CrossFit Wods 3.7.16 – 3.13.16 **Week 5 of 9**

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="CFSB Stuff" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]CFSB Stuff CFSB Nutrition - Whats in my fridge? Second FNL Wrap Up, Prize Winner, Spirit Award, Scoring, another thank you. Friday Night Lights Pictures - Click here to check out the pictures from last FNL – Also, give Gopi some love for taking the pictures at BlueKrishna Photography by clicking here[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 3.7.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 3.7.16 A. 15 minutes to find a heavy 1 1/4 Back Squat B. For Time - Teams of 3-5 Conga Line Format 40/30 Calorie Row (Male 40, Female 30) 30 American Kettlebell Swings 55/35 20 Bench Press 135/85 20 Burpees Score is time.
  Notes: Squats: Pull your ego back on the squats, keep the 1 1/4 squats clean and fast. Ideally these are full depth, then up to parallel, then back to full depth. If you have issues with full depth, perform them parallel, up to power position, parallel, up. Wod: Typical conga line format, you can't step forward to perform reps until the person ahead of you is finished. With the Bench Press, I'd like for there to be a spotter, so if you finished, or are last in line, spot your team mates, and use an intelligent weight for the bench. 75-85% is a challenging range of your max to look at for this, although you may want to stick on the lower end if you are more prone to fatigue.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 3.8.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 3.8.16 A. Snatch Warm Up and Skill Work - Coaches Choice B. Every minute on the minute for 18 minutes Minute 1 - Snatch x 2 *You may power snatch these, or full snatch them if flexibility allows Minute 2  - Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups Minute 3 - 6 Box Jumps 30/24 Two scores - heaviest snatch weight, and total number of pull ups.
Notes: Snatch can be full or power, whatever you feel you need work on the most. You can also build on these OR start heavy and stay heavy, lets take the heaviest weight lifted for the score. Bands can be used in the pull ups Don't be a dumbass for the box jumps[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 3.9.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 3.9.16 A. Beat the team series #11 from Again Faster: For time: 200 Double Unders 9000#/7000# of Deadlifts 75 Barbell Thrusters (45#) Score is time
  Deadlifts: Weight on deadlift bar will determine # of reps. If weight isn’t an even multiple of the 9000#/7000#, athlete will round up. For example, if you choose to complete the 9000# with 185# (9000/185=48.6), you’ll complete 49 reps. Once workout begins, deadlift weight must remain the same. If you need to scale this workout, your weight selection can be 7000 male /5000 female, 100 double unders Reps can be partitioned as the athlete wishes, but you only get one bar. Score is time...but try to scale so that you finish within 20 minutes.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 3.10.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 3.10.16 A. 15 Minutes to establish a Snatch Push Press x 3 B. 20 Minute amrap Teams of 2 - one person working at a time 30 Kettlebell Snatches 55/35 30 Burpees over Partner 30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Note: Not too good a descending the bar to your back? stay light and work the position. Horrible flexibility? today you'll perform a Push Press x 3 instead. Wod: I'll allow any modification for the pull ups, jumping, ring row, banded. This is coaches choice. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 3.11.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 3.11.16 A. Clean / Hang Power Clean Skill Work - Coaches Choice B. Every minute on the minute for 18 minutes Minute 1 - Hang Power Clean x 3 Minute 2  - 10 Wall Balls 30/20 Minute 3 - 1-2 Rope Climbs
  Notes: Hang Power Clean, you can build, or you can start heavy and stay heavy. We will track heaviest load on the board afterwards. Rope Climbs: either you have them or you don't today, prep your legs and if you didn't wear protection or can't perform rope climbs perform 3-5 rope lowers.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 3.12.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 3.12.16 A. For Time 22.16.10 10 Yard Shuttles Ring Dips Rest 5 minutes then perform... 500m Row 50 Double Unders Score is total time
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 3.13.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]3.13.16 A. 15 minutes to work to a heavy thruster single B. Max Thrusters @ 115/85 in 8 minutes at the 0, 2, 4, 6 minute marks, you must stop and perform 20 box jumps 24/20 Score is number of thrusters
  Notes: Yep, exactly what it sounds like.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Second FNL Wrap Up, Prize Winner, Spirit Award, Scoring, another thank you.

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  Thank you again everyone, all of our volunteers that helped judge through the night, it couldn't run smoothly without you! Okay, here we are! PRIZE: Maura! you won, shoot me an email to claim your $20 Rogue Card! you won the random drawing. SPIRIT AWARD: I had 3 judges this time for the spirit award, Chet's team got it this week! SCORING: There will be scoring put out on Tuesday once all of the scores have been submitted! Also, DON’T FORGET TO LOG IN TO YOUR CROSSFIT OPEN ACCOUNT AND PUT YOUR SCORES IN BEFORE THE MONDAY 8PM DEADLINE! VOLUNTEERS: I will be putting out an all call on Friday for more volunteers, as we will be able to run more competitors (hopefully) with the next event at a time. So if you would like to be a judge and help out, just wait for that post when I get the details. PHOTOS: Gopi – Owner of Bluekrishna Photography was out taking pictures of everyone, he will be out for each of the Friday Night Lights. Do us a favor – head over to his Facebook by clicking here and liking his Facebook page! He does amazing work by the way! Each Friday I will be posting the pictures from the prior Friday, so just look to that!

Saturday 3-5-16

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Warm-up: OH squat mobility 
  • Cat/cow - hands far/near
  • Cow-->child's pose
  • Elbow reach
  • Knee to wall
  • Scorpions
A.  Pause clean - 3RM in 20min, then 5x1 at 3RM weight but normal speed B.  OHS - heavy single, then 3x2 pause OHS @75% of today's max C1. 3x8 ball slam-reverse toss C2. 3x16 KB windmills (8 each arm each round)


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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]Everyone come in tonight to cheer on our Athletes!  Thoughts and Strategy: If you want to get in on some thoughts and strategy for this - come in at 4:00 where we will be going over gaming, strategy, equipment, etc. Pictures from last Friday Night Lights: Click here to check out the pictures from last FNL - Also, give Gopi some love for taking the pictures at BlueKrishna Photography by clicking here Volunteers:  Since they allow people to help with plate changes on this one, it would be super helpful if we could get a bunch of volunteers for tonight to help with the athletes!  Tentative Schedule: You get sorted into heats AS YOU ARRIVE - This also depends on how many people we have that will judge, volunteers, how many people arrive late, how long people stretch out the scaled wod. But here is an ideal tentative schedule. 4:00pm - 5:00 Skills and Gaming Talk 5:00pm - 5:30 Heat sorting, Warm Ups, Standards Talk 5:30pm - 5:42pm: Heat 1 (8 people) 5:42pm - 6:00pm: Plate Changes and Transition 6:00pm - 6:12pm: Heat 2 (8 People) 6:12pm - 6:20pm:  Plate Changes and Transition 6:20pm - 6:32pm: Heat 3 (8 people) 6:32pm - 6:40pm: Plate Changes and Transitions 6:40pm - 6:52pm: Heat 4 (8 people) 6:52pm - 7:00pm: Plate changes and transitions 7:00pm - 7:12pm: Heat 5 (8 people) Warming Up: The stock warm up should take anywhere around 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on how prepared you generally are. Teams: Bri's Knees MaCHETe Betsy's Babes CrossFit Cobra Kai[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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Hey all, just a quick heads up, the next wod is released tonight at about 8:00pm! After that, I will assess per the workout's equipment and space demands and ask for possible judges/volunteers along with releasing a tentative schedule. If you are interested, post that you are interested in helping along with your answer to this weeks Gift Card Game. Want to try to win something? for doing something super easy? Get in on our weekly guessing game! Prize: $20 Rogue Gift Card When does it start: The guessing is officially open as soon as this post goes up. So, now! When does it end: You can guess until 7:30pm TONIGHT. Who can guess: Any current or past members of CrossFit South Bend! Shout out to all of the CFSB Alumnus. How do you get in on the action: To get your guess in, all you have to do is post to the comments section of THIS POST. What you are going to post: You must enter both… 1. The movement(s) that you think will be released in tonight’s wod. 2. Time domain: This will be the tie breaker, you may guess the same as another person, but if you have the closest time domain, you win. You may also guess that the workout will be open ended. If two people accidentally guess the same movements and time domains, it will go to the person who posted it first. Winner goes to the person that gets the movements correct this week.   What if no one wins? We will have a random drawing on Friday Night for it!   So, the comments section should look like this. Brandon: Thrusters and Burpees – open ended. Savannah: Pull Ups and Box Jumps – 5 minutes Emily C: Pull Ups and box jumps – 7 minutes. Carl: Thrusters – 4 minutes Amy: Cat Stuff – Open ended Robby: Sitting – 35 minutes   You get the idea   How many Guesses?   You must post ONLY ONE GUESS PER EACH PERSON Ready, 3…2…1…Go!  

Wednesday 3-2-16

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Warm-up: hip circle/pull aparts, frog hops A.  20min EMOM of: odd - 1 snatch at 70-80% of 1RM, even - 8 American KB swings B.  3 back squats + 1 BTN jerk - find a heavy but pretty set in 20min C.  8:00 abs! 2 rounds, 1:00 per movement of T-tilts, reverse crunches, plank hold (add weight if you want) and v-ups!