Tuesday, 06.03.14

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Local butcher got duck eggs in last week. These things are huge!


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Hang Power Snatch 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2


Complete 5 rounds for time: Sprint 100 yards 2 pood One Arm KB Power Snatch RT – 6 reps 2 pood One Arm KB Power Snatch LT – 6 reps Pull Ups – 12 reps

Tuesday 6.3.14

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*Program Notes: This is a transition week.  We will back off some of the heavy stuff and work in some sessions that are less typical for our program. Stick with the program, understand that transition weeks are designed to give you the the recovery to excel in the next cycle, and resist the urge to add in extra work. I shouldn't have to impress upon you the importance of an occasional deload week. Google It. The next cycle begins on Monday, June 9. Then we will get back to building up your foundational strength and aerobic base, and be ready to set some new PRs in the next 9 week block. We program with goals in mind for the athlete that is following out program 3-5 times a week. If you are doing your own thing half of the time or cherry picking workouts then when it comes time to test, do not expect the results that come with following a program regularly. A. Every 30 Seconds for 15 minutes 1 Deadlift @ 65-75% of Deadlift 5rm *Focus here is speed, if you are moving the bar slow, take weight off B. 8 Rounds (24 total minutes) Minute 1: 8-10 Russian KB Swings 55/35 Minute 2: 5 Burpees, each burpee is concluded with a vertical jump as high as possible Minute 3: 6-8 Hang Cleans @ Barbell


Head over to our news and events page to see whats going on at CFSB! 

 5 cool ways to trick your brain - ifls man films being struck by lightning - ifls

June On Ramp Starts Tomorrow!

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Hey! Our June On Ramp begins tomorrow, we have a few spots left if anyone wants to get in! Here are some of the details below How to get a spot? Click here to send me an email to get a spot (just say, hey! I want a spot! in the email subject line) The Dates: Tuesday June 3rd - first class and start date Bring a Friend Day June 4th! Thursday June 5th Saturday June 7th Tuesday June 10th Thursday June 12th Saturday June 14th Tuesday June 17th Thursday June 19th Saturday June 21st Bring A friend day June 21st! Tuesday June 24th Thursday June 26th Saturday June 28th Class Times: Tuesday 8:30am OR 6:30pm Thursday 8:30am OR 6:30pm Saturday 10:00am Other Details: If you will be missing an On Ramp class, no worries, we can do some make up work to catch you up. Try not to miss as many as you can though because each one builds on the prior class. But if you have to, just email Brandon@crossfitsouthbend.com and we will get it organized for a makeup during the on ramp. Signing Up: The first week, (in red) is free! We want people to give CrossFit a good honest try before they decide whether or not it is for them. After that first week from the 3rd - 7th. If you decide its for you, you can sign up on the Tuesday the 10th to continue your On Ramp, your membership would be recurring on the 10th of the month from there! unless you need it to be a different billing date, with which we can definitely accommodate. Questions about anything: If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. Any of us, our office and inboxes are always open![/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]