2014 01 04

Sorry for the lack of post and timelines of them. Crossfit Football is in the process of switching over to a new website platform and it is taking longer then expected. This leaves me unable to go back to the prior week. The problem should be fixed soon on their part and things will be back to normal.
While you are waiting for the work out to be posted read John's Things I learned in 2013
2014 01 03
2014 01 03
2014 01 01

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Barbell Weighted Step Ups 4 x 16 reps (8 RT/ 8 LT) *Pick a box height so the hip is 1" above the knee. Use a weight you can handle for 16 solid reps. Close Grip Bench 5x2 @ 80%, 1 x max reps @ 60%
Complete 7 rounds: Handstand Push Ups - Max reps Hollow Rocks - 15 reps
2013 12 29
2013 12 28

Good luck to Jack at USA Rugby camp this weekend. I know you'll do great.
Power Clean 5x3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Power Clean 3 RM
Complete 5 rounds for time of: Barbell Walking Lunges @ 35%- 40% of 1 RM Squat - 12 reps (6 each side) Dips - 12 reps Sprint 100 meters *Walking barbell lunge is done by placing a bar on your back and lunging out until your back knee touches the ground, then stand up and repeat. *make sure to step out into a long enough lunge where your front knee is even with your front toe.
2013 12 26

Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Squat 3x5 @ 90% of 5 RM GHD Sit Ups 3x15
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes: Close Grip Bench - 3 reps Dynamic Push Ups - 10 reps *Close Grip Bench use body weight
2013 12 26

We have 2 new lifting platforms! These turned out really well and we are hoping to get 2 more in the next month or so. Few rules: no metal plates (minus the 5s/2.5s), these are for weightlifting not for metcons, no benching on them, please don't come straight in from the snow/rain/mud and walk on them (you should have separate gym/outside shoes anyways). To be summed up in a few words treat them with respect, so we can keep them looking good for a long time.
Also I was able to make an appearance on the Power Athlete Coaches Round Table were we discussed implementing a CFFB class. Hopefully I will be lucky enough to be on a few more of these in the future. If you have some time to kill take a watch, let me know how ridiculous I looked/sounded.
Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Squat 5 RM Push Press 5x3 @ 90% of 3 RM
Complete for time: 30 KB Step Ups - 20" box w/ 1.5 pood in each hand 50 Strict Pull Ups 100 Banded Good Mornings. *This workout can be broken up in any amount of sets and rep
2013 12 22
2013 12 22