Wednesday 8.27.14

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Check out Lexi and Zach at www.wanderwod.wordpress.comĀ 


3-5 Rounds

30 Second Jimmy Buffets

10 Scap Pull Ups

10 Seated Revere Shrugs


5 Rounds

30 Second Iso Chin Up hold

30 Seconds of Push Ups

10 Kelso Shrugs RT/LT


4 Min to complete

400m Run

Max Single Arm Kettlebell Swing with the time remaining

4 Min to complete

400m Run

Max Lateral Burpees over a Parallete in the time remaining

A big thank you

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[gallery ids="9436,9437,9438"] I just wanted to put a big thank you out to Amy and the rest of the gang that helped do all of the work while we were gone in Tennessee. A bunch of the little things that were on my todo list, and a whole lot more! new bathroom flooring, chalkboard paint in the bathroom (yes, you can draw anywhere in there now) and a bunch of other fix it things. Thank you everyone (you know who you are) for your hard work and kindness :) We love you guys!

Tuesday 8.26.14

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Guess who is coming back?! Carm! Back from Alaska! A. Double Under Practice B. 5 Rounds Every 2:30 perform 2 Power Snatches with 2 second pause in the catch Build per each round Note: This is emphasis on getting under the bar and making sure things stay fast and technical. Keep it that way. C. Teams of 2 10 Rounds 7 Deadlifts 275/185 5 Box Jumps 30/24" Note: Partner 1 does a round, partner 2 does a round, until you have completed 10 rounds total (5 rounds each) [gallery type="slideshow" ids="9422,9421,9420,9418"]

Monday 8-25-14

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Happy Birthday, Kat!!! Seriously, August is almost over. Who is game for another mobility month? Making it more of a regular part of our routine? Sound off on here or on the Facebook page. I'm open to suggestions! A) 3-position snatch DL + hang power snatch - 5x2@75% of 1RM B) Front squat - Every 2:00 for 8 rounds - 3 front squats @ 75-80% of 1RM (these are supposed to be heavy!) C) Partner WOD! For time: 50 T2B (partner 1 works while partner 2 holds a wall sit, switch as needed until both partners complete 50 reps) 40 lunges (opposite partner holds the top of a push-up) 30 single leg bridge-ups (opposite partner holds a dead bug)