Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-06-27
End Date: 2022-07-03
Monday June 27, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending
Warmup: High Load LB – FBR
week 6/12
A) Squat + Pull – 20 min: EVERY 2:00 x 5 Sets ea
- @20X1; 7 Front Squats
- @20X1; 7 Bent Over DB Row
B) Bend + Push – 20 min: EVERY 2:00 x 5 Sets ea - @20X1; 7 Deadlift
- @20X1; 7 Dumbbell Bench Press
Tuesday June 28, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Long Mixed Work based on 40 minute tester
A) Mixed Work – MAP 7 (Variance + Density): 10 Minute Amrap
10 Burpees
20 Abmat Sit Ups
30 Russian KBS
40 Prisoner Box Step Ups
50 Double Unders
40 Prisoner Box Step Ups
30 Russian KBS
20 Abmat Sit Ups
10 Burpees
Max Farmers Carry in time remaining
rest/walk 5 minutes
x 3 Sets
Wednesday June 29, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending
Warmup: High Load UB – FBR
A) Squat + Pull – 20 Min: EVERY 2:00 x 5 Sets ea
- @20X1; 7 Goblet Squat or Dual KB Front Squat
- @20X1; 7 bent Over Barbell Row
B) Bend + Push – 20 Min: EVERY 2:00 x 5 Sets ea - @20X1; 7 DB RDL
- @20X1; 7 Bench Press
Thursday June 30, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending
Warmup: Mixed Cyclical Biased
A) Mixed Work – MAP 7 (Mixed Cyclical): 4 Minute Run
3 Minute Row
2 Minute Bike
1 Minute Double Unders or single Unders
rest/walk 5 minutes
x 3 Sets
*work on consistency across sets
Friday July 1, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending
Warmup: Bodyweight Biased FBR + Accessory
A1) Push Up: *Start with something you can do 20 reps with
xMax; rest 60s
A2) Ring Row: *Start with something you can do 20 reps with
xMax; rest 60s
x 4 Sets
B) Lower Body Muscle Endurance: 15 Minute Amrap
10 Air Squats
10 American KBS
10 Walking Lunges
10 American KBS
10 Step Ups
10 American KBS
rest 60s
Saturday July 2, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending
Warmup: Long Mixed Cyclical or Mixed Modal
A) Mixed Work – Long Easy: 4 sets
2 Minute @ each
Turkish Get Up
Single Arm Farmers Carry *switch hands every 25yd
No Push Up Burpee Box Step up and Over
Sunday July 3, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending
A) Mixed Modal Volume Practice: 30 Minute Amrap
15 Box Jumps w/ Step Down 24”/20″
rest 30s
12 Shoulder to Overhead 115#/75#
rest 30s
9 Toes to Bar
rest 30s
-attention to the step-down requirement
-Step Ups
-STO, weight
-TTB, K2E, V-Up, Tuck Up, Sit up
2022 06 26