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Is Fruit Healthy?

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Put simply, yes fruit is healthy. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when eating fruit.

-Fruits and vegetables are not on the same nutritional playing field. You could go the rest of your life without eating another piece of fruit and as long as were eating quality protein, vegetables, and healthy fats you most likely would not be nutrient deficient.

-However, if you never had another vegetable you would almost certainly be nutrient deficient.

-Generally, you should eat your fruit instead of drinking it. In other words, an orange is a lot healthier than a glass of orange juice.

-Fruit works best as a finisher to a meal or a snack rather than as a full-on meal especially when it comes to breakfast.

-It’s a good idea to prioritize lower glycemic (i.e., lower sugar) fruits like berries when having fruit.

-Ideally try to buy apples, grapes, and berries organic since they tend to have the most pesticides and you eat the skin directly whereas you don’t need to worry quite as much about buying orange, bananas, and pineapples organic.