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Monday, 8.14.17

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Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout.

Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout.


Bent Over Row 5. 5. 5. 5. 5, Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps.

Push Press 3. 3. 3. 3. 3, Work up to a heavy 3 reps


10 Minute AMRAP Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch - 10 reps Kettlebell Step Ups - 10 reps

Programming 8.14 – 8.20

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]CFSB COMPETITION – New Wods on the Block – This will be our first official competition we will be hosting, if you all make it a success, you’ll see more in the future!   Meals by Maura!  Inbody Body Fat Analysis now available at CFSB Buddy Week @ CrossFit South Bend!    CFSB Facebook Page: CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 8.14" open="false"]FIT A. 15 Minutes to establish a Deadlift 2rm @ 32X1 B. EMOM x 8 Rounds Minute 1: Press x 2, heavy Minute 2: 30 Singles or 10-15 DBls Minute 3: 10-15 AHAP Russian KB Swings COMP A. 15 Minutes to establish a Deadlift 2rm @ 32X1 B. EMOM x 8 Rounds Minute 1: Press x 2, heavy Minute 2: 30-50 Double Unders, unbroken Minute 3: 15-20 AHAP American KB Swings Scoring: A, score weight. B, score press weight, don't score the other things - just do them and challenge yourself appropriately. Notes: A. You've been leading up to these 2's. You should have an understanding of what to hit here. B. This is 8 Rounds, so its 24 minutes. Prepare for that. Start at a moderate press weight and build from there. If you find your heavy two early on just keep floating the rounds out at that weight. [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 8.15" open="false"]FIT A. Front Squat @ 30X1 B. 4 Rounds for time - 17 minute cap 400m run 24 Goblet Squats 12 Burpees COMP A. Front Squat @ 30X1 B. 4 Rounds for time - 17 minute cap 400m run 24 Goblet Squats @ 70/55 KB 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 Scoring: A, your heaviest two is the score. B, score time or rounds+reps in the cap. Notes: A. Build across 3's then drop to 2's. B. This is the vest triplet from the games this year. Do this workout, then check out the teens scores, the kids ages 14-17 are doing this with a weight vest and hitting scores of around 13:00-16:00 minutes. Check it out here. No weight vest for you guys this year though.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 8.16" open="false"]FIT A. Coaches Choice Oly Warm Up B. Every 90s for 8 Rounds Hang Power Snatch x 1-3 C. Row 3:30 for meters Run 3:30 for yardage COMP A. Coaches Choice Oly Warm Up B. Every 90s for 8 Rounds Snatch x C. Bike 3:30 for distance Run 3:30 for yardage Scoring: B, score weight range. C, score distances separately. Notes: A. the coaches will make sure they prime you with something appropriate B. This may wind up being skill work for you, in which case keep it that way. Load only when you are comfortable. You are only eligible for Comp C if you do Comp B - and you are only eligible for Comp B if you can look pretty and hit the full squat.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 8.17" open="false"]FIT A. 18 Minutes to establish a Bench Press 2rm @ 31X1 B. 10 Rounds - 20 Minute Cap 3 Heavy Deadlifts 6 Incline/Regular Push Ups 9 No Push Up Burpees COMP A. 18 Minutes to establish a Bench Press 2rm @ 31X1 B. 10 Rounds - 20 minute cap 3 Heavy Deadlifts 6 Deficit Push Ups 9 No Push Up Burpees over the Bar Scoring: A, weight. B, time. Notes: A. You have numbers to build on, use them. B. Go heavy and consistent on the DL, choose the push up and burpee scalings that make sense for consistent round times.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 8.20" open="false"]FIT A. 18 Minutes to establish a Back Squat 3rm @ 30X1 B. 5 Sets 7 Left Arm DB Rows 7 Right Arm DB Rows 20 Weighted Glute Bridges C. Optional, if your schedule allows it Run 200m rest 90s x 3-5 COMP A. 18 Minutes to establish a Back Squat 3rm @ 30X1 B. 5 Sets 7 Left Arm DB Rows 7 Right Arm DB Rows 20 Weighted Glute Bridges C. Optional - if your schedule allows it. Run 300m rest 90s x4-6 Scoring: A, weight. B, don't score this, just get in and bang weights and light your ass up today. Notes: A. Build off of your priors, we are getting close. B. Use last weeks rows as reference. No tempo just control it. The glute bridges are two legs with a weight at the hip. Use a bar, a dumbell, a ball...anything you want for weight. C. Optional running piece! get it in if you can.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 8.21" open="false"]FIT A. Sweaty Sweat Sweat Session 30 Minute Amrap 15 Kettlebell Swings 200m Run 50 Singles COMP A. Sweaty Sweat Sweat Session 30 Minute Amrap 15 American Kettlebell Swings 55/35 400m Run 30 Double Unders Scoring: A, rounds + reps. Notes: Keep your round times CONSISTENT!!!! Extra credit points if you track each individual round for consistency.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 8.22" open="false"]FIT AND COMP A. 5 Sets 9-12 Left Leg Bulgarian Split Squat Right Arm 50 Yard Overhead Walk 9-12 Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squat Left Arm 50 Yard Overhead Walk 60s Contralateral Dead Bug B. Pain Train 60s Max Effort Bike for Cals [/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Friday, 8.11.17

By: 0


Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Chin Up 3x Max Reps


Power Clean 1x3 @ 70%, 1x3 @ 80%, 2x3 @ 85%

Bench Press 4 RM, 1x Max Reps @80%


5 Rounds Lateral Plyo Skiers- 20 Broad Jump - 3 Goblet Squat Hold - 30 seconds

Extra Credit – Jacked Street

5 Rounds Deficit Push Ups - 20 Hammer Curls - 10


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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_creative_cta padding="25px 25px 25px 25px" text="CLICK HERE TO GET THE SHARE PAGE" font_size="36px" icon="github-alt" icon_size="48px" animation="slide-top" link="" target="blank" color="" bg_color="" bg_color_hover=""][cs_text]Buddy Week Rules, Scoring, & Prizes Who - you invite your friends - send them this page What - to CrossFit South Bend CrossFit Classes When - August 28th - September 3rd Where - the Gym Why - because we’re giving away a ton of prizes VERY IMPORTANT - ALL FRIENDS WILL NEED TO
  1. For everyone Jane brings in, she gets 5pts
  2. For every check in on Facebook from Jane OR her friends, Jane will get 2 points per day (max 14 points from that person)
  3. If Joe signs up at the end of his free week, Jane will get 10 more points.
  4. Max points Joe to earn for Jane will be 29 for the week. Jane can bring as many friends as she wants that week and her available points are unlimited.
We will be giving away at the end of the week to the top scorers Driven Nutrition Protein Nike MetCons Reebok Nano's Mobility Tools Accelerated Fundamentals Course Months of Fundamentals Inbody Scans Maura's Meals And many more prizes!!!!! Secondary Prizes We will also offer prizes based on a raffle drawing system. Tips to win prizes THIS PAGE WILL BE POSTED EVERYWHERE Save the graphic to your phone and text it to friends. Tell them how much you love it here and how you’d love for them to come try us out. Tips for the workouts during Buddy Week We will be running a ton of partner wods. We will require that you guys are nicer than you normally are. Be inviting. If we gain 30 people, we’ll get a giant new rig. I PROMISE!!!! [/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

InBody® Body Fat Analysis now available at CFSB!

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CrossFit South Bend is now officially home to one of the most advanced body-fat scanning devices on the market outside of a medical or research setting. The device is called the Inbody 270 Body Fat Scanner. Why is this a big deal?
  • Put as simply as possible, weight loss is not the same as fat loss. There's a very big difference between the two. Most people when they say they want to lose weight mean that they want to lose body fat.
  • Most store bought body-fat scanners whether they are handheld or scales are wildly inaccurate. The InBody 270 is highly accurate.
  • Someone can lose inches and look a lot better even though they're the same weight, and that's because of the muscle to fat ratio. The InBody will be able to reveal this whereas a normal scale cannot.
What will the Inbody tell me? 
  • It will tell you your weight (obviously), but in addition to that it will tell you:
    • Lean Muscle Mass
    • Body Fat Percentage
    • Total Body Water Content (Hydration/Dehydration status)
    • BMI
    • Basal Metabolic Rate (the amount of calories you need to maintain your weight)
    • Muscle mass and body fat in different body segments
    • It will also track your progress over time and show you how things have changed over months and years.
How much does it normally cost for a scan? 
  • CFSB Members
    • $70 a scan for one scan
    • $50 a scan for two or more scans
  • General Public (non-CFSB Member)
    • $100 a scan for one scan
    • $70 a scan for two or more scans
Is CFSB giving any discounts for the first scan? Yes. Everyone's first scan will be 50% off.
  • CFSB Member
    • $35 for first scan (50% off)
  • General Public (non-CFSB Member)
    • $50 for first scan (50% off)
How do I take advantage of the 50% off first scan price?
  • CFSB Member: If you're a CFSB member all you need to do is book a date and time for a free 30min Current Member Goal session through our Acuity scheduling software. As you're booking your meeting you'll see that a 50% InBody first scan add-on is available to add on to the meeting. Just select that and enter your credit card info, and then we'll do the scan during the Current Member Goal meeting. Here's the link to book the Current Member Goal meeting:
  • General Public (non-CFSB Member): If you're not a CFSB member all you need to do is book a date and time for a free 30min No Sweat Intro session through our Acuity scheduling software. As you're booking your meeting you'll see that a 50% InBody first scan add-on is available to add on to the meeting. Just select that and enter your credit card info, and then we'll do scan during the No Sweat Intro meeting. Here's the link to book the No Sweat Intro meeting:
  • How do I get my scans done?
    • The way we'll be starting with everyone is that in order to take advantage of your first scan at 50% off, you need to schedule a current member goal meeting (current CFSB member) or a no sweat intro (for non-CFSB members). That way we can provide you with an interpretation of your test results and we can talk about your goals with you.
  • How do I schedule or purchase future scans?
    • After your first scan you can schedule a follow-up InBody scan with a special link that you'll get after your first scan allowing you to purchase more InBody scans and schedule them.
  • Will I get a print out of my information?
    • Yes, you'll get a very detailed printed copy of your results that you can take with you.
  • How long does the Inbody scan itself take?
    • No more than 3-5 minutes
  • Do I need to wear anything special?
    • Basically you'll undress to the level of your comfort. For some people that's gym clothes like shorts and a T-Shirt, which is fine for others that could be a sports bra and shorts for women or just boxers for guys. It's really up to you and your comfort level. You'll remove anything metallic as this can interfere with the electrical impulses used to measure body fat such as a watch or a chain.
  • Do I need to undress like Brandon does in the video and have Chad oil me up with coconut oil?
    • No, but it's pretty hilarious that this video led to that question.
  • How does the Inbody track my progress?
    • The first time you use the machine you'll create an account number (your cell number is usually an easy one to remember). Then every time you get another scan you enter that account number and it will automatically reference your previous results and plot them on the print out.