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Thursday, 9.14.17

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Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Squat workout.

Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout.


Bulgarian Split Squats 8. 8. 8. 8. 8 (each side)

Bench Press 5x5 @75% focus on moving the bar as fast as you can.


10 Rounds 100 yard sprint Rest 3x as long as it took you to complete the sprint

Justin and Hilary’s Story-Getting Healthy as a Couple

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In this month's testimonial video we talk with Justin and Hilary who both did our 3-month nutrition coaching together as a couple. One of the biggest obstacles I see as a nutrition coach is someone trying to get healthy, but their significant other is either uninterested or outright hostile to being more healthy. However, Justin and Hilary realized that taking the journey as a couple would help them both succeed, and that's exactly what they did. -Justin lost 20lbs in and 3.5inches off his hips. In fact, Justin had to buy all new belts and pants. -Hilary lost 10lbs and 3 inches off her waist. -They did all that without counting calories, carbs, or points. They just ate real whole food. -At the end of three months they felt a lot better -They both said it was way easier to get out of bed in the morning and have more energy for the day -They really appreciated the slow and steady approach we took to building up their healthy habits. -After 7 to 8 weeks of not having any alcohol, they had some for Memorial Day and realized how much better they had been feeling without alcohol -Perhaps best of all it's now way easier for them to get drunk for way cheaper since healthy eating makes you really sensitive to alcohol. Just kidding on that last one :) Justin and Hilary we're super proud of you and all your progress. Keep up the great work!

Wednesday 9.13.17

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Wednesday Day 17
  • Clean - 73% 5x1 OTM, 78% 5x1 OTM, 83% 5x1 OTM - If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
  • ●  Clean Pull - 85%x3, 90%x3 for 2sets
  • ●  Clean Segment Deadlift (knee) + Floating Clean Deadlift - 80% x (3+1), 85% x (3+1) x 2
  • ●  Pause Back Squat - 65%x3x3

Tuesday 9.12.17

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  1. Tuesday - Day 16
    • ●  Jerk 73% 5x1 OTM, 78%  5x1 OTM, 83%  5x1 OTM - If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
    • ●  Push Press - 70% 2x5, 75% 3x5
    • ●  Back Squat Jump - 25% 3x3 3 Sets: 10 Back Extension
    • 10 HLR 10 Clam Shells /side

Monday 9.11.17

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  1. Monday - Day 15
    • ●  Snatch - 73%  5x1, 78% 5x1 , 83%  5x1 OTM - If after these 15 setson the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest ●  Snatch Pull - 85%x3, 90%x3 for 2 sets ●  Snatch Segment Deadlift (knee) + Floating Snatch Deadlift - 80% x (3+1), 85% x (3+1) x2 sets ●  Back Squat (5 sec eccentric on rep 1) - 70%x5 , 75% x5 for 2 sets

Monday, 9.11.17

By: 0


Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout.

Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout.


Back Squat 5x5 @70%, I want you to focus on moving the bar as fast as you can

Push Press 3. 3. 3. 3, Build to a heavy 3


Every Minute on the Minute for 8 Rounds 5 Ball Slams Max Cal Bike or Row with time remaining