11/07/2022 – Monday
Coaches Choice
A. Wades Day
5 Rounds For Time
11 One-Arm DB or KB Power Snatches
12 One-Arm DB or KB Thrusters
11 Weighted Pull-Ups
*use the same weight for PS/Thruster
*Switch arms whenever you feel like it
*Weighted Pull Up > Strict Pull Up (no band) > Ring Row or Bar Row (kids bar)
*choose weights you can hit the first 3 sets unbroken
11/08/2022 – Tuesday
Coach Notes:
Week 7
Coaches Choice
A. Back Squat
17 Minutes to warm up and finish
2″ pause in the hole
5-5-3-3; 3:00 rest
2-3 RIR for 5’s
1-2 RIR for 3’s
B. Landmine Meadows Row
15 Minutes to warm up and finish
1″ pause @ top of pull
4×8-10 rest 60s between sides
2-3 RIR
C. Accessory Work -18 min cap
Landmine Front Rack Split Squat x 10-15 rest 60-90s
Chainsaw Row x10-15; rest 60s-90s
x 3 Sets
try to load heavier
Cool Down:
5-10 minute easy bike or walk
10×90/90 Breathing @ 3-6 seconds inhale, 6-9 seconds exhale
11/09/2022 – Wednesday
A. Warm Up
Move through at warm up pace – 16 Minute Cap
24/18 BIke Cals or 30/20 Cal Row
2 rds:
8-10/side Band Ext Rotations
8-10 Band Squat Thrusts, squeeze glutes @ top
24/ 18 Bike Cals or 30/20 Cal Row
2 rds:
8-10/side Band Ext Rotations
8-10 Band Squat Thrusts, squeeze glutes @ top
24/ 18 Bike Cals or 30/20 Cal Row
B. 12 Min EMOM
min 1: 8-12 Single Leg KB/DB Hip Thrusts, right
min 2: 8-12 Single Leg KB/DB Hip Thrusts, left
min 3: 8-12 KB/DB Floor Press
Light/ Moderate weights on Hip Thrusts, ideally, use that same KB/DB pair for the press
C. Mixed Work
5 rds @ Steady Effort – 16 minute cap
200yd Run
10 Alt DB Snatch, light/ moderate
10 Strict Pushup Burpees
10 Alt DB Snatch
If strict pushups get fatigued, continue with a strict negative on the burpees. If THAT is fatigued, go with no pushup burpees
Cool Down:
5-10 Minute Easy Bike or Walk
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds Inhale, 6-9 Seconds Exhale
11/10/2022 – Thursday
Coaches choice
A. Deadlift
18 Minutes to warm up and finish
2″ pause @ top of each rep
5-5-3-3; 3:00 rest
2-3 RIR for 5’s
1-2 RIR for 3’s
*** may get tough on grip, may use lifting straps if you’ve got them or mixed grip
B. Dumbbell Bench Press
13 Minutes to warm up and finish
2″ pause @ bottom
4×8-10; 2:00-3:00 rest
2-3 RIR
C. Accessory Work – 18 Minute Cap
Landmine Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x10-15; rest 60-90s
Tall Kneeling Alternating KB or DB Press x18-24; rest 90-120s
x 3 Sets
*heavier than last week
Cool Down:
5-10 Minute Easy Bike or Walk
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds Inhale, 6-9 Seconds Exhale
11/11/2022 – Friday
A. MAP 10
45 Minutes @ Very Easy Effort
15 Bike or 18 Cal Row
50m/side Single Arm KB/DB Farmers Carry
15 Bike or 18 Cal Row
0:30 Elbow Plank
15 Bike or 18 Cal Row
10 Bench Rev Hypers
11/12/2022 – Saturday
A. Wades Lift Off
Power Clean 1rm
Back Squat 1rm
Bench Press 1rm
Deadlift 1rm
11/13/2022 – Sunday
Coaches Choice
A. 2 Rounds @ warm up effort
800/600m Row
10/side RNT Split Squats, controlled/ unld
10 Palms Up Band Pull Aparts, light
B. 3-4 Sets
8-10 Alt DB Rev Lunge
10-15 Band Pulldowns
8-10 Alt DB Rev Lunge
2:00-3:00 rest
@ moderate weights
C. 5-8 Sets for event times
3-8 Unbkn Strict Pullups or 7-10 Ring Rows
8 (4/side) Single Arm DB Thrusters, light
12/8 Bike Cals
0:90 rest
Cool Down:
5-10 Minute Easy Bike or Walk
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds Inhale, 6-9 Seconds Exhale
2022 11 06