Bring A Friend Day Saturday 8.23.14

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Bring a Friend Day! Bring as many people as you want. Even if you don't know anyone here, just swing in for a workout :) Everyone is invited. A. 5 Rounds  3 Min AMRAP 7 Russian KB Swings 70/55 7 Push Ups 7 Air Squats Rest 1 Minute *** Partner 1 will do a full round then tag in Partner 2. Go back and forth till the 3 minutes is up. Each following round will be picked up where the team left off

Friday 8.22.14

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Crossfit Team Series - We have a few teams that will be having some fun with this starting August 28th. This is a competition held in house - just like the open, but for teams! Click here and register a team to get in on the action!  A. 5 Overhead Squat Every 2:30 for 20 minutes (8 sets) Build to a heavy 5 over the 8 sets B. 5 Rounds for time Bear Crawl 20 Yards (10 yards out, 10 yards back) 5 Power Cleans 155/105 10 Bar Over Burpees 12 minute cap  

Wednesday 8-20-14

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Mobility: 8min work each side(!) on front/back of shoulder w/ lax ball - really crunch on these, guys! A) Jerk - 2x1@65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, etc until form breaks down (I.e. Your split is shortened, you fail the lift, you press out, etc). When you get to that weight, stop moving up and hit 3 GREAT jerks at that weight, not to exceed 6 attempts. Try having your partner video you on these today so you can see what the faults/successes are! B) weighted OH duck walks - 4 steps forward, 4 steps back - 4 sets @ 60% of 1RM C) 12min EMOM: Min 1: 4 single leg squats each leg (standing on box with opposite leg hanging down off the side) Min 2: 30sec plank hold w/ feet jump outs Min 3: 8 barbell rows (fast up, 3sec down) @ 53/75