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Weightlifting Programming 11/5/18-11/11/18

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Monday - 11/5/18
  • Power Jerk + Jerk
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Back Squat
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Weighted Lunge
    • 3x5/leg
  • Back Squat Jump
    • 20%x3x3 (% of back squat)
Tuesday - 11/6/18
  • Snatch Pull + Snatch
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Snatch Pull on Riser
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Muscle Snatch
    • 3x3
  • SLDL
    • 3x4
Wednesday - 11/7/18
  • Snatch Balance + OHS
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Pause Back Squat
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Jumping Quarter Squat
    • 50%x3x3 (% of Back Squat)
  • Press
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
Thursday - 11/8/18
  • Clean Pull + Hang Clean (knee)
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Clean Pull on Riser
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Muscle Clean
    • 3x3
  • Good Morning
    • 3x4
Friday - 11/9/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 11/10/18
  • Snatch + Snatch Balance
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Front Squat
    • 2RM
    • 95%x2
    • 90%x2
  • SLDL
    • 3x4
Sunday - Day 35
  • Rest Day

Programming 11.5 – 11.11

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] Interested in a Whole30 Seminar? Click here!  November 10th - Wades Army Lift Off! All proceeds go to the Wades Army Charity! Click here for more details November 13th - FREE Costco Grocery Store Tour - Click here to register Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 11.5"] FIT Each Station @ A 2:30 Mark; x4 Sets; all sets tough A1. @30X0; Back Squat x 2-4 A2. @31X1; Dual KB Z Press x8-12 B. E90s x 3 Sets M1. 30s Push Ups *choose a modification that is difficult but pretty for the 30s - think first set unbroken M2. 60s Row calories; build in pace M3. 12-20 Reverse Lunges in place *loaded anyway if possible M4. 60s No Push Up Burpees onto a 45# plate COMP Each Station @ A 2:30 Mark; x4 Sets; all sets tough A1. @30X0; Back Squat x A2. @21X1; DB/KB SeeSaw Press x6-8/arm *In a Z seated position B. E90s x 3 Sets M1. 30s Ring Push Ups *does not have to be unbroken M2. Row 15/12 Cals; build in pace M3. 20 Jumping Lunges M4. 60s No Push Up Burpees onto 45# Plate Score: A. Heaviest back squat, and press B. I want all 4 row distances for fit in order, I want all 4 rower paces for comp in order. Notes: A. Heaviest back squat and press weight B. I want all 4 row distances for fit in order, I want all 4 rower paces for comp in order [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 11.6"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell or PVC; For Quality, not for score. 5 Snatch Lift Offs to top of knee *pause 2 count at top 5 Hang Muscle Snatches *pause 2 count overhead 5 Overhead Squat to Quarter Squat position *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds B. Every 2:30 x 4 Sets; build as long as you can keep the quality up 8 Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch C. 13 Min Grind - move with quality Bike 12/9 Cal 10 Ring Rows @ 2020 25 Ab Mat Sit Ups or 30-60s Forearm Plank 10 Single Arm KB Row/arm COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell; For Quality, not for score. 3 Snatch Lift Offs to top of knee *pause 2 at top of knee 3 Hang Muscle Snatches *pause 2 overhead 3 High Hang Power Snatch *pause 2 in quarter squat *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds *You can load slightly if you feel confident in your movement today B. Every 2:30 x 4 Sets; make each set pretty, stick to moderate weights Touch and Go Power Snatch x 6 C. 13 Minute Grind - move with quality Bike 15/12 Cal; tough pace 10 Ring Rows @ 2020 25 Hollow Rocks 6-8/arm Renegade Row without Push Up/alternating; tough Score: A. No B. Heaviest weight C. No score, move with quality [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 11.7"] FIT A. @32X1; Bench Press x 5x2-3 rest 2 minutes between B. 3 Sets @ increasing pace 12-15 DB Bench Press 75 Jump Rope Singles 20m Bear Crawl Run 200m; build in pace each time Rest 2-3 minutes between rounds COMP A. @32X1; Bench Press x, rest 2 minutes between B. 3 Sets @ increasing pace 8/arm Alternating Top Down DB/KB Bench Press 50 Double Unders 20m Bear Crawl Run 200m; build in pace each time rest 2-3 minutes b/w rounds Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Don't score, just be aware of your increasing paces Notes: You MUST increase your pace each round for this, find something that you can perform for the Bench Press Unbroken - KB or DB is okay [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 11.8"] FIT A. 4 Sets; all sets tough @2221 Goblet Squat x 2, rest 2 minutes between *use a DB if we don't have the KB you need B. 3 Sets; all sets tough Three Point Dumbbell Bent Over Row @31X1; x4-6/arm, rest 30s Banded Strict Pull Up @31X1; x6-8; rest 30s Dumbbell Split Squat @ 3030; x4-6/leg; rest 90s C. 5 Sets @ 100% 18s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between COMP A. 4 Sets; all sets tough @2221 Front Squat x 2; rest 2-3 minutes between B. 3 Sets; all tough Strict Pull Up @41X2; x2-4; rest 60s *add weight to these if you can KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 2011; x6-8/leg; rest 90s (*use 25# plate) C. 5 Sets @ 100% 18s Assault Bike rest 90-120s b/w rounds Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Split Squat weight C. Just get it [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 11.9"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 5 Clean Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Cleans *1 sec pause in rack position 5 Front Squats 5 Push Presses *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds *work smooth/technique B. Every 2:30 x 6 Sets; move weights up if quality is there Hang Muscle Clean + Push Press x 5+5; work quality/speed or RDL + Strict Press x 5+5 C. @ Tough effort Row 350/300m 20 American KB Swings rest 90s Bike 20/15 Cals 20 American KB Swings rest 90s 150 Single Unders 20 American KB Swings COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 3 Clean lift offs to top of knee - pause 2 sec at top of knee 3 Hang Muscle Cleans from BELOW the knee, pause 2 sec at rack position 3 Hang Power Clean from BELOW the knee, pause 2 sec in quarter squat 3 Push Jerks - pause 2 sec in the catch position *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds *You can load slightly if you feel confident in your movement today B. Every 2:30 x 6 Sets; make each set pretty, stick to moderate weights Touch and Go Power Clean and Jerk x 4 C. @ Tough effort (all same weights) Row 350/300m 20 Alternating SA KB Clean and Push Press rest 90s Bike 20/15 Cals 20 Alternating KB Snatches rest 90s 75 Double Unders 20 American KB Swings Score: A. No B. Heaviest Weight C. Time (Make sure you rest the full 90s) Notes: A. I expect that the coach can lightly demo this before starting the clock if you need a refresher on what these movements are, your time to focus on the movements and practice them will be during the Amrap. If you feel like you are completely lost in all of the movements, perform the fit variation of this today. C. Perform the Row, Bike, Run @ tough efforts - but not so tough that you can't focus on quality reps with the KB. Choose a KB that is difficult but you could perform unbroken. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Satruday 11.10 - WADES DAY- NO CLASSES - CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS"] What: A Lift Off Fundraiser where all proceeds go to Wades Army. This money is directly for children and parents affected by childhood cancer, while also supporting research programs and hospitals fighting to find a cure. When: Saturday November 10th. Details: Your entry fee here is proof of $35 donation to CFSB Wade's Army. This lift off will consist of a 1rm of each lift; Power Clean, Back Squat, Bench, Press, Deadlift. We will also have an optional Wades Army Workout. "Wade" 5 Rounds For Time 11 One-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatches (50/35 lb) 12 One-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb) 11 Weighted Pull-Ups (50/35 lb dumbbell) Alternate arms on each snatch and thruster *We will have scaled options for the workout Tentative Timeline (Depends on the amount of competitors) 8:00am - Competitors start arriving/warming up 8:30am - Rule debriefing 8:45am - Announce platforms and waves 9:00am - 9:30 am - Power Clean 9:45am - 10:15am - Back Squat 10:30am - 11:00am - Bench Press 11:15am - 11:45am - Deadlfit 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Break + 1:00pm - 1:30pm - Warm up/debriefing for Wade's Workout 1:45pm - 2:15pm - Wade's Workout with 3 different skill levels. Deadline to register: November 8th by Midnight! [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 11.11"] FIT A. 24 Min Grind .5/.4 Mile Bike 40m Heavy Sandbag Front Rack Carry 20 Prisoner Step Ups 12-20 Straight Legged Sit Ups 10m Lateral Banded Walks/side COMP A. 24 Min Grind .5/.4 Mile Bike 40m Heavy Sandbag Front Rack Carry 20 Prisoner Step Ups 10 Dual KB Sit Ups 10m Lateral Banded Walks/side - 1 count on eccentric Score: No score, go heavy, move steady, grind. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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My Weekly Costco Haul

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In this video we talk about the foods I tend to buy on a weekly basis at Costco. My weekly/semi-weekly haul typically consists of the following things that we discuss in more detail in the video. -Wild Alaskan Salmon -Organic Turkey Breast -Organic Green Beans -Organic Butternut Squash -Organic Brussels Sprouts -Organic Celery Hearts -Organic Spring Mix -Organic Olive Oil -Organic Coconut Oil -Avocado Oil -Organic Blueberries -Organic Apples -Other things I forgot to mention that I'll sometimes get are Kerry gold butter, macadamia nuts, and dark chocolate. -Your Costco, in your part of the country, may differ. -There's a whole bunch of other healthy stuff you can get at Costco that's healthy that I just happen not to get on a regular basis ___________________________________________________________________________ Transcript Hey guys, Robby here from CrossFit South Bend. Today, I'm gonna be giving you a tour of my weekly Costco grocery store tour haul, so as of the time of the filming of this video, I'm actually gonna be leading a free-to-the-public Costo paleo grocery store tour on Tuesday, November 13th at 6:30 p.m. That's available to sign up for for free, even if you're not a CrossFit South Bend member, and even if you're not a Costco member on our website, So, if you're interested in that, please sign up and we'd be happy to have you there. So, today I'm gonna give you a sense of what I typically buy roughly on a weekly basis, some of the stuff I buy weekly, some of the stuff I buy every few weeks. But, this is just giving you a sense of some of the really healthy stuff that you can get at Costco. Now, before we get started, this is probably about, I don't know, maybe 10 to 20% of what you can get at Costco that's really healthy. There's a lot of healthy stuff. This is just the stuff that I happen to like, there's a lot of healthy stuff there that, you know, just for whatever reason, just my particular taste, that I don't end up getting. But, there's a lot of other healthy stuff besides what I get that you could get there that's very healthy. So, for those of you who have been listening to any of my other videos, you'll know that when we talk about creating a healthy meal, we always talk about quality protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and then some fruit, maybe as, like, a dessert or a finisher. So, that's kinda the way I've organized things today to talk about it. So, let's talk first about the quality protein that I typically get at Costco. So, just to preface this, I typically, my weekly grocery store run, I'll typically divide it somewhere between Costco and Wholefoods, so I don't get everything at Costco, I don't get everything at Wholefoods. But, this is the typical stuff that I will get specifically from Costco. So, first off, wild Alaskan sockeye salmon. So, plenty of you guys who've done research on getting good quality fish and seafood, it's a little bit of a difficult thing to do, and even if you manage to get it from somewhere like Vital Choice, which is a great company, it gets really, really expensive, so I found that Costco is the best intersection of really good quality fish and seafood, but also at a reasonable price. Like, I think for this total, it's like, 32 dollars and that's eight salmon filets, so that's basically about four dollars per six-ounce filet, where if you know anything about wild Alaskan fish and how much it usually costs, that's a pretty good deal. So, at Costco, they've got halibut, mahi-mahi, shrimp, whole bunch of other stuff that's really good. I get scallops and halibuts sometimes there, but typically, my foundational piece that I'll get is that salmon there. So, it's a really good option. Another option that I found not too long ago, I guess, maybe about six to nine months ago, is this Plainville Farms organic turkey breast. So again, turkey breast and deli meat in general is hard to find that has good quality ingredients. You know, usually there's stabilizers and thickeners and stuff like that in there. I'm just trying to find the ingredient list for you guys here. Here we go. So, ingredients, organic turkey breast, water, and sea salt. No carrageenan, no guar gum, no sugar, none of that stuff. So, that's a pretty good ingredient list as far as it goes when it comes to deli meat. Other good deli meat brands that you can get from elsewhere, Applegate, Boar's Head. But, this is a really good one that you can get from Costco for a pretty decent cost. Okay, so that's the protein that I typically get at Costco. In a separate video, I'll do probably, you know, the haul that I do at Wholefoods, which is where I get a bit more of my protein, but for now, that's what I get at Costco. Other stuff I get throughout the week. So, I will get this gigantic bag, as you might imagine, from Costco. They have these gigantic bags of produce. I get this gigantic, two-pound bag of green beans. And typically, what I'll do is, I'll put a pound of these on a sheet pan for lunch or dinner, or even breakfast, honestly, mixed in with some coconut oil and roast them at 400 degrees for about a half an hour, and they come out tasting delicious. Two-pound bag of Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts don't technically need to be organic, they're part of the cabbage family, which doesn't technically need to be organic. But, it doesn't hurt. With these, I'll typically use the same exact roasting method that I would with the green beans, only I'll typically put on ghee or olive oil. I find that pairs better with Brussels sprouts, and again, about 400 degrees for 30 minutes, maybe 425 or 450, honestly, 'cause I think the blacker, the better, when it comes to Brussels sprouts, in my personal opinion. Another one. And again, you don't necessarily need to get organic the same way you would need to get maybe spring mix organic or celery organic, is butternut squash. But again, it doesn't hurt to get it organic. It's certainly better for you if it's that way. You know, butternut squash is one of those ones that it's kind of a pain in the butt to cut up on your own and to prepare on your own 'cause it's a very odd object to cut, so it's really nice to just have this ready, and when I prepare most things on a sheet pan, this is the dice size that I'll typically use to just, you know, open it up, throw it on a sheet pan, oil, salt, high heat for 30 minutes, and it's good to go. Okay, now two of the more, so, you know, green beans, Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, with these, you know, obviously, you cook them, right? You're not gonna be eating these raw. Two of the more raw ones that I will typically do on a weekly basis are the organic spring mix. You know, if I haven't prepared for a particular day for some reason or it's been a long day at the office and I just don't wanna cook anything, I'll take a gigantic heap of this, put it on a plate, olive oil, sea salt, if you're a salt lover and you haven't tried sea salt on your salad, try it, it's delicious. That's a really good way to get veggies. Another really good way to get veggies that I really like is organic celery hearts. So, I'll just cut these into little bits and just kind of have them as finger food. I remember Coach Chad at the gym saying that, remarking that celery tastes to him like fishing line. So, some people like it, some people don't, but what I found is that if you put a little bit of sea salt on this and you mix it with some guacamole, that's a really good, quick, easy, on-the-go option that you don't have to cook, and it could be used for trips or snacks for kids, or snacks for you, and that's just something really easy that you can do without very much in the way of prep. So, that's the protein, those are the vegetables that I typically get. Now, let's talk about the healthy fats. So, a lot of this stuff, I'll get on a weekly basis, but with the healthy fats, of course, they last a lot longer than just a week, typically, so these, I'll get maybe every few weeks or every couple months. Wholly Guacamole, so this is, I think, 20 mini containers and the price at Costco's, like, 13 bucks, so less than a dollar for each one of these. Really good source of healthy fat, monounsaturated healthy fat that you get from avocados. This works really well with, you know, baby carrots or celery, or jicama, if you've ever had that. It's a really good, quick option for healthy fat and it's something you could send with your kids as well. Other healthy fats that I'll typically get from Costco, avocado oil, really good for roasting and sauteing at high heat, it can go up to 500 degrees without smoking. Olive oil. Olive oil's one of those things that you have to be careful where you get it from, because sometimes, it's cut with grape seed oil and cottonseed oil, and lesser oils to make more of a profit. I know for a fact that the Kirkland Signature olive oil is really good and legit olive oil. You know, it's really up to preference which one of these you use. Olive oil will tend to smoke at much lower heat, whereas avocado oil will go up to much higher heat. So, since I roast at much higher heat, I typically use avocado oil. Coconut oil. I probably bought this, like, a year ago, maybe? So, I've used, like, 75% of it. It's a gigantic jug. I use this typically for the green beans, sometimes for plantains. This is a really good oil to saute or roast in if you like coconut flavor. Okay, so protein, veggies, healthy fats, the three main components of meals. Now, let's talk a little bit about dessert or fruit, or kind of the finisher to the meal. So, Costco's a really good place to get organic fruits. So, you can typically get two pounds of organic strawberries, organic raspberries, organic blueberries. Depends on the time of season what kind of price you get, but almost always, it's better than pretty much any other store. And especially when it comes to fruit that you're eating the skin of, you definitely wanna try to buy it organic. So, that's gonna be one of the places where getting it from Costco's gonna make a big deal 'cause they have organic for really good prices. And then, these organic gala apples I just started buying at Costco. I'd say, typically, my favorite is probably red delicious, which unfortunately, they don't sell organic ones at Costco. But, gala's pretty close, and this entire thing for, what is it, two, four, six, eight, 10, 12, 14, 14 apples is 12 bucks. So, for organic apples, so that's pretty good. That's really not too bad. So, overall, there's a lot of really good stuff that you can get at Costco. Yes, Costco does sell some more conventional stuff, which is, you know, fine. There's nothing wrong with that either, it just depends on what you wanna get. But, for those of you who think that it only sells conventional stuff and you can't get organic stuff there, they've actually upped their game quite a bit in recent years and there's a lot of good stuff you can get. So, hopefully you got a good sense of some good stuff that you can get at Costco. Again, if you're watching this at the right time, we are gonna be doing a Costco paleo grocery store tour on Tuesday, November 13th at 6:30 p.m. You can register for that for free online, you don't need to be a Costco member or a CrossFit South Bend member, and we hope to see you there. Alright guys, thanks so much for tuning in. We'll see you next time.

Weightlifting Programming 10/29/18-11/4/18

By: 0

Monday - 10/29/18
  • Power Jerk + Jerk
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Back Squat
    • 70%x3x3
  • Lunge
    •  3x5/leg (no weight)
  • Back Squat Jump
    • 20%x3x3
Tuesday - 10/30/18
  • Snatch Pull + Snatch
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Snatch Pull on Riser
    • 80%x3x3
  • Muscle Snatch
    • 3x3
Wednesday - 10/31/18
  • Snatch Balance + OHS
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Pause Back Squat
    • 65%x3x3
  • Jumping Quarter Squat
    • 40%x3x3
Thursday - 11/1/18
  • Clean Pull + Hang Clean (knee)
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Clean Pull on Riser
    • 80%x3x3
  • Muscle Clean
    • 3x3
Friday - 11/2/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 11/3/18
  • Snatch + Snatch Balance
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
    • 70% x (1+1+1) x 4
  • Front Squat
    • 70%x2
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x2x2
Sunday - Day 28
  • Rest Day

Programming 10.29 – 11.4

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] November 3rd - Next Kids Camp Begins - Click here for more info!  November 10th - Wades Army Lift Off! All proceeds go to the Wades Army Charity! Click here for more details November 13th - FREE Costco Grocery Store Tour - Click here to register Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 10.29"] FIT Each Station @ A 2:00 Mark; x4 Sets; all sets tough A1. @30X0; Back Squat x 6-8 A2. @31X1; Single Arm KB Z-Press x 6-8/arm B. E90s x 3 Sets M1. 10 Dual Bicep Curl and Press M2. 60s Row; build in pace M3. 20-30s Side Plank/side M4. 60-90 Singles / or 30-60 Dbls COMP Each Station @ A 2:00 Mark; x4 Sets; all sets tough A1. @30X0; Back Squat x A2. @31X1; Single Arm KB Z-Press x 4-6/arm B. E90s x 3 Sets M1. 10 Dual Kettlebell Clean and Press M2. Row 300/250; build in pace *250/200 if you cannot finish the distance in a reasonable enough time to transition. M3. 20s Star Side Plank/side M4. 60 Double Unders Score: A. Heaviest back squat, and press B. I want all 4 row distances for fit in order, I want all 4 rower paces for comp in order. Notes: 1. Yo, keep to the tempo. I don't like to assume when I see people not adhering to it, it could be many reasons or a combination of things: A. you are having a hard time counting and performing the reps at the same time - in which case, lighten the load, and watch the clock OR put on a tempo timer (I like runtempo on my phone) B. you feel as though you cannot do it physically or are in the process of learning how to do it - experiment with different ways of counting your reps, again, lighten the load to make the weight of a lower perception to you which should raise your ability to count, tempo timers and watching clocks help. C. you don't understand it; contact me for a very elaborate explanation D. you don't like it: may I ask why? E. you feel as though its not for you: again, why? F. you feel like you can't do as much weight with it: that is part of the design, to control the eccentric, concentric, and isometric portions of the movement to cause quite a few adaptations for growth and to challenge positions, it will force you to have to lighten so you can't compensate around a sticking point! [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 10.30"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell or PVC; For Quality, not for score. 5 Snatch Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 5 High Hang Snatches *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds B. Every 2:00 x 6 Sets; build as long as you can keep the quality up 5 Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch C. 3 Sets - NFT, move steady and challenging Bike 12/9 Cal 45s Forearm Plank 24 Prisoner Step Ups 50'/arm KB/DB CrossBody Carry COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell; For Quality, not for score. 3 Snatch Lift Offs to top of knee 3 Hang Muscle Snatches 3 High Hang Full Snatch *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds *You can load slightly if you feel confident in your movement today B. Every 2:00 x 6 Sets; make each set pretty, stick to moderate weights Touch and Go Power Snatch x 5 C. 3 Sets - NFT, move steady and challenging (18 min suggested cap) Bike 15/12 Cal 8-10 Ring Body Saw @ 2020 24 Prisoner Step Ups 50'/arm KB/DB CrossBody Carry Score: A. No B. Heaviest weight that was pretty C. NFT, move well, make it challenging. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 10.31 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"] FIT A. @32X1; Bench Press x 3x4-6,2x2-4 rest 2 minutes between B. 3 Sets - 3 minutes to perform Row/Bike 60s; increase pace each round 6-10 Push Ups @ 2020 Max Distance Bear Crawl in remaining time rest 60s between rounds COMP A. @32X1; Bench Press x, rest 2 minutes between B. 3 Sets - 3 minutes to perform Row/Bike 60s; increase pace each round 6-10 Push Ups @ 2020 Max Distance Bear Crawl in remaining time rest 60s between rounds Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Don't score, just be aware of your increasing paces Notes: You MUST increase your pace each round for this, find something that you can top out at 10 to start on the 2020 push ups, any style bear crawl is okay. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 11.1"] FIT A. 4 Sets; all sets tough @3331 Goblet Squat x 3, rest 2 minutes between *use a DB if we don't have the KB you need B. 3 Sets; all sets tough Banded Strict Pull Up @31X1; x8-10; rest 30s Active Hang x 20-30s, rest 30s *This is WITHOUT the band Dumbbell Split Squat @ 3030; x6-8/leg; rest 90s C. 5 Sets @ 100% 15s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between COMP A. 4 Sets; all sets tough @3331 Front Squat x 3; rest 2-3 minutes between B. 3 Sets; all tough Strict Pull Up @31X1; x2; rest 60s *add weight to these if you can KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 3030; x4-6/leg; rest 90s (*use 25# plate) C. 5 Sets @ 100% 15s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Split Squat weight C. Just get it [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 11.2"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 5 Clean Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Cleans *1 sec pause in rack position 5 Front Squats 5 Push Presses *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds *work smooth/technique B. Every 1:15 x 9 Sets; all sets the same weight Hang Muscle Clean + Push Press x 3+3; work quality/speed or RDL + Strict Press x 3+3 C. 3 Sets @ increasing run pace Run 200m; increase pace each round 12 Box Jumps w/Step Down (UB) 16 Alternating DB/KB Snatches (UB) rest 60s COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 3 Clean lift offs to top of knee 3 Hang Muscle Cleans 3 High Hang Cleans 3 Push Jerks *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds *You can load slightly if you feel confident in your movement today B. Every 2:00 x 7 Sets; make each set pretty, stick to moderate weights Touch and Go Power Clean and Jerk x 3 C. 3 Sets @ increasing run pace Run 200m; increase pace each round 12 Box Jumps w/Step Down (UB) 16 Alternating DB/KB Snatches (UB) rest 60s Score: A. No B. Heaviest load C. Don't score, just pay attention to increasing your run paces each round [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 11.3"] FIT A. 24 Min Grind 30m Reverse Sled Drag, tough 400/350m Row @ D1 45-60s Forearm Plank 10 Prisoner Tall Kneeling to standing *weighted if possible 45-60s Wall Sit .5/.4 Mile Bike 60s Ring Plank 16 Lateral Box Step Over (outside leg) COMP A. 24 Min Grind 30m Reverse Sled Drag, tough 400/350m Row @ D1 12 Ring Body Saw 10 KB Front Rack Tall Kneeling to Standing 60s Goblet DB Wall Sit .5/.4 Mile Bike 60s Ring Plank 16 Lateral Box Step Over (outside leg) Score: No score, go heavy, move steady, grind. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 11.4"] FIT A. 5 Sets NFT 40s Singles/Double Under Attempts KB Complex (3 SAKB Sit Ups + 1 Turkish Get Up + 3 KB Windmills/arm) B. 3 Sets Bike 1 Min; Tough 8 Plank Walk Outs rest 90s Row 1 Min @ D10; TOUGH 40m Farmers Carry rest 90s COMP A. 5 Sets NFT 40s Double Unders KB Complex (3 SAKB Sit Ups + 1 Turkish Get Up + 3 KB Windmills/arm) B. 3 Sets Bike 1 Min; Tough 3 Wall Walks rest 90s Row 1 Min @ D10; Tough 40m Farmers Carry rest 90s Score: A. No B. Bike/Row pace each round [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Amy’s Treat Corner-Halloween 2018

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In this special Halloween 2018 edition of Amy's Treat Corner Amy is joined by coach Megan and coach Kate to make some gluten-free halloween treats. Megan makes a pumpkin molasses cookie, Kate makes a pumpkin pie cream cheese ball, and Amy makes a pumpkin pie milkshake. Enjoy! Pumpkin pie milkshake: 1 c Almond milk 3/4 c pumpkin purée 2 tsp Cinnamon , 1tsp Clove, nutmeg 1tbsp organic sweetener (Maple syrup) 2 ripe frozen bananas Pumpkin pie cream cheese ball: 8 oz softened cream cheese 2 tbls sour cream 1  Tbls cinnamon 4 tbls Date sugar or natural sweetener 1 tbls vanilla extract Chewy pumpkin spice molasses cookies are perfectly spiced and so delicious! Enjoy these with your cup of coffee or tea this fall. Is there a dessert or treat that you realllly missed when you went gluten free? For me, that treat was a molasses cookie from Starbucks. Those cookies were perfectly chewy and spicy, and I loved them. Well, I've come up with a delicious substitution for those Starbucks treats - these gluten free pumpkin spice molasses cookies. These pumpkin spice molasses cookies are my new favorite fall treat. They are soft, chewy, and so perfect with tea or hotRead More Here: ___________________________________________________________________________ TRANSCRIPT - Hi everyone, this is Amy and I'm back for another special edition of Amy's Treat Corner. This is going to be a Halloween, if you haven't guessed it, but I'm here with two of our other coaches, Coach Meg and Coach Kate, and this is gonna be really fun. We have our wonderful fall train like a champion shirts designed by wonderful Chad. Let's turn around, ladies. Let's show 'em our wonderful sugar skulls in the back. Yeah, turn back. Okay. All right, so we are gonna make three different things for you today. So maybe you're gonna have a Halloween party like we are gonna be doing. Where at, Meg? Where's our party gonna be? - My house. - That's right, weather permitting, at Meg Stack's house on October 20th around 5:00 p.m. We'll get out more details to you. But the cool thing about that, for our Crossfit South Bend members, if you're planning a party, we have some special things that you can do. So one, Meg has brought to us is a pumpkin molasses cookie. Kate is going to be doing a cinnamon cheesecake ball dip. Yeah, that's amazing. And I'm gonna do a pumpkin pie milkshake. So we kind of have a pumpkin cinnamon theme going on. So all right, Meg, let's go get some yummy cookies! - Okay. - So we're gonna to start off with softened butter, half a cup of softened butter and we're gonna put that into our mixing bowl and we're gonna add some sugar, it's a half a cup of granulated sugar, it says organic cane sugar, basically granulated sugar, and 1/4 cup of light brown sugar. And so what you wanna do is you want to cream this. So I'm gonna get that going. I'm gonna talk louder. Sorry, but this is a little bit louder. - It's okay. - I really just want this to mix well. You want to get the sugar mixed in with the butter really well, so you can't really tell the difference between where the sugar is and where the butter is. - That's what the creaming effect means, right? - Yes! So it seems kind of, people are like, creaming? It's more than just mixing. - Or maybe we could use a little bit from Kate's witches hat here. Can you brew us some? - Can you brew us something up? 'Cause that would be fantastic. - That would be good. - Awesome, oh thanks. Okay, so once it's nice and mixed together, we're going to add the pumpkin, which is 1/3 cup of pumpkin. I just went to Fresh Thyme and I got organic pumpkin. It's just plain pumpkin. Don't get the pumpkin pie mix, 'cause it's adding all the seasoning in it, so just the pumpkin. So 1/3 cup of that. - And that's a good tip, because sometimes people forget pumpkin pie mix and it does have all of the other seasoned stuff in it. You just want straight pumpkin. - Yeah, you're gonna have like double the seasoning if you add the pumpkin pie and that. With that then, we're gonna add in our vanilla, it's a teaspoon of vanilla. Just gonna put that in there. I'm just gonna eyeball it. - Have you guys decided what you're gonna be doing for Halloween yet? - No, I haven't been told what I'm-- What am I doing or what am I wearing? - I don't know if I'm allowed to participate in Halloween any longer. I think my children are banning me from practice. - That's perfect. - What? No, no, no. We do dinner with the neighbors. Otherwise they go out and they get ice cream, so I make food and I invite the neighbor people to come over, the parents, we get drinks, kids get candy. Win-win all around. - The moms usually want the payout. - A cup in our neighborhood with some type of mom beverage. - Oh nice, and what was that thing? What was that you just put in? - Thank you, so I put in the pumpkin and the vanilla and then the molasses, so molasses, basically another form of sugar. But it's two tablespoons of molasses and I'm gonna spring to speed that up a little bit to get that nice and mixed. - Perfect. - I'm gonna turn off and I'm gonna scrape down and then, I got some molasses on here, so I'm just gonna wipe that off, but I'm going to scrape that down and then I'm going to add now I'm going to add two cups and I have this already put into the bowl so it's two cups of flour. This is an all purpose gluten free flour I got mine, I got the redmills - Perfect - So there's different things you can make depending on recipes there is almond meal flour, coconut flour, sorghum, rice all different kinds I just, for the sake of convince, got the gluten free general purpose. - Good, I like the idea that you can throw different flour in. If you're like me, I'm not afraid to actually throw different ingredients or flours together and if it fails, it fails, it's just, you know. - It's sugar, flour, and butter - I know - Can it go that wrong? - Find another way to make it up and make it good but know it can't go wrong - So I'm gonna add the flour, I have a teaspoon of baking soda and a little bit of salt. I just added my spices so there is cinnamon in there, there is ginger, nutmeg, clove and so that's where that pumpkin spice pie spice, comes from I am a messy person, so - Do you need a napkin - Yes - You can have another towel - and so I'm just going to mix this up and I'm gonna get that nice and combined I guess really is the best. Once it's combined you don't want to like over mix it, you want to avoid that. Once I have that combined, and I notice it's nice and thick hopefully and so what your going to do, I'm going to just take this off so that I can put that and so we are just going to take it and you're supposed to make balls. Just put this into balls we're going to roll this into a ball and I have a little bowl of just sugar granulated sugar and this is a little bit big of a ball but that's okay, you can make your cookies however size, depends on many cookies you're gonna let yourself have as to how big you make them. So you're just going to roll these into balls, roll them in sugar - I also have a cookie scooper thing - Oh that would be smart, I'm not that fancy - Uniform cookies - I just roll it and what you would have done before you started this whole thing, which we did is start the oven to 350. And so you will start the oven to 350, prep that, roll all of your cookies into balls and put them in sugar and then kind of flatten them a little bit and we're gonna stick it in the oven. It should be in the oven for about 10 minutes kind of keep and eye on it, if it looks like it's still a little too doughy just kind of leave it in for an extra minute or so. - They look yummy, well Meg we'll let you finish rolling some balls out, pumpkin molasses cookies and we can actually kind of show that finished product here. They looks super yummy. I love pumpkin and you can always have fun with them everyone think about different creative ideas we were talking about maybe black licorice you can make them spiders or something like that. - Oh yeah - If you have for a kids party, and you want to do something fun even adults, I think we like to have fun too. - Yeah, definitely. - Well, while Meg is rolling out the rest of the cookies Kate is gonna talk about her cinnamon cheesecake ball dip. - Yes, Kate does not bake, so this is the perfect treat for Kate to make. This is basically like five ingredients I'm gonna start with eight ounces of softened cream cheese. Put that in my bowl, and then I'm adding two tablespoons of sour cream. - That'll cut some of the sweetness too. - Yup and then I'm going to just use my hand mixer to mix this up. - Her hand mixer, we talk about we haven't used hand mixers for a long time but they're needed occasionally. - Yeah, I find that it'd be hard to mix cream cheese without one. - It would be, I've had to mix cream cheese by hand it's got to be really soft or get the ones in the tub. - Yeah. - Here's a tip, if you want softened cream cheese really, really fast, just go buy the tub one pay the extra 50 cents for it. That way it's already nice and you can just stir it up really quickly. - Alright, that is mixed pretty well and then I have four tablespoons of any natural sweetener. We are using date sugar. - Date sugar - But you can use coconut sugar, stevia, again, kind of anything, - That's a good idea. - And I'm gonna mix a little bit more mix that in. - Now, gonna turn a little bit more brown. - It is going to turn a little more brown. - Where did you find the date sugar? - At Whole Foods actually they're in with the regular coconut sugar and different other sugars. - Alright, and then last oh yeah, vanilla, we're gonna add about a tablespoon. We're gonna just use the cap, one-- - I like to use the cap - We like vanilla - Here you go if you wanna wipe your fingers. - Thank you - I never measure, you've seen me treat corner too many times. I just like a cap, for every teaspoon full. - You can't go wrong, it's gonna taste yummy. And then I have a tablespoon of cinnamon, which is kind of, It's a lot so we are gonna try to carefully-- - This is carefully. - add this. It does say carefully. So I'm gonna mix a little bit at a time and then add more. - I can put those in the oven for you - Oh yeah - We'll get this a fresh batch - I'm gonna try to do this as I'm mixing. - I'm pretty excited to find out, all of us coaches, we're gonna dress up for Halloween. So stay tuned we're gonna have a theme going here I'm gonna pull it together, we're gonna make it work. It's gonna be good. - I'm excited - I'm excited too I think we're gonna have a fun time Kate that looks yummy. - It smells really yummy too. So we're just gonna all combine. we're going to put this in our fancy pumpkin bowl. - And we put apples with it today cause we already made pumpkin cookies so we did a fruit. But you could do-- - You could do gluten free graham crackers. - Yeah, gluten free graham crackers would be an excellent thing. And you can double this recipe too if you have a bigger bowl. It's whatever you want to do. Have fun with it just decorate and enjoy. Alright, So we made a cookie, we made a dip now we gotta have something to drink right? - Yes - I guess if you want to spike this up at all you'll have to ask them. But I'm gonna do pumpkin pie milkshakes. So one of the first things I'm gonna add is Almond milk alright. Dairy free you could use coconut milk too, would be just fine. This is one cup and I usually get just the organic almond vanilla, I like almond vanilla unsweetened. So then I'm going to add about 3/4 cup, depending on how much you wanna make, of pumpkin puree. Again, just like you Meg, just the natural pumpkin there not pumpkin pie or anything like that then I have all my lovely spices in here cinnamon, and clove, and nutmeg. Which ever brand you like, I'm just the McCormick snob I guess I like them they're pretty, that why I like them. So I just threw everything in here and I'm just gonna dump it all in. Two teaspoons of cinnamon a teaspoon of the other. And then the secret ingredient for sweetness is one table spoon of 100% pure, organic maple syrup or if you're like me add two. This is my extra little kick because I like sweet. - Sweet, yes. Alright, so how am I gonna make this thick? So my secret ingredient is frozen bananas. So if you guys got some bananas, lets say that are getting to the brink of going rotten and if you want to make them for banana bread you can do that but I do like to take bananas and cut them up. Just like little ice cubes and then throw them in here. I would say about a banana and a half to two bananas, it depends on how much you like it. So if you're a person that does not like coconut milk, then don't use coconut milk use a almond milk, if you don't like the flavor of coconut in it use the almond. The banana is a nice flavor to pull away from some of that coconut if you like it. Alright, it's gonna be loud for a second but I'm going to stir this up. I like the Ninja, I don't have a Vitamix. Do you guys? - I do - You've got the Vitamix Robby's filming, Rob do you have a Vitamix? - [Robbie] No, I don't. - No, Oh little Ninja quick thing here going. And then you can see this, depending on your consistency and thickness you can see right here. First, let me grab a spoon. Okay, see it's a thicker one I can add more bananas to it to even make it thicker. That's one thing I like about these they just go in and out really quickly - Yeah it smart that you cut up your bananas before you freeze them. - Yes. I was noticing that as well. - I did not make that smart choice once. - I have done it before where, I have put a regular, you know froze the banana in the regular peel and it is a pain to try it. - Yeah same, I would just put it in, the whole banana-- - I did put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds to defrost it really quick and then it actually turned out okay. This will make it a little thicker, you can always add ice cubes to this once again, if you wanted to make this more of an adult drink, I think you could. - I think you could also. - Definitely! - Meg, hand me the cups there and then I can dish this out. - [Megan] Do you want all three of them? - Oh we get to try it. - Oh we do get to try it. - So that's the fun part about this, so as you see I added more banana and it definitely thickened that up. It's going to be a ratio to your milk and puree mixture. Like I said have fun with it if it doesn't turn out exactly how you want it keep adding stuff to it. You know, have fun with it so one last thing to top it off guys. Heavy whipping cream! You know what I thought as I was making this? I needed to invent like cinnamon straws. - Oh yes - Cinnamon straw would have been good. - You could sip all of the cinnamon - I thought the same thing. Sprinkle some cinnamon on it here and you guys, I think it's gonna be so good I cheated I already had one today. Hey, it was after coaching this morning. Here you go, you take yours, you take yours Cheers to each other Happy Halloween! - [All] Happy Halloween! We hope you've enjoyed this edition of Amy's Treat Corner.

Weightlifting Programming 10/22/18-10/28/18

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Monday - 10/22/18
  • Push Press + Pause Jerk
    • (5+1)RM
    • 95% x (5+1)
    • 90% x (5+1)
  • Back Squat
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Weighted Lunge
    • 3x5/leg
  • Back Squat Jump
    • 20%x5x3 (% of back squat)
Tuesday - 10/23/18
  • Snatch High-Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (knee)
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift (upper thigh)
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Muscle Snatch
    • 3x5
  • Straight-Leg Deadlift
    • 3x5
Wednesday - 10/24/18
  • Snatch Push Press + OHS
    • (5+1)RM
    • 95% x (5+1)
    • 90% x (5+1)
  • Pause Back Squat
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Jumping Quarter Squat
    • 50%x5x3 (% of back squat)
  • Press
    • 5RM; 95%x5, 90%x5
Thursday - 10/25/18
  • Clean High-Pull - Power Clean + Hang Clean (knee)
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh)
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Muscle Clean
    • 3x5
  • Good Morning
    • 3x5
Friday - 10/26/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 10/27/18
  • Segment Snatch (knee) + OHS
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Segment Clean (knee) + Jerk Drive + Jerk
    • (1+3+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+3+1)
    • 90% x (1+3+1)
  • Front Squat
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Straight-Leg Deadlift
    • 3x5
Sunday - 10/28/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 10.22 – 10.28

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] October 27th - Olympic Weightlifting Camp - Spots Limited, Register here!  November 10th - Wades Army Lift Off! All proceeds go to the Wades Army Charity! Click here for more details November 13th - FREE Costco Grocery Store Tour - Click here to register Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Yelp! Shoot us your story on Yelp if you get a chance! Click here to check it out!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 10.22"] FIT Each Station @ A 2:00 Mark; x4 Sets; all sets tough A1. @30X0; Back Squat x 8-10 A2. @31X1; Single Arm KB Z-Press x 8-10/arm B. EMOM x 5 Sets M1. 8-10 Goblet Squats @31X1 M2. 60s Bear Crawl M3. 15 Russian KB Swings COMP Each Station @ A 2:00 Mark; x4 Sets; all sets tough A1. @30X0; Back Squat x A2. @31X1; Single Arm KB Z-Press x 6-8/arm B. EMOM x 5 Sets M1. 8 Dual Front Rack KB Squats @31X1 M2. 3 Wall Walks M3. 15 Banded Russian KB Swings; moderate weight/a band tension that is manageable as well Score: A. Heaviest Weights B. Don't score! just do [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 10.23"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell or PVC; For Quality, not for score. 5 Snatch Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 5 Tall Snatches *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds B. Every 2:00 x 7 Sets; build as long as you can keep the quality up 3 Tall Box Jumps + 3 Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch C. 13 Min Grind - Move Steady 8 Dual DB Bent Over Rows 50'/arm Single Arm KB Rack Carry 10 Ring Rows 30-45s Forearm Plank COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell; For Quality, not for score. 5 Snatch Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 5 Tall Snatches *set the bar down between movements for about 10-15 seconds B. Every 2:00 x 7 Sets; build to a tough last set Full Snatch x 1.1.1, rest 10s between your singles C. 13 Min Grind - Move Steady 8 Dual KB Clean 100' KB Front Rack Carry 10 Ring Rows 25 Weighted Sit Ups Score: A. No score. B. Heaviest weight you perform with good quality. C. Rounds + Reps (don't care about weight, just challenge yourself) Notes: A. Move with INTENT and QUALITY, this is a technique primer. B. Again, if it looks like the technique is lacking, lower the weight or have the coach change the movement. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 10.24"] FIT A. @32X1; Bench Press x 3x6-8,2x4-6 rest 2 minutes between B. 4 Sets @ increasing running pace 3 Minute Amrap Run 200; build in pace each round 8 Unbroken Push Ups @ 2020 10 Unbroken Russian KB Swings Max Singles/Doubles in time remaining rest 90s COMP A. @32X1; Bench Press x, rest 2 minutes between B. 4 Sets @ increasing running pace 3 Minute Amrap Run 200; build in pace each round 8 Unbroken Push Ups @ 2020 10 Unbroken American KB Swings Max Doubles in time remaining rest 90s Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Lowest # of Doubles/Singles Notes: A. Build from last weeks #'s B. -you MUST build in running pace each round, be AWARE of the time when you come in the door to perform your push ups, if you cannot perform the run in around 60s, do a 100m run. - The push ups are unbroken, and the tempo is a PURPOSEFUL BLOCKER to slow you down. It's the job of my coaches to deliver that message to you, that I want a particular time under tension for that movement, to make you learn to breathe and control a movement with intent after coming in from increasing pace runs. It's your job to LISTEN to the coaches or the QUESTION it if you are confused or have issues with it. You need to modify appropriately to adhere to the tempo - HONOR it. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 10.25"] FIT A. 4 Sets; all sets tough @4441 Goblet Squat x 4, rest 2 minutes between B. 3 Sets; all sets tough Banded Strict Pull Up @31X1; x6-8; rest 30s Active Hang x 20-30s, rest 30s *This is WITHOUT the band Dumbbell Split Squat @ 2111; x6-8/leg; rest 90s C. 5 Sets @ 100% 12s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between COMP A. 4 Sets; all sets tough @4441 Front Squat x 4; rest 2-3 minutes between B. 3 Sets; all tough Strict Pull Up @31X1; x3; rest 60s *add weight to these if you can KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 2111; x4-6/leg; rest 90s (*use 25# plate) C. 5 Sets @ 100% 12s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Split Squat weight C. Just get it [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 10.26"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 5 Clean Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Cleans *1 sec pause in rack position 5 Front Squats 5 Push Presses B. Every 1:15 x 9 Sets; all sets the same weight Hang Muscle Clean + Push Press x 4+4; work quality/speed or RDL + Strict Press x 4+4 C. 4 Sets; 3 Minute Rounds 60s Bike or Row; increase Bike or Row pace each round Amrap in remaining time of 6 Alternating DB Snatch 3 NPBP rest 90s between rounds COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 5 Clean Lift Offs to top of knee 5 Hang Muscle Cleans *1 sec pause in rack position 5 Front Squats 5 Push Presses B. Every 2:00 x 7 Sets; build Hang Clean + Full Clean + Split Jerk (1+1+1) C. 4 Sets; 3 Minute Rounds 60s Bike or Row; increase Bike or Row pace each round Amrap in remaining time of 6 Alternating DB Snatch 3 NPBP rest 90s between rounds Score: A. No score B. Heaviest Weight C. Score total # of calories round to round ( Notes: A. This is a primer, move with INTENT B. Heaviest Weight C. You MUST build in pacing round to round on the bike/row. Use a light weight that you can cycle for the snatches. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 10.27"] FIT A. 15 Minute Amrap @ 75% 30s Single Unders 6-8 Half Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press/arm 20ft Bear Crawl 6 Bodyweight Synchro Lunges B. Teams of Two - 15 Minute Cap 5 Sets For Time 50 Singles/Doubles (each) 40-ft. Weighted Walking Lunge COMP A. 15 Minute Amrap @ 75% 30s Single Unders 6-8 Half Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press/arm 20ft Bear Crawl 6 Bodyweight Synchro Lunges B. Teams of Two - 15 Minute Cap 5 Sets For Time 50 double-unders (each) 40-ft. synchronized overhead lunge Notes: Fit - does not have to be synchro, we can adjust modifications on lunges to be bodyweight, suitcase, front rack, or otherwise. -Comp - suggested weights are 55/35 (KB) -The lanes will be divided into 5' segments. -These are synchronized lunges for 50 feet (each 5-foot section completed counts as 1 rep), making sure their knees are in contact with the ground at the same time. If one athlete completes the 50-foot lunge first, that athlete will need to continue taking steps until the second partner’s heel crosses the finish line. -If, during the lunge, either head of the dumbbell comes into contact with or falls below the level of the athlete’s head, both athletes must stop lunging and return to the last completed section of lunges in order to continue. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 10.28"] 30s Active Bar Hang Row 250m 30s Ring Plank 20m Bear Crawl Bike .4/.3 Mile 8 Side Plank Rotations/side 10m Lateral Banded Walk/side x 4 Sets Score: Don't score, move with quality [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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What do CFSB Coaches Eat?-Brandon’s Story

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In this video we sit down and chat with the founder, CEO, and co-owner of CrossFit South Bend, Brandon Wilton about his nutrition. We talk about -5 crock pots going at a time -yacht-stuff -taco night -looking good naked -Sheet cakes from Wal-Mart -Silver beach pizza -fluctuating carbs -goals vs. fantasies Brandon tells us: -what eating was like growing up -his journey from unhealthy eating to healthy eating. -his current eating regimen -how he meal plans during the week -lessons he's learned from training at a high level and coaching others in terms of food consumption Lots of great nuggets in here so be sure to check out the full video. __________________________________________________________________________ - Hey guys, Robby here from Crossfit Supplement today. I'm here with Coach Brandon who is the co-owner and CEO of Crossfit South Bend and today we're going to be talking to him about what he's eating. Alright, Brandon, thanks so much for being with us today, appreciate it. - Thank you, Robby. - You're welcome. So first of all, tell us about what eating was like growing up. - It was traditional. I actually when I was talking to my parents last night and I called my mom to make sure that my memory was still on point. Cereal for breakfast, normal traditional American stuff. You're looking at peanut butter and jellies, pizza rolls, something like that for lunch. We always had, I remember this distinctly, like theme night. Spaghetti night, taco night, pizza night, all those kinda nights. She did cook good food. She wanted to make sure we get that out. She did make homemade chicken noodle soup which was fantastic, still love to this day. But yeah, they worked real hard for us, so that's a shout out to my parents, love you guys. - So tell us about the journey, we'll get to what you're eating currently in just a second but tell us about the journey from when you started find out about how to kind of eat healthy to now, like what did that journey look like? You know, finding out about the zone and paleo and all these different things. - Yeah, in the past it was kind of, you know, you have me growing up through adolescence and you're getting your information through marketing. You know, you're getting it through Flex Magazine or your bro that says you need to eat more protein, and you know, do whatever it is, and you stop in vitamin shops, they give you horrible advice. Now I don't wanna say vitamin shops specifically but any kind of supplement store like that they're just gonna give you, you know, some just general advice. Then we get into the Crossfit era and it made me a little more dogmatic about things. You get onto the zone and you get into things like that. I weighed and measured in the zone for two years aggressively, blocks, blocks, blocks. And then, you become less and less dogmatic, ideally, and you start to realize that there is no one size fits all. There's no right diet for anyone. There is only principles that work for some people and better for other people. So you have to be more self-aware of what works really well for you and what your goals are, in training, in life, and in nutrition and things like that, and what's sustainable for you in your life. So I think being really honest with that happened over the last three or four years since I started working with OPEX and some of my mentors and things like that, and having a ton of discussions with you and stuff like that, so yeah. - So, tell us what eating is like now. How do you eat on a day-to-day basis? And we'll talk about your meals. Tell us about everything with regard to how you're eating now. - How am I eating now? So, everyone out there in the audience if you saw Mitch's and Carl's video, they prepared, they said they prepared meticulously some meals, their stuff doesn't look like that, I'm gonna tell you that right now. It doesn't look like that, this is real stuff. So, typically, what I like to do, and what happens more often than not is Costco runs on Sundays. Bulk food, I think I've got like five crock pots at home, that's an exaggeration, I've got like three or four, but things go in crock pots. I generally have an idea of how much protein I eat a day which extrapolates to how much per month that I'll actually need, and that goes into some just general type containers. What I'm gonna do is make a bunch of proteins, my carbs are coming from vegetables and I usually keep carbs here at the gym cause I'll eat most of the carbs post-workout, fueling for that, or sometimes, depending on my training, I may not need as many carbs so it's just trivial here. Things are cooked in fat, and because I know I don't do too well with nuts most of it's just coming from oils and things like that. So I cook in bulk. And, what do we got here? We got some chicken casserole. That was in a big 'ole thing. Dump a bunch of eggs and chicken in there. I make things for fuel and for taste, it has to have a decent blend. If you ask some of the other coaches here, it's gotta be primarily for taste and what have you, but I mean, I'm cooking in bulk and I'm cooking fast and that's the way I prefer to do it. We've got some turkey burgers and check it out, rice. Half of it's gone. I cooked most of it up yesterday, used half of it post-workout. Other half's going today. So most of it, and I want to express this, and I went to Whole Foods cause I didn't have enough protein the other day. I can't tell you why that happened, but with that being said, I cook in bulk and I do it all at once. And you know, it's kind of the parent life for people who say that food is either too expensive, you go to Shelton's Farms, you go to some of those other places, you get in bulk and maybe I spend two hours cooking. It doesn't really take all that long to make a lot of it, maybe three depending on what you wanna make, but you just make all this stuff in bulk and I eat nothing fancy. - So, one of the things we like to do with these videos is, with Andrew we talked about the fact that he was a student, Mitch is training to go to regionals, Carl rugby player, rugby coach. You're a CEO, OPEX certified coach, you've trained for the Crossfit Open, you've done a 50-mile run. Tell us about what you found works best for you with performance and all the things you have on your plate, cause you got a lot of different stuff you're trying to take care of. What sort of unique things have you learned about the way you work best in terms of fueling for training and things like that? - Well I think it's important to note that a lot of people have these goals, and sometimes, very often they're fantasies, they're not actual goals. You know, I can talk about yachting and talking about sailing the world, but unless I'm actually studying how to do yacht stuff and saving up, then it becomes, it's a fantasy and it's not an actual reality. So when it comes to stuff like that people, you know they say they have these lofty goals that they're trying to eat for or trying to do nutrition for. In the past I did more competitive stuff and then being CEO and then being more aggressive with business practices, I had to pull back the goals to match that because, you know you've gotta be aware of what leavers you need to pull and how much you need to fuel yourself, cause it's a full-time job and you have to kind of pick and choose, but that being said, you know with my goals just being longevity and feeling good and performing well enough, I'm not trying to go to the games or go to regionals but I like to be strong, and you know, everyone wants to look good naked. They want to feel good, have good energy, sustained energy through the day and perform reasonably. There's no reason I have to do a triple back-flip handstand pushup, you know. So yeah, that's kind of what I'm eating for right now is just longevity and health and you know, all that kind of stuff, and then my diet reflects that. Mostly protein, as much as I can kind of digest. I pay attention to my digestion. A little under, actually a gram per pound of body weight right now. Fat winds up being about .6 grams per pound of body weight, and carbs fluctuate. I push the carbs when I'm having a heavy day, and then on a day like today I may come in and drink a little coffee with some butter in it and some protein powder in the morning and then I may fast if I'm not doing much training throughout the day and then get on to it. - So tell us about nutritional off-roading, so what are your top three to five off-plan foods and what are some of your special occasions that you like to have off-plan foods for? - So even if it is a special occasion, when I feel like my will power is high - have you ever had somebody offer you some of your favorite foods and you're like you know what I don't really want it, I take advantage of that. I take advantage of that. Will power being a depletable resource, when I have good will power, no thanks. When I'm having bad will power, we know what that's like, then what I do is I still try and talk myself out of that kind of stuff, but special occasions, you're looking at some pizza. I like pizza, Silver Beats Pizza. Some baked goods, and then tacos, yeah that kinda stuff just normal food, but it's gotta be good, can't be a sheet cake from the grocery store or anything like that, you know? - Yeah, can't be a sheet cake from Walmart. - Yeah. - So last thing is any advice? You know, you've been at this for a long time, any advice to people who are starting out, trying to change their diet for the better or any thoughts on your journey and what you've learned and what you could teach others nutritionally? - Yeah, I think it goes into a lot of what we do as a business. You know, move slow, enjoy the journey, enjoy the process, don't get obsessed with the destination. You should be aware of where you wanna be, but just because your weight hasn't changed in one or two weeks what you do is you pimp it and you change and you notice. You look for explanations. You change something. You prescribe something different, you action it, and then you just go through concentric circles of that just again and again and again until you find what works for you. You know, so one is enjoying the journey and enjoying the process and learning yourself and being very aware of that. Don't be dogmatic. Just because somebody's a vegetarian or they do this diet or that diet, if it's working for them great, good on you, that's fantastic. You know, it's kinda hard to fit all those things. Don't make nutrition sexy. Pay attention to, be wary of marketing and what marketing's doing for you. Educate yourself. Learn to flip it over and look at the back of the ingredients and start to understand that and just be aware of what you're doing. So yeah, those three things are a good start. - Awesome, well thank you so much for joining us today Brandon, appreciate it.


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Monday - 10/15/18
  • Push Press + Pause Jerk
    • (5+1)RM
    • 95% x (5+1)
    • 90% x (5+1)
  • Back Squat
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Weighted Lunge
    • 3x5/leg
  • Back Squat Jump
    • 20%x5x3 (% of back squat)
Tuesday - 10/16/18
  • Snatch High-Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Muscle Snatch
    • 3x5
  • SLDL
    • 3x5
Wednesday - 10/17/18
  • Snatch Push Press + OHS
    • (5+1)RM
    • 95% x (5+1)
    • 90% x (5+1)
  • Pause Back Squat
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Jumping Quarter Squat
    • 50%x5x3 (% of back squat)
  • Press
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
Thursday - 10/18/18
  • Clean High-Pull - Power Clean + Hang Clean
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Halting Clean Deadlift
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Muscle Clean
    • 3x5
  • Good Morning
    • 3x5
Friday - 10/19/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 10/20/18
  • Segment Snatch (knee) + OHS
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Segment Clean (knee) + Jerk Drive + Jerk
    • (1+3+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+3+1)
    • 90% x (1+3+1)
  • Front Squat
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • SLDL
    • 3x5
Sunday - 10/21/18
  • Rest Day