What’s in my fridge?

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What's in my fridge?-CFSB Wellness Wednesday I have a lot of people ask me what I buy on a weekly basis so I decided to do a video tour of my fridge to talk about what I usually get. In this video, I'll talk about the foods I typically eat on a weekly basis, where I buy them, and how to cook them. For anyone who thinks a Paleo diet is just ribeyes and bacon, you'll notice that the overwhelming majority of my fridge is actually plant foods, specifically vegetables. Many people think Paleo is just all meat and saturated fat, but nothing could be further from the truth. Paleo is a real whole food way of eating that emphasizes nutrient density and minimizing toxins, and plant foods are a huge part of that. [Note: I don't have any financial or business ties to any of the products I mentioned. These just happen to be products I like to buy on a weekly basis] Short on time? Check out the 90-second preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHI0vFdGRmk

Penn Rugby 2015 Spring Break Workouts

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Workout 1

10x 10 yard Sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute 10x 20 yard Sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute 6 x 50 yard Sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute

Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 10.55.18 AM Workout 2

8x 5-10-5 shuttle (rest 45 seconds between sprints) 3 minute break 8x 5-10-5 shuttle (rest 45 seconds between sprints)

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 1.13.08 PMWorkout 3

Change of Direction Box (sprint, bear crawl, back pedal, bear crawl) 10x shuttle (rest 45 seconds between sprints) 3 minute break 10x shuttle (rest 45 seconds between sprints)

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 9.46.26 AMWorkout 4

8x T Drill (rest 45 seconds between sprints) 3 minute break 8x T Drill (rest 45 seconds between sprints)

Workout 5

Get Up Sprints 10x 10 yard sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute 9x 20 yard sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute 8x 30 yard sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute 4x 100 yards sprints (rest 30 seconds between sprints) Rest 1 minute *** Get-up sprints are started with your chest flat on the ground; get to your feet as fast as possible and explode out into your sprint.

16.1 Recap & Scoring

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]16.1 is in the books everyone! and the scoring is finished. A few of you forgot to put your scores in, no worries, even though you won't be able to get placed for scoring in the open, you are still in the running for the intramural open! [/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/4"][text_output]Top Female Scores Rx'd Keega Rambadt Amy Vandyck Carmella Vizza [/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/4"][text_output]Top Male Scores Rx'd Brandon John Mateu Mitch [/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/4"][text_output]Top Female Scores Scaled Kate Bowers Natalie Norris Christa Crawford [/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/4"][text_output] Top Male Scores Scaled Keith Jacoby Jim Baker Brian North [/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/2"][text_output]Click here for spreadsheet of team standings 1st - Team Neri "CrossFit Cobra Kai" 2nd - Team Betsy "Betsy's Babes" 3rd - Team Chet "MaCHETe" 4th - Team Bri "The Bri's Knees"   [/text_output][text_output]SPIRIT AWARD: Neri's team won the spirit award this week, nice job on the +5 guys! PRIZE: Lauren B won the Rogue Gift Card this week![/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/2"][vc_raw_html]JTNDaWZyYW1lJTIwc3JjJTNEJTIyaHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRmdhbWVzLmNyb3NzZml0LmNvbSUyRmxib2FyZHMlMkZkaXNwbGF5TGVhZGVyQm9hcmQlM0ZpZCUzRDEwNTM3OTYlMjZudW1iZXJwZXJwYWdlJTNEMTAlMjZwYWdlJTNEMSUyMiUyMHdpZHRoJTNEJTIyMjUwcHglMjIlMjBoZWlnaHQlM0QlMjI0MDBweCUyMiUyMHNjcm9sbGluZyUzRCUyMm5vJTIyJTIwc3R5bGUlM0QlMjJvdmVyZmxvdyUzQSUyMGhpZGRlbiUzQiUyMGJvcmRlciUzQSUyMG5vbmUlM0IlMjIlM0UlM0MlMkZpZnJhbWUlM0U=[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row]