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Tuesday, 11.11.14

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The See-Saw Walks is more then just an awkward warm up movement that you think I put you through for my own enjoyment. The See-Saw Walk has a multiple purposes. (1) It is a great way to build your kinesthetic awareness. Which, is the body’s ability to coordinate motion, and the body’s awareness of where it is in time and space. (2) The other purpose is serves is reinforcing the Athletic position. If you look at Tex’s position in both the See-Saw Walk and the Athletic position we can see that they are identical. His hips are pushed back and has relatively vertical shins. The See-Saw Walk is essentially a single leg version of the Athletic Position. (3) Through this reinforcement of the Athletic position it is teaching you to eccentrically load your Hamstrings and while stabilizing your hips. In doing this we teach you how to operate upon contact with a surface, effectively training you how to land. Think broad jump, box jump, athletic burpee, power clean, the list goes on. Next time we do See-Saw Walks just remember there is more to them then the awkwardness/difficulty of executing them.


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Hang Power Clean 5, 5, 5, 5
*** You can drop the weight in-between reps. I don’t want your grip to be your limiting factor in your ability to create violent extension, while loading maximally.


Complete 5 rounds:

55/35 lbs Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans – 10 reps
Strict Pull Ups – 5 reps
Sprint 60 yard shuttle

*For shuttle run, sprint 30 yards, touch and sprint back 30 yards.

Monday, 11.10.14

By: 0



Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Front Squat 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Close Grip Bench 5×3 @ 90% of 5 RM from Thursday


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
135/95 lbs Push Presses – 7 reps
Push Ups – 7 reps
20″ Box Jumps – 7 reps

Thursday, 07.10.14

By: 0



Three (3) 300 yard Shuttle Runs

Rest 5 minutes between efforts.

*Six (6) 50 yard shuttles
To Pass Conditioning Test:
*less than 200 lbs – 60 seconds and below
*200 lbs-250 lbs – 65 seconds and below
*greater than 250 lbs – 70 seconds and below


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Front Squat 8×3 @ 75% of final set of 5 from last Thursday
Bench Press 5 RM

Tuesday, 07.08.14

By: 0

Image 14


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Hang Power Clean 5×3 @ 85% of 1 RM from last Tuesday


“Quarter Gone Bad”
5 rounds for total reps of:
135/95 pound Thrusters, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds