Carrie’s Story

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][container][text_output]Nutrition has always been important to me. When Robby and I first discussed the Whole 30, I made the comment that he’d have trouble cleaning up my diet and what my family eats. Well, he succeeded... Most people think a lot about what they will lose with the whole 30, that's all I heard from other people, until I started mine. Sure, you’ll lose some fat, maybe a few pounds, but what will you gain? That's where I feel like I really hit my stride, especially on a rough day,  shifting focus to my gains. Here’s what I have gained... · A more thoughtful, present lifestyle. I was very surprised at how much introspection came along with the Whole 30. Hello, WHOLE 30, not body 30! Being more cognizant of cause and effect, what am I doing to relax, is this stressing me out, how do I change what I don’t like, etc…. you get the idea. The Whole 30 isn’t just about your body. · A son asking me some tough questions, like does gluten make you sick? For him yes. Not his tummy, but his brain. The difference when he's not on gluten, huge. He can actually focus. Without the whole 30, I never would have thought of gluten! · Pride in how my body is changing, lots more muscle. I was terrified of turning 40. Now? It doesn't phase me to tell people. I'm actually kind of proud of it :) CFSB has a lot to do with that too! · Sleep. I have three boys, and I can fall asleep again....and stay asleep... · I feel great. All the time. · Most of all, I am done talking down to myself. Melissa Joulwan wrote an amazing article that sums it up. Our precious bodies. If only we ALWAYS treated our bodies as the special gift they are all the time. Our bodies deserve healthy food and being taken care of, this includes being nice to ourselves. This has been positive for EVERYONE I know and I can't share it enough. What I’ve gained is awesome, but what I’ve lost isn’t all the bad either! · Almost an inch off my waist and one inch off my hips. · My husband lost 15 pounds in the first 3 weeks and has been heartburn free since! All while eating MEAT and FAT, until he was full. · Allergies · Psoriasis · PMS. Seriously, need I say more? And we continue to see gains. My husband continues to lose weight, my boys are all happy and eating healthy. And Mama just bought herself a new bikini. :)[/text_output][image type="none" float="none" link="true" target="blank" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="12707" href=""][/container][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Programming Week 8 of 9 – Monday 8.10.15 – Sunday 8.16.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="So many things going on at CFSB"]Look at all this fun stuff Classes-Mobility Class: Upcoming Weekly Mobility Schedule through July Classes-August Fundamentals Begins Tuesday August 4th! Details here Events- Free CrossFit South Bend Grocery Store Tour at Whole Foods Stories- Carrie's Story News-There will be no more childcare as of August 15th. On a related note, Parents come get your toys! BRING A FRIEND DAY- Whole Foods Bring a Friend Day – August 22nd -STUDENT WELCOME WEEK! FREE Student Welcome Week August 31st – September 6th Click for Details[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 8.10.15"]Monday 8.10.15 A. Back Squat 50% x4 60% x4 70% x2  80% x1 85% x1 90% x1  Notes: Base this off of a 1RM weight, for those within the last two months of completing Fundamentals they will be working up a heavy 5. So even if the coach forgets you should be doing this (which I have before) show the coach that you read the blog, and just work to a heavy 5. We are looking for no fails today on this, if you aren't feeling it, BACK OFF. We have a testing week coming up in 2 weeks, so we are gearing you up to hit a 1rm, pull the reins on yourself you beautiful thoroughbred horse you. B.
Lynne 5 Rounds Max Unbroken BW/70%BW Bench Press Max Unbroken Pull Ups Notes: Men use bodyweight, women use 70% of your bodyweight for the RX'd prescription. If that is a pretty hard prescription for you to hit, go after 70% of your 1rm Bench, if you DON'T have a 1rm Bench, I'd like to see a HARD 10-15 in the first set. These pull ups are kipping, or strict, whichever you prefer. Its Max Unbroken...When I originally typed it up it said max, what we mean is max unbroken. When you have to rack it, or if you drop from the bar, you are done with that set. There is no time for this workout, so we will be paring people up on racks. Don't take 45 minutes to do this, on the long end it may take you 30 minutes (thats assuming you start a set at the top of every 3 minute mark) I don't want to see anyone finishing this workout in under 15 minutes though either, you didn't rest long enough.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 8.11.15"]Tuesday 8.11.15 A. 15 Minutes to Find a Hang Power Snatch x3 Note: the intentions here are to stay connected to the bar to challenge the grip. Any hang position is A-okay for us (check the link that I posted below for a little HPS reference on positions for this) There is a lot of horrible shit out there, be careful where you get your information from. Catalyst is always a really solid place, definitely the most thorough place for Oly information on the web. B. 7 Minute Ladder 3 Wallballs 30/20 3 No Push Up Burpee *** increase by 3 reps each round Notes: Choose a wall ball that allows for full depth and accuracy on touching the target, I'd like to see something you can cycle pretty well. If you pick it up and think "I definitely can't do this for 15 straight reps" then move down in weight.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 8.12.15"]Wednesday 8.12.15 A. 3x Max Reps Ring Row Progression High Rep (10-16) Notes: This means we want you failing between 10 and 16 reps, if you have done this before -please please remember where you were for your last progression, buy a notebook, start tracking stuff, or download evernote (its great) We love these for developing solid pull ups because of the horizontal scapular retraction is easy to get subtle scaling changes rather than the bands. B. 5 Rounds 15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55 30 Double Unders Note: We talked about double unders last week. If you can do doubles, I want you doing some kind of double/single ratio. Im looking for a fast turnover and cycle time for this workout. Again..below is a rehash over some jump rope rules For the KB Swings, don't let the KB manhandle you and pull you over far, pick a weight that makes sense and keep it close to the hips. I know Jeff Martone is hard to listen to sometimes, but he has some good stuff out there.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 8.13.15 "]Thursday 8.13.15 For time, but also not for time. Men accumulate 10,000lbs Women accumulate 7,000lbs Alternating between.. 2 Back Squats 2 Ground to Overhead Note: Okay Matheletes. Read this very carefully so there is LESS confusion, the less confusion and plan making during the workout, the more time we have for the workout. Also, side note. I have had a lot of people tell me they don't read the blog before the come in because **insert whatever reason here** usually being anxious about the workouts, or just because they are busy...I get it. but that results in not being prepared for the workouts on a daily basis, whether its remembering to wash your favorite pair of shorts for the toes to bar workout. Or wearing long socks for rope climbs, or coming up with a plan for a workout like this. I don't care if it makes you anxious, use that as an opportunity to control your emotions prior to a workout. I can't tell you how many competitions i've done whether there are 50 jacked up anxious people before the competition. Come up with a plan, and implement it. or don't...whatever. I digress This workout, you will alternate between a heavy 2 on the back squat, and a heavy 2 on the ground to overhead, using whatever weight you'd like, to accumulate the total weight lifted. So lets do some math. Athlete: Jessica Snicklefritz McButtFart Weight chosen -225 Back Squat, 135 Ground to Overhead That means each round of 2 Back Squats and 2 Ground to Overhead, she will have accumulated... 2x225 (450) 2x135 (270) 720 Total per round That means each round... 1=720, 2=1440, 3=2160, 4=2880, 5=3600, 6=4320, 7=5040, 8=5760, 9=6480. This now leaves an extra 520 to lift, so hitting 2 back squats and 1 GTO should cut it. But...But...What weight/lift should I choose? No more than 80% of your 1rm Back Squat and no more than 80% of your Chosen lift for Ground to Overhead. Choose the lift that you feel the most competent with, clean and push press, clean and jerk, snatch, Hang power clean and press. Whatever you are most comfortable with. Move consistently through it, but you'll be sharing bars and racks with people so expect to do some plate math back and forth, the coaches will do their best to pair you with people with similar maxes.         [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 8.14.15 "]Friday 8.14.15 A. 15 Minutes to Find a Hang Power Clean x3 Notes: stay connected to the bar to challenge grip, notice this is a similar format to the HPS? we do that sometimes to keep the format fresh in your heads through the week. Again, here is some Catalyst Athletics content B. 20 Minute AMRAP 5 Strict Pull Ups 10 Ball Slams 200m Run Note: What?! What?! more grip intensive work? yes, also try to avoid the dreaded chicken neck position on the strict pull ups. For these, I would rather you stay neutral and not get all the way up rather than reaching with the chin.  Ball slams are AHAP and its not Rx'd unless you catch the ball on the bounce. Have running issues? like pain issues, not that you just don't like to run. Row a 200 instead (also, further taxing on the grip, so be careful and stretch your forearms out afterwards) Scaling the Pull ups on this one, I would prefer ring rows. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 8.15.15 "]Saturday 8.15.15 14 Min AMRAP 600m Run 50 Toes To Bar 40 Wall Balls 20/14 30 Cleans 135/95 20 Muscle Ups Notes: Okay, top to bottom, lets do this. For the run, we will perform 3x200m runs (but can I run a 400 then a 200?) nah, I would prefer 3x200m runs. For the toes to bar, If you can do 10+ in a max set of toes to bar, go ahead and do all 50, game it out smart and just don't rip your hands. If you can do 3-8, you may want to do half toes to bar, then half knee ups. If you cannot do any toes to bar, do knee ups. If your hands hurt during knee ups...just do sit ups. Just.don't.tear.your.hands. Wall Balls? Standard Wall Balls, weight is 20/14 - height is 10/9' This is the point where you need to start back at the top and figure out how you want to break all of your sets up from the beginning into a realistic format. Cleans, I know they say cleans, but you can power clean it. If you are new to cleaning from the floor, do a Hang Power Clean. Weight suggestions? If Rx'd is more than 70% of your should maybe think about scaling. and, drumroll. If you can't do muscle ups, guess what, today isn't the day you are going to start. The workout is set today for a competitive format, its kind of a "if you have it you have it, if you don't you don't" kinda day. Its not going to be 30 minutes of skill work on muscle ups. Because of the volume of pull ups yesterday, lets go ahead and say the scaling is ring dips for those that can perform them without a band, and if you can't, push ups. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 8.16.15"]Sunday 8.16.15 A. Snatch Heavy Single B. Snatch 24 Reps AFAP @ 55-65% C. For Time 100 Yard Plate Push 500m Row Notes: Still working toward some technical work as well as good touch and go Snatch work[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Open Gym People!

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Hey everyone, or at least anyone who frequents using open gym times. Which is somewhere in the area of 21 people or so. Just a reminder, we are starting to get pretty busy as the students are going to be back soon, please check the open gym times and make sure that if you are NOT doing a class, that you ONLY come in during open gym times, which you can find by clicking here. **Specifically note that there is no open gym from 5:00pm until 6:30pm on weekdays, and no open gym from 9:00am until 10:00am on Saturday, this has always been the rule but very loosely enforced. I'm not sure if anyone attending Open Gym has ever checked the Open Gym schedule. We have gotten to the point where we can no longer be flexible with these times. ** The only people allowed to train any time of the day are staff members, so if someone is in my employment here, that is one of their perks. It's very few and far between that you see CrossFit gyms offer extensive open gym times, the reason is that it is difficult to accommodate everyones individual programming they are doing, and still allow for multiple classes of decent size running parallel to that. Also, trying to run a class, let alone multiple classes, while shuffling assorted members around into different locations is a difficult thing to do. As we get busier, keep checking to the blog, we will be revamping the Open Gym program and expect to see some changes. Respect the rules and don't make us regret having open gym times. Also, your eligibility for open gym also depends on your experience as well, if there is something sketchy going on, you'll be asked to stop. This will be a three strikes and you are out kind of rule, if we consistently see you performing something sketchy, you need to get coached. We also love all of you! It's nothing personal, we are just getting incredibly busy and we want to keep managing a good experience in the classes. Thank you for taking the time to read this :) If you have any questions, just email, call or text me! -B


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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="What is it?"]What is it? A Welcome week... For Students... The name says it all. Welcome back students! Whether you are a returning CrossFitter, or new to CrossFit, this will be a good time for you to get back into the swing of things with our student welcome week. Come in for FREE from August 31st - September 6th for any of our scheduled CrossFit classes.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Who is Student Welcome week for?"]Who is Student Welcome week for? Anyone who has never been to CrossFit South Bend before, and is a student and all of your friends! Of course our returning CrossFitters are welcome to swing back in whenever they please. But this week is specially programmed with the intentions of keeping the movements to a relatively low level of skill and technique, which is perfect if you've never done CrossFit before. So who is the for? for anyone NEW to CrossFit and/or CrossFit South Bend![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="When is it?"]When is it? Monday August 31st through Sunday September 6th[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What classes can I attend?"]What classes can I attend? Any of our scheduled CROSSFIT classes. You can click here to check out our CrossFit Schedule[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Where is CrossFit South Bend?"]Where is CrossFit South Bend? Just click right here to head to the map! [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What are the workouts?"]What are the workouts? We haven't posted them yet, but we typically post the workouts on a Sunday, for the entire next week so you can take a look at them. Want to know what the workouts are ahead of time? click here to subscribe to our blog posts and the workouts will be sent through on Sunday August 30th.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What if I am not experienced?"]What if I am not experienced? Not experienced? haven't worked out in a while? No worries! All of the workouts will be scaled to your skill level. Just show up for classes and we will take care of the rest.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What if I already do CrossFit?"]What if I am already an experienced CrossFitter? Awesome, get in here and enjoy the student welcome week. Afterwards, you won't have to go through our Fundamentals program, you can jump right into classes.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What if I am a returning CrossFit South Bend member?"]What if I am a returning CrossFit South Bend member? It's nice to have you back, hope you had a great summer, now get to work! Just let us know you are back, and if you have to update any billing information and we will get you started back up.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="How do I continue at CrossFit South Bend after the welcome week?"]How do I continue at CrossFit South Bend after the welcome week? If you aren't an experienced CrossFitter, you'll start our Fundamentals Course, you can check out the details of the Fundamentals course right here. or If that schedule doesn't work with you and you want more personal attention, click here to check out our Accelerated Fundamentals IF you are an experienced CrossFitter, and what that means to us- is that you can perform the Olympic Lifts and Powerlifts when asked to- to our satisfaction, then you are okay to come into classes without any prior Fundamentals course :) Click here to contact us if you have any questions[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Have questions and want to contact us?"]Looking for prices? schedule? location? workouts? anything?! Click here to check it all out on our website. Have questions and want to contact us? Easy, drop us a line by clicking right here. [/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Bring a Friend Day @ Whole Foods!

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*BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND* CrossFit South Bend is teaming up with Whole Foods Market Mishawakafor another Bring A Friend Day event on Saturday, Aug. 22nd. Come in for a FREE CrossFit class at Whole Foods, learn about our CrossFit, Strength & Conditioning and Nutrition programs, meet new friends and an awesome community!
Both of our Saturday classes will be held at Whole Foods - so join us at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and BRING. ALL. YOUR. FRIENDS. Click here to contact us if you have questions

Free Whole Foods Grocery Tour with CrossFit South Bend

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Hi everyone, On Tuesday August 25th from 6-7:30pm Robby Gustin from CrossFit South Bend will be doing a Paleo grocery store tour at Whole Foods. It will be about an hour long, and it will involve tasting some Paleo foods along the tour and answering as many questions as you may have! If you are new to Paleo, this is for you. There will be a sign up sheet in the gym for those who are interested in signing up, if you aren’t a member…Just show up at Whole Foods! Hope to see you there


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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Here are the winners fro the Summer Cinema Series! Doug B Bryan K and Justin L! (who needs to come get his gift card!) Thanks for playing everyone![/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="12682" title="Bryan K"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="12681" title="Doug B"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="12684" title="Justin L"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Jump Ropes

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Hey everyone, We've gotten a lot of new cords for our Jump Ropes, replaced a few, and now are back to about 23 Jump ropes. But before you get in there...a few things. 1. The yellow taped ones are Long, the Red ones are short. 2. Don't take them outside, period. Being on the concrete outside tears them up in short order. 3. Don't readjust them for your height. If you want to do that, buy your own jump rope. Thats it, now go whip yourselves with the jump rope.