Programming 2.20 – 2.26
By: Brandon Wilton
Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-02-20
End Date: 2021-02-26
Saturday February 20, 2021
Title: Saturday
A) MAP 10: 45 Min Amrap
12 Reverse Lunge
12 Tuck Ups
75 JR Singles
8/Single Arm Russian KB Swing/side
4 Trips Forward/Reverse Bear Crawls in your box
20 Cal Assault Bike
Sunday February 21, 2021
Title: Sunday
Warmup: Thacker
A) Snatch Work: 60 Minutes of Snatch Skill work
Optional general warmup and mobility work.
General Barbell Warm Up: RDL, Press, Squat, x5 of each a 1-3 sets (until loose/warm)
Snatch Position Stretches: x10 seconds in each position x1-3rounds or until loose
A, B, Cs':
1) Squatting Quad Muscle Snatch x3-5
2) Squatting Quad Power Snatch x3
3) Squatting Quad Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
4) Squatting Quad Snatch (squat snatch) x3
1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch x3
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch (squat snatch) x3
1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Full Speed Power Snatch x1+1
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat TO Full Speed Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x1+1
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch TO Full Speed Snatch x1+1
Monday February 22, 2021
Title: Monday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score
-10rm Floor Press
-Total Reps on both amraps
A) Warm Up: Take a few moments to cover the movements below, then perform
8 Minute Amrap
5 Light DL @3010
5 Perfect push ups @ 3111
50 Jump Rope Singles
*use the push up in the warm up to decide whether you should or should not be doing full burpees.
B) Horizontal Push - 20 Minutes to warm up and finish: Glute Bridge Barbell Floor Press
Find a 10rm @ 3111, then perform
2 sets of max reps @ 80% of your 10rm, rest 2 minutes between
C) Bend + Push Accumulation: 2 Sets
5 Minute Amrap
@3010; 8 TNG Barbell Deadlifts
8/side Single Arm KB Push Press
30 Double Unders or 60 Singles
rest 3 minutes between sets
*be consistent from set 1-2
Tuesday February 23, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score
-Total # of pull ups
-Thruster Weight
A) Warm Up: 5/Side Quadruped Plank Row *light
10 Alternating Childs Pose with T-spine rotation
12 Reverse Lunges
B) Vertical Pull - 12 Min Amrap: *challenge your score from a couple weeks ago
*tempo is now @3112
Max Sets in 12 minutes of
Max Reps Strict Pull Ups (-2); rest 60s
Max Banded Pull Ups; rest 60s (start with something you can confidently hit 6-8 with UNDER CONTROL)
*banded pull ups are okay for this one
*note the (-2) means leave a couple reps in the tank before failure
C) Squat + Pull Accumulation: *keep the movement pretty, and the sets unbroken
15 Minute Cap
12 Thrusters
10-12 Three Point Rows/arm
10 Cal Assault Bike
rest 90s
x 3 Sets
Wednesday February 24, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Warmup: *work on keeping the same pace you had two weeks ago!
*no score
A) Warm Up: Coaches choice warm up
B) MAP 5: 3:30 Minute Assault Bike
2:00 Rest
x 3 Sets
3:30 Minute Row
2:00 Rest
x 3 Sets
3:30 Minute Amrap;
12 Step Ups
5/side Single Dumbbell Down Up *choose a weight you can move aerobically with
2:00 Rest
x 3 Sets
Thursday February 25, 2021
Title: Thursday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score
-PS or DL Weight
-Slowest and Fastest time for C
A) Warm Up: Coaches Choice Warm Up
B) Bend Focused - 20 Minutes to Warm Up and Finish: 1 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats;
*work up to a heavy set of the complex
@3111; Deadlift Find a tough 10
*You may choose the power snatch if you are able to hit 1.5x your Bodyweight x 3 reps in the deadlift
*build slightly across sets
C) Push + Bend Accumulation: 4 Sets for time(s) - 14 Minute Cap
20 Unbroken Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Abmat sit Ups
8-10 Push Ups @ 3010
rest 60s between sets
*looking for consistent round times here
Friday February 26, 2021
Title: Friday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score
-Front Squat weight
A) Warm Up: at the top of a 2 Minute Mark x 4 Sets
45s Assault Bike; build across sets to moderate
30s Plank
6-8 Goblet Squats
B) Front Squat - 20 Minutes to warm up and finish: Front Squat
Find a 10rm @ 3111, then perform
2 sets of max reps @ 80% of your 10rm, rest 2 minutes between
C) Pull + Squat Accumulation: *dial this in a bit tougher from two weeks ago
4 Sets; 15 minute cap
10 Dead Bug Pulloversl rest 15s
12-15 Barbell Curls; rest 15s
10 Box Jumps with Step Down; rest 15s