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Mindfulness Mondays: Creating Positive Change That Lasts

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Have you ever tried to stop a moving train? I wouldn’t recommend it. Once it’s on the tracks and moving, it’s pretty hard to stop. Life can feel a lot like that moving train. You’re on the tracks, and everything is moving quickly…destined to continue as it is now. This mental model makes sense to a certain degree...Your life does have movement to it. You create routines around work, activities, and spending time with other people. These routines and habits keep you moving in a certain direction. Life can feel like that train, destined to keep moving as it is. Hard to stop, or change tracks. This isn’t an issue when you’re feeling happy and fulfilled. But when you feel like your life isn’t going in the direction you'd like, it’s a major issue. Fortunately, your life isn’t an unstoppable train. It’s flexible and adaptable, and can change quite rapidly.

Change Can Happen to You

Sometimes an external force comes and knocks you off the tracks. Growing up, this happened all the time. Every semester, you took new classes. Each year, you went up a grade. Change was built into the system, and you reacted to it. But in the working world, it’s not the same. There is no “system” to continue shaking things up. Nobody’s going to tell you what to do next. Sure, you might get transferred to a new team. Or your girlfriend could break up with you. But there’s no set pattern to how or when change will happen.

You Can Create Your Own Change

The second type of change is much more proactive. Instead of waiting for change to happen to you, you can knock yourself off the tracks. When something isn’t right in your world, it’s on you to try a new approach. Maybe it's starting a new fitness routine. Or getting a new job. Or starting that side project you’ve been thinking about for a year. Any aspect of your life can change, if you’d like it to. Proactive change isn’t inherently better than reactive change. Both can lead to good and bad outcomes. But creating your own change is the best way to increase the probability that you end up where you want to be. The alternative is a game of chance.

When the Going Gets Tough...Persevere

We’ve made a yearly tradition of attempting to create change. It's called making New Year’s Resolutions. But these changes rarely last...A small percentage of people actually keep their new year’s resolutions! This isn’t just about New Year’s resolutions, though. It’s about any new goal or change you try to bring into your life. When things fall apart, it’s easy to blame external factors:
“It just wasn’t the right time” “If this was meant to be it would have happened by now" “I must not have wanted it that badly…" ...
Some external reasons are legitimate. But most of the time, they’re excuses. (And not very good excuses at that.) The real culprit of failure is surprisingly simple: creating change is challenging and uncomfortable! When the going gets tough, it’s much easier to return to your old ways. Doing what you’ve been doing feels comfortable and safe. We’re hardwired to crave routine and safety. But avoiding change isn’t actually “safe”. The only thing it guarantees is that you'll keep doing the same things you’ve always done. Shying from discomfort means avoiding rewarding challenges and growth opportunities. Embracing the opportunity to create your own change leads you to a more fulfilling life. So lean into the discomfort, and persevere.

Create Your Own Change

When you feel like your life isn't getting you where you want to go, it’s time to get to work. You can use this structure to start creating positive change. Grab a notebook and a pen, and dive in.

1. Identify what you want to change

Locate what you want to stop doing. If you’re feeling down, might already know what this is. If you aren’t quite sure, try starting a daily journal. Don’t overthink it. Just write what comes to your mind for five minutes every day. After a week or two, look back through your entries for patterns of discomfort, sadness, anger, or negativity. Once you’ve isolated what you want to change, decide what you want to start doing instead. For example: Let’s say dating and meeting new people is important to you, but you’ve lost momentum in your dating life.
  • What you want to stop doing: Making excuses for not meeting up with new people.
  • What you’re going to start doing: Going on dates.

2. Give yourself permission to act

It’s easy to blame external factors for your failures. But chances are, the only thing holding you back is yourself! Sometimes we hold on to negative mindsets that hold us back:
  • “I’m not ready"
  • “I don’t deserve it"
  • “I just don't have time"
  • “It would have happened already if it were meant to be"
Thoughts like that are limiting and almost always untrue. Replace them by giving yourself permission to take action. Write it down. Say it out loud to yourself a few times. It might feel cheesy, but doing this helps prime your brain to be more comfortable with the coming change. For example: “I give myself permission to start dating more. Because it’s a priority for me to meet new people."

3. Start small

Creating change doesn’t need to be a dramatic shift. Small actions, performed consistently over time, can create massive impact. Start by identifying a little step you can do to get moving in the right direction. For our frustrated dater, this could mean downloading a dating app, joining a Meetup group, or texting that person they never reached out to. Everything good started somewhere small.

4. Make a habit out of it

Focus on creating a sustainable habit to keep working towards your goal. Commit to a process (e.g. Going on 2 dates every month) to stay focused on action instead of a target. You'll sleep soundly knowing you’re taking steps in the right direction.

You’re in the driver’s seat

Every now and then, you might get lucky when a great surprise comes your way. But it’s an unreliable strategy to find success. So when something has you down, know that you have the power to create your own change. You can hop into the driver’s seat at any time. It won’t be easy. But did anyone say it should be? :)
Based in Chicago, IL, Patrick Buggy is a coach and writer at, where he shares mindful strategies to help you live your best life. To receive his most popular articles, join the free Mindful Ambition weekly newsletter.

Programming 7.3 – 7.9

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]CFSB Garage Sale!  Bring A Friend Day This Week! Friday July 7th Wellness Wednesday - What should you eat for breakfast? Share the link with everyone you know! July Fundamentals begins July 11th! Mindfulness Mondays: Overcoming Frustration by Staying Solution Oriented  CFSB COMPETITION – New Wods on the Block – This will be our first official competition we will be hosting, if you all make it a success, you’ll see more in the future! CFSB Facebook Page: CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 7.3" open="false"]FITNESS A. 4 Sets - 75 seconds to perform @ each station 8 Dumbell RDL's @ 31X1 10-45 second Left Side Plank 10-45 second Right Side Plank B. Man Overboard Style - 15 Minute Amrap Person 1: 20/15 Cal Row Person 2: Max Russian Kettlebell Swings Person 3: Max Push Ups Person 4: Rest COMPETITION A. 4 Sets - 75 seconds to perform @ each station Dumbell RDL's @ 31X1 30-60s second Left Side Plank 30-60s second Right Side Plank B. Man Overboard Style - 15 Minute Amrap Person 1: 200m Run Person 2: Max American Kettlebell Swings Person 3: Max Deficit Push Ups Person 4: Rest Notes: Scoring: A. Score the DB RDL heaviest weight, just get after the planks, I shouldn't have to ask you to go hard. B. Score total cals + kbs + push ups. In the case of  the comp, each run counts for 20 reps. A: Fitness will build for the DB RDL, comp will build as well, but start with different weight schemes. The plank is a max, and stopping within that range. B: Ugh, The coach will explain this one. It's better off that way. FOR THE NEW PEOPLE IN CLASS THIS WEEK! Movement Demo's: Note, until we get our own library of videos up the way we want them, these will do to give you a general idea of what the movements are - with some subtle differences in cueing, position, etc - this gives you a start though. Dumbell RDL - to give you an example, ol shirtless here is cranking his neck up really hard, I don't care for that. The rest of it is pretty sound though. Side Plank Russian KB Swing [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="CLOSED 7.4 - Only Open Gym Hours Tuesday, Click for details" open="false"]Yo, I'll be posting to the members page by no later than July 3rd @ 1:00pm letting everyone know when we will have Open Gym Hours for July 4th. Not on the members page? CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page Click that shit, join it.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 7.5" open="false"]FITNESS A. 4 Sets 2 Minutes to perform Back Squat x 8 2 Minutes to accumulate Strict Pull Ups x 8 B. 20 Minute Amrap - Teams of 3 10 Wall Balls 5 Burpees Run 100m COMP A. 4 Sets 2 Minutes to perform Back Squat x 2 Minutes to accumulate Weighted Pull Up x B. 20 Minute Amrap - Teams of 3 10 Wall Balls 30/20 5 Burpees Run 100m Notes: Scoring: A. Score Back Squat heaviest weight, and if you did comp, your WPU heaviest weight. A. Fitness will build over the course of the back squats, pick a band that is challenging for 8, it doesn't have to be unbroken but I want all 8 done and you ready to get back into back squatting by the end of the 2 minute mark. Comp will build, I want the second 8.6 to be heavier than the first. Comp will build over the course of the as well. B. Teams of 3, One person at a time, the only rub is, you can send the next person off for the round when the person before you has STARTED the run, you don't have to wait until they get back. FOR THE NEW PEOPLE IN CLASS THIS WEEK! Movement Demo's: Note, until we get our own library of videos up the way we want them, these will do to give you a general idea of what the movements are - with some subtle differences in cueing, position, etc - this gives you a start though. Back Squat Pull Up Mechanics Wall Balls [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 7.6" open="false"]FITNESS A. 20 Minutes to hit a Push Press x 3 B. Teams of 2 21.15.9 Push Press @ 65% of your 3 Ball Slams COMP A. 20 Minutes to hit a Push Press x 1 B. Teams of 2 21.15.9 Push Press @ 65% of your 1 Ball Slams 40/30 Notes: Scoring: A, its the weight. B. its your total team time. A. Choose a scaling appropriately, because if you choose Comp, the weight for the workout is heavier. If you hit a 3, 65% of that. If you hit a 1, 65% of that. B. The format that I do the ENTIRE workout, all 21,21,15,15,9,9...TAG in comes person 2 and hits the workout. Score is the time it takes for both team mates to finish. If there is a team of 3, person 2 and 3 will just have two separate bars and balls and go at the same time. FOR THE NEW PEOPLE IN CLASS THIS WEEK! Movement Demo's: Note, until we get our own library of videos up the way we want them, these will do to give you a general idea of what the movements are - with some subtle differences in cueing, position, etc - this gives you a start though. Push Press ball slams  - scroll down to find ball slams [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="BRING A FRIEND DAY Friday 7.7" open="false"]FITNESS AND COMP A. Teams of 3 - One person works at a time 5 Minutes to hit Max Tire Flips 5 Minutes to hit Max 100m Sandbag Carry's 5 Minutes to hit Max Sandbag Squats 5 Minutes to hit Max Distance Prowler Push 120/70 Notes: Score each thing individually it should look like this --> 35, 15, 90, 400yd Notes: scale accordingly so you can all keep moving smooth. I don't mind if you have a heavy tire if you get a little assistance from a team member.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="CLOSED 7.8 - Garage Sale! Saturday" open="false"]We have a garage sale today, come buy some garage sale shit. Or come donate some stuff! We will be putting it toward new Plates and Bikes! CFSB Garage Sale Details [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 7.9" open="false"]FITNESS AND COMP A. Flow Work @ conversational pace 40 Minute Amrap 2 turkish get ups each side jog 100m 3 front squats left arm, 3 front squats right arm 30 singles 4 Kettlebell Swings left arm, 4 Right arm 20-30s FLR 12 Box Step Ups 5 Breath Handstand Hold [/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Thursday, 6.29.17

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Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Squat workout.

Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout.


Snatch Pull 1x2 95%, 1x2 100%, 2x2 105%, 1x2 107.5%

Close Grip Bench 2RM, Max reps @ 80%.


5 Rounds C2 Rower – 30 Max Meters Rest 2 minutes rest between sets Compare total meters to 6.08.17

What should you eat for breakfast?

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Today we're going to answer the question, "What can you have for breakfast?" And even more importantly, "What should you have for breakfast?" Now this is one of the most frequent questions I get asked on a regular basis by people that I'm doing nutrition coaching with, and even people who just have general questions about how to eat. So let's start off with what you should be having in the morning. Ideally, you want to have some form of quality protein. That could be some fish, or sea food, it could be some eggs, it could be some beef or chicken or some form of pork. Ideally, again, these are wild caught and pasture raised and all the rest of it. But if you can't do that, just do the best you can. Some vegetables, which we'll talk about more in just a second, and then some form of healthy fat. This could be nuts and seeds, this could be olive oil, it could be coconut oil, ghee, things like that. That stands in drastic contrast to the standard breakfast that most people have, which today, in America in particular, but other places as well, we typically think of breakfast either as eggs and bacon, that's the only form of protein you can have in the morning unless it's a protein shake. Or we think of it in terms of just a carb fest, which is pancakes, waffles, cereal, multigrain bars, you name it, bagels, these are our standard go-to's in the morning. And the problem with those is ... Well, there's a number of problems, so let's tackle each of them. First problem, they send your blood sugar on a roller coaster. If you ever feel hangry, I.E. hungry plus angry after you ready, or if you feel light headed or if you get that 2 P.M. slump, that's usually a sign of blood sugar dysregulation. Having those foods for breakfast spike your blood sugar, and then your blood sugar comes down from that high and it crashes, and you get cravings, and you get tired and you get angry. Those things are not that good from a blood sugar perspective. They don't have any nutrients, that's the other thing, very, very little in the way of nutrients for your waffles, your pancakes, your bagels, your cereal. Most cereal, when you see that nutrition facts on the back of the label, the vitamins and minerals in there have been added back in to the cereals synthetically because the cereals contain so few vitamins and minerals themselves. They are completely nutrient deficient. A lot of times people are like, "Oh my God, what can I have for breakfast if I can't have," well, you could have eggs and bacon if you want, but make sure you're having veggies as well, and that should be all that you're having every morning for breakfast. But what can I have if I can't have this carb fest worth of foods? What you have to realize here is it's really just a product of our culture and history over the past, like, no more than 50 to 75 years here. People 200 years ago weren't eating Cheerios for breakfast, they weren't eating bagels for breakfast, they weren't eating waffles and pancakes on a regular basis for breakfast. It's really just this particular moment in time where we say, "Well, I'm just so used to it being bagels and muffins and pancakes and all the rest of this stuff." I think one of the most beneficial aspects of this way of eating that we're talking about is it opens you up. It allows you to eat different things in the morning. You don't have to say, "Well, it's either eggs and bacon or a carb fest." You could have a meal that you might otherwise have for lunch, or might otherwise have for dinner. This is another point that I see over and over and over again. If you tell people, "Hey, go ahead and have breakfast foods for dinner or lunch," they'll be like, "Oh my God, that's fantastic." Everyone loves brunch, right? But if you say the reverse, if you say, "Have dinner or lunch foods for breakfast," people lose their minds. They say, "How is that possible?" Well there's nothing wrong with it, there's no problem with it. It's just a cultural thing that we're not used to. There's nothing wrong with, for example, having a salmon filet in the morning with some spring mix on the side, some olive oil drizzled over it and some berries. That's what I had this morning for breakfast. There's other good things as well, some ground beef and some sweet potatoes. When you think about it, most people aren't eating enough vegetables to begin with, and essentially what we're saying by saying that you don't have vegetables in the morning, for the most part, is that only leaves lunch and dinner to eat vegetables, two instances. We want to make sure that we're having some veggies in the morning, and we also want to make sure that we're having that quality protein to help balance that blood sugar. That tends to help people with 2 P.M. slump, have more even energy, not get hangry anymore. What are time tips if you're pressed for time in the morning to make a quick meal? Well that meal I just told you about, the salmon filet, spring mix and berries doesn't take more than 10 minutes to cook. Salmon filet in the oven an then put the spring mix on a plate, drizzle on olive oil, put some berries on it. Another option is to cook a second or third portion, just bigger portions of dinner, and save the leftovers for the next morning. You could also do a weekly prep day earlier in the week where you prep your meals. But really, it doesn't need to be this fantastically difficult thing. It's just something that you need to try and see if it benefits you. Most people, when they give this a try, they find out that their energy's better, they have fewer cravings, they don't have that 2 P.M. slump, and generally they just feel better recovering from workouts and overall, because they're getting more nutrition in the morning. In a future video, I'm gonna show you guys some meal ideas, but for now, hopefully you have a sense of what to eat for breakfast. Thanks so much for tuning in, we'll see you next time.

Tuesday, 6.27.17

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Snatch Warm Up 2x Through

Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout.


Front Squat 1x4 70%, 4x4 85%

Power Snatch 4. 4. 4. 4 Work up to a heavy set of 4 reps.


8 x Pull Ups - max reps, if consistently hit 8 reps and above add some weight to these. Round 1&5 use Pull Up grip, Round 2&6 Mix Grip right hand supinated, Round 3&7 Mix Grip left hand supinated, Round 4&8 use Chin Up Grip Prowler Push 135/90lbs - 50 yard