Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-02-21
End Date: 2022-02-27
Monday February 21, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Pacing Work – Mixed: 4 Sets
2 Minute Amrap
10 Burpees
30 Double Unders or 60 single unders
rest 2 minutes
2 Minute Amrap
16 Alternating DB Snatch
15/12 Cal Row
rest 2 minutes
2 Minute Amrap
10 Box Jumps
10 Step Ups
10 Cal Assault Bike
rest 2 minutes
Tuesday February 22, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice
A) Speed Strength: EVERY 30s x 8 Sets
1 Broad Jump
B) Strength Speed: EMOM x 8 Minutes
Power Clean
4 reps fast @45-65% of your 1rm
*alternative here is deadlifting
*if you can’t deadlift your bodyweight for 3 reps @ 30X1, don’t power clean.
C1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat : x6/side
*start from the ground and find your position there, pause a 1 count with your knee in contact with the ground each rep
C2) strict knees to elbows: x8
*accumulate the reps
x 4 Sets
Wednesday February 23, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice
A) Pacing Work – Map 2: *work on consistency
60s Assault Bike
74s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 4 minutes
60s Run
74s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 4 minutes
60s Row
74s Rest
x 5 Sets
Thursday February 24, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 20 Min Cap
4-6 Barbell Bench Press
4-6 Three point DB Row
@21X1 for both
*start right away, warm up as you go
B) Upper Body Horizontal + Core: 13 Minute Amrap
20 Push Ups
10 Barbell Bicep Curls *unbroken
20yd Heavy Farmers Carry
*push ups don’t have to be unbroken, but they should be pretty
*don’t fast walk on the farmers carry
Friday February 25, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice
A) Pacing – Map 9: 75s @ each x 5 Sets
Assault Bike
Single Unders
Step Up 20/16
Bear Crawl
*if you can’t bear crawl that long, hold a plank as long as you can – standard plank on hands
Saturday February 26, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending
35 Minute Amrap
Man Overboard; teams of
Person 1
10 Russian KBS
10 No Push Up Burpees
10 KB Push Press/side
10 No Push Up Burpees
10 Russian KBS
Person 2
Assault BIke
Person 3
Person 4
Sunday February 27, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice
A) Pacing Work – Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
Person 1 Assault Bike @ smooth pace
Person 2 Row @ Smooth pace
Person 3 performs
10yd Bear Crawl
30yd Dual KB OH KB Carry
30yd Dual KB Front Rack KB Carry
30yd Dual KB Farmers Carry/side
*same weight across carries
2022 02 19