tuesday each month, and runs 12 classes in succession. The start date for each month is listed below.
January Fundamentals: Tuesday Jan.5
February Fundamentals: Tuesday Feb. 2
March Fundamentals: Tuesday March 1
April Fundamentals: Tuesday April 5th
May Fundamentals: Tuesday May 3rd
June Fundamentals: Tuesday May 31st
July Fundamentals: Tuesday July 5th
August Fundamentals: Tuesday August 2nd
September Fundamentals: Tuesday August 30th
October Fundamentals: Tuesday September 27th (to avoid Thanksgiving)
November Fundamentals: Tuesday Oct. 25th (to avoid Thanksgiving)
December: Tuesday Nov. 29th (exception: 3 weeks long due to holidays)
Class Times:
Tuesday 8:30am OR 7:00pm
Thursday 8:30am OR 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am
You may want to check out our Accelerated Fundamentals Course then!
Which you can check out by clicking right here![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="I don't want to wait, I want to start tomorrow!"]If you don't want to wait to start until our next scheduled Fundamentals, and you'd like to start the Fundamentals RIGHT NOW!
We also offer an Accelerated Fundamentals, which you can check out by clicking right here! With that you get 6 personal training session to get you ready for class, along with 3 free weeks of CrossFit afterwards! The sessions are scheduled at your convenience.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="I'd like to sit down and chat with you a bit first, I have questions! "]Want to sit down and discuss your goals and how we plan to meet them?
click here to schedule a Free No Sweat intro
During the No Sweat Intro we will meet for a private 20 minute chat about your goals, and what CrossFit South Bend can do to help you achieve those goals. No pressure, no obligation. Just a chance to see if CrossFit South Bend is a good fit for you.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="But I'll be missing a few classes"]If you will be missing a Fundamentals class, no worries, we can do some make up work to catch you up. Try not to miss as many as you can though because each one builds on the prior class. But if you have to, just email
Brandon@crossfitsouthbend.com and we will get it organized for a makeup during the Fundamentals. We usually allow up to 2 missed sessions, if you are going to be missing 3 or more, you may want to consider an
Accelerated Fundamentals here.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Signing Up for a membership" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]The first two weeks of each month are free! We want people to give CrossFit a good honest try before they decide whether or not it is for them. After that first two weeks if you decide CrossFit is for you, you can sign up and continue out the rest of the month. You can find out
prices right here[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Want to sign up and already know how to perform CrossFit?"]
Already well versed in the Olympic lifts, power lifts, gymnastics, and CrossFit movements?
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Questions about anything"]If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask any of us! Our office and inboxes are always open! You can also check out our website for more info about our programs, prices, programming, and schedule at
www.crossfitsouthbend.com Other than that, we will expect to see you in here on your start date!
Click here to email us if you have any other questions.