2013 06 17

CFSB Repping 5 Teams at the Crossfit Football Power Athlete Team Series. Everyone did amazing, there were PRs a plenty, and Mike/Annie/Caitlin/Andrew took home 2nd place for CFSB. I am so proud of everyone. Hopefully next year when it comes around we can rep even more teams. I Truly feel blessed to have all of you apart of the gym! If anyone of you have videos of your lifts or someone else's PLEASE email them to me carl@crossfitsouthbend.com
SWOD Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
DWOD 7 Minutes Left, Down by 6 Complete 2 rounds: 1 minute - Max Rep 50 lbs DB Push Press Rest 1 minute 1 minute - Max Rep 50 lbs Weighted Pull Ups Rest 1 minute 1 minute - Row for Calories Rest 1 minute 1 minute - Max Rep Burpees *Rest 1 minute between rounds.
2013 06 16

Something to watch over the weekend. Usain Bolt - The Fastest Man Alive . This movie follows the Usain on his journey leading up to this landmark in his career. Watch as the record breaker gives a valuable insight into his training sessions, personal and public life.
2013 06 14

SWOD Power Clean 5x3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Strict Chin Ups 3 x max reps
DWOD Complete 5 rounds: You have 60 seconds to complete the following... 20 KB Swings - 2 pood Sprint 60 yards *Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

The other day I saw that Melissa had posted on her Facebook page that she was having a hard time falling asleep, so I thought I would do little post on falling asleep.
Recovery is the key to get stronger and allowing you to get back in the gym to get more work done, so obviously the faster that you recover the better. We know that the immune system is the key to recovery, and our gut health affects the immune system. There are a few ways that we know to accelerate recovery/affect the immune system, (1) nutrition (2) sleep (3) PWO meal (4) post workout stretch/cool down.
Lets focus on sleep. If you are getting 6 hours or less of sleep your immune system can be up to 30% compromised. Since we know the immune system is key to recovery you can see how this can be a problem. Here are a few things that can help optimize sleep.
- Sleep in a pitch-black room. Go buy some black out curtains and cover up all lights from electronics.
- 30-60 minutes before bed stay away from your cell phone, computer, and T.V. The artificial light given off from these are meant to keep your attention and increase your alertness
- Be in bed by 10:00pm. There is something about the sleep time from 10:00pm-2:00am that helps normalize your circadian rhythm.
- Start creating a habit before going to bed such as, stretching, foam rolling, reading (from books not your computer). Your body will start to realize its time for bed once a routine is established.
- No caffeine post 4:00pm.
- You can try things like Magnesium, ZMA, Natural Calm, Holy Basil, etc. Sometimes these things can have a calming effect, and help relax you for bed.
Although the supplements mentioned in number 6 can help out, 1-4 is really where the money is. How many of these do you currently do? Is there anything that isn’t on the list that you currently do that you think improves your sleep quality?
2013 06 13
2013 06 12

Rest Day
Material took read/listen to for your rest day
*Kelly Starrett on the Joe Rogan Experience.
warning its a bit long (3 hours) and it is Joe Rogan so the language does get a bit R
*Power Athlete Radio Episode 13
*Talk to Me Johnnie 2011 Recap
2013 06 11
2013 06 11

Keith finishing up his squats from the 10,000lbs workout
DWOD (completed before SWOD) Sprints Complete: 8 x 50 yard Rest 60 seconds
SWOD Power Snatch 6x2 Strict Pull Ups 3 x max reps
The other day Robb and I were chatting about the Amateur Program. So I thought that I would do a post on the life cycle of the Amateur Program. The general life cycle will last about 21 weeks. Weeks 1-3: Inter-Muscular Coordination. This can be equated to learning how to throw a baseball. You learn to step, point at your target, throw the baseball and follow through. Basically you are ingraining the movement pattern. Which is why it is crucial we develop the correct movement patterns for all of our lifts Weeks 4-6: Intra-Muscular Coordination. This is when your CNS (central nervous systems) becomes more efficient. The nervous system is essentially the body’s electrical wiring. During this phase the motor neurons that tell your muscle to contract become more efficient (i.e. allows you to lift your weight). This is key in your ability to display your absolute strength rep ranges of 1-3 this is where the CNS is really tapped in. Weeks 6-9: Hypertrophy. This is when the muscles start to increase in size. One of the ways to also get stronger is to create a larger cross-sectional of muscle. Just as a side note: there are two types of Hypertrophy. (1) sarcoplasmic (reps of 8-11). This creates a larger bulbous muscle but doesn’t necessarily contribute to strength. Think more body builder here and this is also the rep range our accessory worked would fall into. (2) myofibril (reps of 4-7). This will be more on the strength increase and less on the actual size of the muscle, this is where our barbell work will generally fall under. Weeks 10-21 (rough timeline) will be spent developing your base level of strength. At some point there will come a time when you are unable to do the weight in your progression that day, so lets play out a little scenario. Robb has worked his way up to 300lbs on his squats. He comes in on Monday and hits reps of 5-5-4. He was unable to complete his 5th rep. He gets one more try. Maybe his sleep was off, food was off, stressed out, etc. You get the idea. Thursday he comes in and tries 300lbs again and his resulting reps are 4-3-2. At this point Robb is no longer able to recover from the volume and intensity. So what we will do now is called a “Reset.” We will drop back 3 weeks (i.e. 30lbs). He will start back at 270lbs and try to work back past that sticking point. You can replace squat with any of our other lifts and apply the same scenario. At some point during weeks 10-21 the Amateur program will fail to be optimal. How will we know? Examples are: your ability to recover from the previous days sets has severely decreased, or we have done multiple resets. We will cross this bridge when we get there, and it will be different per individual.
2013 06 10
2013 06 10

I know the picture quality isn't the best, but that is Rich Froning way out in front of everyone on the hundreds workout. He ended up taking 4, 1st place finishes. This was my first time at Regionals and it did not disappoint.
SWOD 3 RM Max Height Box Jump (landing about parallel)
DWOD 10,000 lbs Lift 10,000 lbs as fast as possible using only one rep of the following: 1 Squat 1 Press 1 Deadlift *You can use any weight on the lifts and it can be done in any amount of rounds. You can only do one rep at a time and must cycle through all three lifts to complete one round. *The goal is to lift 10,000 lbs as fast as possible.
We may have to get a little creative with this workout. We will figure out the logistics at class
Good Reads 42 THINGS I LEARNED LEADING UP TO 2013 Earn Your Carbs
2013 06 10