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MONDAY, 09.23.13

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You guys are awesome we are already within $200 our $1000 goal! If you haven’t joined the team yet you can do so by clicking on the orange button on the right hand part of your screen.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs)
Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs)


Death by Pull Up
1 pull up the first minute, two pull ups the second minute, three pull ups the third minute and so on…until you can not complete the number of pull ups requried during the minute.
*you can do strict, you can do kipping, mixed grip

THURSDAY, 09.19.13

By: 0


To follow up on last Friday’s post about failing to maintain posture and position throughout a set, I wanted to do a little post on recording yourself lifting. As someone who regularly, for better or worse, is his own coach recording my lifts play a huge development in my lifts. Recording your lifts can serve many purposes.

First, I can’t count how many times after watching a lift I thought to myself, “Hmm didn’t realize I was doing that.” The same goes when I record others and people have the same reaction; “I didn’t know my knees were collapsing in”, “I wasn’t reaching full depth”, “my back was rounding”, etc. Sometimes what we think is happening and what is actually happening can be very different. When I played football in high school and we would watch game film I always remember the coaches say, “The eye in the sky doesn’t lie.” The same goes with the recording of a lift.

Another reason I really like recording my lifts is it is a great way to slow down some of the faster movements like the Oly lifts. Through this you can truly ask, “am I bending my arms early”, “jumping to soon”, “not reaching full extension”, etc. It really is an invaluable tool to be using.

Another thing I like to use recordings for is to see how the bar speed is. There have been plenty of times I have been warming up in squats or deadlifts and thought to myself “that was pretty slow or felt heavy.” I go back and watch the video and come to find out the bar speed was faster then I thought. This serves as a bit of a confidence booster for me for the next lift or to add more weight.

Unlike me, you guys do have me to watch over you and give you corrections. However, I am not always able to watch every rep. Also it’s good practice to see and understand what you are doing and how to correct the issue. You can also show me the video and say, “What do you think of this.”

The best app out there in my opinion is Coaches Eye. You can take really good quality videos, watch videos frame by frame (comes in handy for the Oly lifts, and sprint work), draw lines, also do voice recordings over videos. It has a lot of nifty features. Give it a shot, and see what you think about it.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3×5 (2.5 lbs to last workout)


Complete 6 rounds:
25 lbs Weighted Pull Up – Max Reps
180 lbs Prowler Push – 25 yards

TUESDAY, 09.17.13

By: 0


I was typing up a Wade’s Army post when I ran across Crossfit Balboa’s (aka CFFB HQ) write up on it. They put how I feel better then I could have on my own.

I posted about Wade’s Wings on Monday however I thought it necessary to post again. I do not yet have children in this world, however, what I do know is that I could not ever imagine raising a child through the hardships of any sort of pediatric disease, let alone watching helplessly as your flesh and blood falls victim. Please let me refresh your memory and help us reach our goal for bringing both awareness and financial aid to those dealing with Neuroblastoma.

Let PAHQ tell you about both Wade and his fight.

“On November 12, 2011, a brave young boy, Wade DeBruin, lost his fight to the little known, yet most common pediatric cancer, Neuroblastoma. This is a cancer that forms in the Sympathetic Nervous System and is extremely difficult to treat. Neuroblastoma affects nearly twice as many babies as leukemia a year, yet there is little being done about the cancer. ”

Why is this charity so important to us. First, its simple these countless children need all the help they can get. Cancer research can only continue as long as there is support. Now why Wade’s Wings, this is simple. My boss and close friend’s wife, Kate grew up with Wade’s mother. As John and Kate welcomed their two beautiful young twin girls into this world Kate’s childhood friend was ushering her son into the heavens.

We have set up a team to utilize the CrossFit Balboan Community and infrastructure to join in the WADE’S ARMY cause, in order to change this and continue Wade’s fight and support his charity; Wade’s Wings.

On November 12, 2013 CrossFit Balboa will be participating in a workout to celebrate Wade’s life, and will be raising money to help fund research to put an end to Neuroblastoma and support the families affected. This is an incredibly unforgiving disease that no child or family should suffer though. Please support our campaign with WADE’S ARMY’s, and help us achieve our fundraising goal by November 12th. Please share with those around you.

Thank you in advance for your generosity! Every donation above $30 gets a commerotive t-shirt and beef jerky.

Join our Team!


On the minute
Sprint 110 yards on the minute for 9 minutes.


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
Supine Ring Pull ups 3 x max reps