Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-12-13
End Date: 2021-12-19
Monday December 13, 2021
Title: Monday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Notes: Take your 7 minute pace from last week – you should be able to hande that for the entire 14 minutes now
B) Round the World – Map 10: *1 minute transition between each
14 Minute Amrap
10 Assault BIke; let the calories roll up
80yd Shuttle (in 10yd increments)
14 Minute Amrap
5 DB or KB Deadlift
7 Box Jump Step Down
30s Plank on Hands
14 Minute Amrap
5 Ball Slams
7 Abmat Sit Ups
10 Cal Row; roll up the 10 cal per each round
*yep! shuttles – not a straight shot AGAIN
Tuesday December 14, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Back Squat: @30X1; 5×3; rest 90s between sets
*all sets challenging here
*20 minute cap
B) Vertical Pull + Squat + Breathing: 20 Minute Amrap
6-8 Strict Pull Ups *bands allowed – control the movement
10 Jump Lunge
200m Run *yes you can do this outside
rest 60s
Wednesday December 15, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
-Take some time to cover the movements in technique/expression
A) Power Clean: *no changes here – practice this
A. Technique Work
15 Minute Amrap – choose ONE
3 Hang Muscle Clean
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Power Cleans
B. Expression
15 Minute Cap; Warm up to a heavy set of the complex below
1 Power Clean
1 Split Jerk
For today, if you…
-Can power clean your body weight
-You can do it with beautiful technique
Then you may choose “expression”
B) Bend + Horizontal Push: For Time – 10 minute cap for the entire workout
Hand Release Push Ups
Cash out once you’re finished
100 Abmat Sit Ups
*choose a deadlift weight you can stay confidence across the board with
Thursday December 16, 2021
Title: Thursday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Pendlay Row: 5×6-8; rest 90s between sets
*all challenging here
*20 minute cap
B) Squat + Pull: 4 Sets
30s Wall Ball
30s Rest
30s Plank Row
30s Rest
30s Box Jumps w/SD
30s Rest
30 Alternating DB snatch
30s Rest
Pull Ups can be broken up – Strict, Banded, or Ring Row
Friday December 17, 2021
Title: Friday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Strict Press: @3111; 5×2-3; rest 90s between sets
*20 minute cap
B) Bend + Push: 15 Minute Amrap
20 Push Press
20 No Push Up Burpee or Burpee Over Bar
20 Cal Assault Bike
rest 60s between
*doesn’t have to be unbroken here
Saturday December 18, 2021
Title: Saturday
Status: pending
Warmup: It’s a Bring A Friend Day, Ugly Sweater competition, AND the Christmas Wod!
A) Suprise Christmas Wod!: You’ll find out when you get here 🙂
Sunday December 19, 2021
Title: Sunday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice
A) Overhead Squat: Novice
Cyclist overhead squat
@3111; 5×5; rest 90s between
no tempo – just tough sets – 5×2
B) Gymnastics – HS Work + Rope Accumulation + BW: 25 Minute Amrap
10-20s L-sit Hang or Fluttter Kick
30-60s Freestanding Hold Practice
4-5 Rope Lowers or Rope Pull Ups/side
4-5 Wall Walks
10 Cal Assault Bike
2021 12 12