Monday 7-28-14

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A) Snatch 2x2@65% 2x2@75% 2x2@85% 2x1@90% B) Snatch PP + snatch balance - 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 -- start at 60% of snatch, increase only as long as you can safely deload the push press back to your back, not to exceed 75% of snatch C) Partner WOD (1 person working at a time - except for the sit-ups) 100 KB front squats (racked position) 55/35 80 push press 45/33 60 med ball sit-up passes (you all saw Caitlin's group doing these last week!) 40 cal row 20 burpees **15min cap

Fundamentals Class Graduation Saturday 7.26.14

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A. Teams of 2 750m Row, work can only be done while your partner is holding a kettle bell in the front rack position 70/55, as soon as your partner drops the kettle bell, you must stop rowing 50 Burpees, work can only be done while your partner is holding a plate (45/35) in the locked out overhead position, once your partner sets his or her plate down, you must stop doing burpees 50 Thrusters 95/65, work can only be done while your partner is in the pillar position, if your partner breaks the pillar position, you must stop doing thrusters