2014 10 13
Click here to check out the CrossFit South Bend Paleo Grocery Tour @ Whole Foods tonight with Robby! Don't miss it!
Clean Practice
Teams of 2
14 Rounds
1 Full Length Plate Push
8 Ball Slams
5 Pull Ups
Partners will alternate back and forth to complete the 14 rounds. (7 rounds each)

A) hang power snatch + hang snatch - 3x2@75%, 3x2@80% of 1RM
B) front squat - 3x5@70% of 1RM from last week
C) 2:00 max single leg KB DL 75/55 (alternating every 5 reps)
2:00 max butterfly sit-ups w/ med ball
2:00 max KB Russian swings 75/55
2:00 max knees-to-elbows
(:15 transition between movements)
2014 10 13
2014 10 13

This is your last day to donate and claim your shirt for Wades Army! Click here to donate.
Once you donate $30 or more, you will get an email, this is important (check your junk mail), there is a link in that email that states "claim your shirt" you must CLICK THAT LINK, enter your information, and then put the verification code up.
Bench 1rm
For Time
600m Run (200 mark and back, 100 mark and back)
20 burpees over bar
20 hang power cleans 155/105
20 front rack reverse lunges 155/105
10 minute cap
2014 10 12
2014 10 12

8 minute amrap
3 Deadlifts 225/150
3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6 Deadlifts 225/150
6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 Deadlifts 225/150
9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Continue up the ladder as much as you can in the time remaining
2014 10 11
3 minutes max reps Thrusters 95/65
2 minutes max reps Kettlebell Swings 55/35 *American style
1 minute max reps Thrusters 95/65
3 minutes max reps Toes to Bar
2 minutes max reps Kettlebell Swings 55/35 *American style
1 minutes max reps Toes to Bar
Score Thrusters, Kettlebell Swings, and Toes to bar separately.
2014 10 10

A) hang clean + jerk - warm up, then 4x1@75%, 4x1@80%
B) tempo back squat - 32X1 -
C) 3 rounds, not for time
8 straight leg DL @ 50% of 1RM
10 GHD sit-ups with 3sec hold at full hip extension
2014 10 10

Friday Night 10.10.14 Schedule Change
Hey all! so we have a couple schedule changes for Friday 10.10.14 seeing as how there will be 4 of us gone for the Power Athlete competition in California.
Friday night childcare is canceled
Friday night open gym is canceled
That is all!
Saturday and Sunday will run as scheduled
2014 10 09

Help us meet our goal! Click here to donate to Wades Army CFSB Page!
Get in on this guys! make your own page, join our team! (search for Crossfit South Bend)
Lets do this!
Power Clean
For Time
40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
40 Wall Balls 30/20
The clock will be set for an every minute on minute counting up, every minute on the minute when the bell goes off, you must stop and perform 5 burpees. Beginning at the very first minute.
10 minute cap
Score is either time, or total reps performed.
2014 10 09