Wednesday 2.25.15

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A. 3x10 Squat, are done from racks 3x13 Deficit Push Ups, ideally using paralletes 3x13 Ring Rows 3x10 Single Arm Kettbell RDL 3x10 Thruster, pulled from ground 3x13 Toes To Bar 3x10 Straight Bar Curls 3x13 Banded Tricep Extensions Notes: This is the last week of this Circuit. We have been building to this day for the last 8 weeks. You are to go for broke on this. There shouldn't be anything left. What if you can't get all 10 reps in the a row and have to break it up? Then break it up. Do as many reps as you can, rack it or drop down and then get back in. Just do what you have to, to get through the work out. Reflecting on the workout after completion should go something like this. 

Tuesday 2.24.15

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A. Every 90 seconds for 10 Rounds (15 minutes total) 1 Power Snatch Note: Warm up to a heavy weight prior to starting the workout. the weight that you will pick is something heavy, but you can consistently hit for all 10 snatches. Ideally the set are all done at the same weight but I don't mind seeing minor changes up and down for this. For those of you doing the Open, this is a good place for you to figure out what you are capable of consistently hitting in the Snatch, that way you can work off of a percentage of these numbers if it comes up in a wod. B. 6 Min Ladder 3 Ground to Overhead 95/65 3 Chest to Bar 6 Ground to Overhead 95/65 6 Chest to Bar Note: If you are doing the open, don't be afraid to push it on this, but not to the point of ripping your hand, so be careful. Work on which method is best (Snatch, C&J) for you to get the weight overhead. Try to start gaming these workouts and figure out your pace.

Crossfit Open Validation Schedule

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="11165"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][text_output]Hey everyone who is doing the CrossFit Open! We have set the validation schedule, along with some other information you may want to know about getting your scores validated. Here it is below. ***Validation Schedule*** Thursday  Wod is released at 8:oopm each week, there will be no validation times available on Thursday night Friday  8:00am - 9:00am 10:00am - 11:00am Saturday "GAME DAY" - We will have a photographer out on Saturday's to take badass pictures of everyone, every Saturday for the next 5 weeks, the wod of the day will be the CrossFit Open Wod for that week. 9:00am - 10:00am 11:00am - 12:00pm 12:00pm - 1:00pm (open only to people who have signed up for the open) Sunday No Validation times available Monday 12:00pm - 1:00pm 3:00pm - 4:00pm For times that aren't listed below:  So, each and every year we put our validation schedule for when our coaches are most definitely available for validating wods for free. Each and every year we have a few people that would prefer to get validated either alone, or on a separate time. If you would like to pay a coach to come in on an off time between Thursday night and Monday night, you are more than welcome, a validation fee is $10 on an off time to get validated.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="11169"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]If you are competing in the open and want the best results out of your workout, I suggest pulling back a bit of your volume through the week. Meaning, dialing the intensity down throughout the week to “peak” on the particular day you intend on competing. Below is one example on how to prepare your week depending on the level you train at, this would be for our general population of members. You can spin this a lot of different ways depending on your lifestyle and training level. Competing on a Saturday Monday: Active Rest day Tuesday: Wod@ 80% effort Wednesday: Wod@ 60% effort Thursday: Wod@ 50% effort Friday: Active rest day: Skill work, foam rolling, mobility work, planning your workout strategy, making sure you have all the necessary items for the workout i.e. not trying to put together a tape wrap 5 minutes before the workout starts. Perhaps hitting a few rounds of the workout and timing them to find your pacing for the next day, come up with a plan A and B for your wod. Check your gear, test your gear on the wod. Strategy Strategy Strategy, warm up as if you are about to perform the workout, then stop. Saturday: Competition Day 100% Effort Sunday: Wod @ 50 – 60% effort, Active recovery work, foam rolling, mobility work. Our Programming Our Programming will reflect that we are going through some competitive weeks to a point, it is up to you to monitor your recovery and volume, we are also programming for people who are training through the open and not peaking for it, but being weary of programming in too much volume lifting that may interfere with your ability to perform on the weekend.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="11173"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Here at CFSB we pride ourselves in the higher standards we hold ourselves to. Keep it that way. There is a lot of ugly stuff out there, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, worry about what YOU are doing, both in judging and performing the movement. Judges: Don’t do favors by counting repetitions that are not legitimate repetitions. If we catch this we will pull away your ability to be a judge. As a Competitor: If you don’t want to get no repped, don’t leave anything to chance. We will be EXTREMELY THOROUGH IN OUR EXPLANATION OF THE STANDARDS. Just as long as you keep to the standards, we will not have a problem. If you would like to take the judges course (it costs $10 and is not mandatory) but it would help SAFETY Okay…going back to our prior comments about judging. If there is a gray area within the standards, I will allow it to be used. Technique or skill, as long as it has not been disallowed online by the judging standards. I will not allow anything that will put anyone at CFSB in jeopardy. meaning, in they open they allow some pretty sketchy standards of movements, press outs on snatches, press outs on jerks and what not.  We encourage that it doesn’t happen, but according to CF open movement standards it is allowed, that is fine. If we see anything causing you harm, we will stop you immediately. But please, keep your paper towels at home[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="11176"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Again, not sure what they are going to throw at us for this year's open. But, you can look at all of the wods since 2011 online to see, its generally the same stuff...but they threaten on the judges course with a lot of different movements and now that they have introduced an open ended workout. Who knows what they will throw in this year. These include the moments that have been performed, along with things threatened in the Judges course. Could be, but not limited to... Double Unders Box Jumps Muscle Ups Bar Muscle Ups Burpees Push Ups Toes to Bar Ring Dips Chest to Bar Pull Ups Knees to Elbows Pistols Air Squat Box Jump Overs Burpee Muscle Ups Rowing Shuttle Sprints Barbell Deadlift Sumo Deadlift High Pull **KB and Bar Shoulder to Overhead Press Push Press Push Jerk Overhead Squat Front Squat Thruster Snatch *** Full, Hang Full, Hang Power, Power, Complex Clean ***Full, Hang Full, Hang Power, Power, Complex Back Squat Wall Ball Kettlebell Snatch Kettlebell Swing[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="11179"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]For more information on What the CrossFit Open is Is it for everyone? What division will you fall in? How do you register? and wanting Skill practice Click here to check out a recent post I did on all of the above topics![/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tuesday, 2.24.15

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Deadlift 1x5 (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Rack Pull 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 *Collegiate work up to a heavy set of 5 and continue to add weight finding your heaviest triple.


Complete 4 rounds:

50 yard DB Farmer Carry – AHAP Rest as needed 100 yard Shuttle Run Rest as needed

*For the 100 yard shuttle, sprint 25 yards out and back twice, alternating change of direction each round.


Complete for time:

Strict Pull Ups – 50 reps

Monday, 2.23.15

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Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Front Squat 3 RM, 1 x max reps at 90% of 3 RM


Complete 5 rounds.

Push Press – 3 reps Barbell Thrusters – 6 reps Rest 30 seconds Row 30 seconds – max calories Rest 60 seconds

*Use 80% bodyweight for push press and barbell thruster.

Monday 2-23-15

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It's the start of a new cycle! Get pumped! Like we discussed Saturday, this is a strength by feel cycle. All of the 5RMs, 3RMs, etc that we do are intended to be technical rep maxes. Meaning if you press out on a snatch or jerk, it doesn't count. Keep yourself honest on these guys and I think we will see a lot of technical progress. Try not to get caught up in the numbers this time around! I want to see some good lookin' lifts. A) 20min to find Power snatch - 5RM B) Front squat - 5RM. Then 2x5@90% of today's 5RM C) 4 rounds, unbroken sets, minimal rest 12 T-tilts (L+R=1) (45/33) 12 kb swings (55/35, American) 12 push-ups

Get signed up for the CFO today! before its too late!

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Hey everyone! Just an update, we are getting some of our validation times ready for the Open workouts, we will be releasing them soon. Post any questions to comments here and we will make sure we get them answered. Make sure if you haven't signed up, that you sign up now by clicking here  Priority for judges, equipment, and heats will go to the people that sign up for the open on our team thus far here. Still on the fence about signing up? not sure if its for you? click here to read more :)