Notes: BENCH - Make sure you give a nice long "one-one thousand" count at the chest DOUBLES - Scaling types for the doubles: Either you can do 30 Rx'd Have broken doubles? Scale to 15 Doubles Have very sporadic doubles? Scale to 10 attempts [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 12.8.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 12.8.15 A. 3 Rounds 1 Minute static pillar hold 15 seconds rest 1 Minute elevated hip bridge for reps 15 seconds B. Snatch Touch and Go Skill Work C. 5 Rounds Max Reps Sandbag Zercher Squats - AHAP 20 teapots (10 reps each side) Score is number of squats
Notes: We know you did lunges yesterday :) come in and enjoy some sandbag Zercher squats and shake your legs out. SNATCH WORK - keep it light, be aware of what you are doing WOD - This isn't race, although I would prefer you to move smoothly, meaning finish your squats, take a few deep breathes - walk over to your kettle bell and perform the teapots with control take another 3-5 big deep breathes and get after your next set - record the max number of squats you performed and the weight as your score. GOAL - Lets say goal is effort on this one, these weights are harder to pin down a rep range because the sandbags go up to 100lbs - so most of you could probably get 20-30+ Honestly, leave a few reps in the tank for this one on each set with exception of the last one. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 12.9.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 12.9.15 A. Carl Paoli Kickup Progression Progression 1 Progression 2 Progression 3 B. 3 x max handstand push ups C. 3 Rounds 1 Minute max Calorie Row 15 Seconds Transition 1 Minute Toes to Bar 15 Seconds Transition 1 Minute Burpees over Parallettes 15 Seconds Transition 1 Minute Rest 15 Seconds Transition Score is total number of repetitions performed
Notes: WOD - Try to be consistent in the workout from minute to minute and round to round. Before the wod, do a little thinking as to what you'd like to hit in each round - then see how close you came to your estimates. How well do you know yourself as an athlete? this can help you game workouts a bit better in the future. GOAL - Cal Row - 20 for guys, 16 for girls Toes to Bar - 10-15 Burpees over Parallettes - 12-15 HANDSTAND PUSH UPS Handstand Push Ups – you can transition to the next level once you’ve hit 12 repetitions across the board. Once you have, move to the next progression no matter what rep scheme you hit at it. Continue until you hit that progression for 12’s. never done these before? settle into a progression that allows for an 8-12 range Progression is as follows Developing Scaled Push Ups: 30″ Chest Elevated Push Ups –> 20″ Chest Elevated Push Ups –> 10″ Chest Elevated Push Ups From Push Ups to Overhead Position: Push Ups –> 10″ Feet Elevated Push Ups –> 20″ Feet Elevated Push Ups –> 30″ Feet Elevated Push Ups Full Inverted Handstand Push Up with Risers: Handstand Push Up to 4.5″ riser –> Handstand Push Up to 3.0″ riser –> Handstand Push Up to 1.5″ riser Handstand Push Up –> Kipping Handstand Push Ups[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 12.10.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 12.10.15 A. 2 Rounds 1 Minute Left Side Pillar 15 Seconds Rest 1 Minute Right Side Pillar 15 Seconds Rest 1 Minute Floor Facing Angels 15 Seconds Rest B. 15 Minutes to find Squat 5rm **Try to beat your last 5 from last Tuesday C. Teams of 3 Finish the work however you'd like 1000 Yards of Shuttle Runs (10 down and 10 back - 20 total at a time) 120 Deadlifts 225/150 120 Box Jumps 24/20
Notes: SQUATS - Keep the squats fast and deep. WOD - Goal for the wod is sub 15 minutes. Communicate and make sure someone is moving the entire time - try to keep the transitioning to a minimum. This breaks down to only 40 reps a person. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 12.11.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 12.11.15 A. 3 Rounds 60 Seconds Hollow Rock 15 Seconds Rest 60 Second Pass Throughs 15 Seconds Rest A. 5 Rounds at the top of every 4 minute mark 3 Overhead Squats AHAP Max Kipping Pull Ups C. 5 Rounds 30 Seconds Each Side - Banded Vertical Lunge Stretch 4 Turkish Get Ups 1 minute on 1 minute off
Notes: OVERHEAD SQUATS - go to a depth that makes sense for you, also, if the overhead position is out of the question - we will change to front squat, its on YOU to remedy that overhead position. PULL UPS - This is potentially a lot of pull ups, so please...please don't rip your hands to shreds. Keep a few in the tank each time until the last round, once you break from the bar you are done. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 12.12.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 12.12.15 A. With a running clock **0-10 minute mark Every minute on the minute x 10 1 Clean and Jerk AHAP **10-15 minute mark 40 burpee box jump overs for time **15-20 minute mark 5 minute amrap 25 Kettlebell Deadlifts 70/55 15 Hand release Push Ups
Notes: Read the damn workout before you come in - just...just have an IDEA of what is going on before you show up, especially if you intend on showing up late. I love you guys, but its the worst when someone shows up super late AND has no clue what is going on. For the Clean and Jerk - score will be the lowest weight you lifted For the Burpee Box Jump Overs - the score will be your time - if you have reps left, you add them as one second per rep to the time If Johnny did 35 Burpee Box Jump Overs in the 5 minutes and each rep he didn't perform equals 1 second that is to be added to the 5 minutes, what is Johnny's time? Answer: 5:05 For the third wod - score is reps[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 12.13.15 " parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 12.13.15 A. 15 Minutes to establish a Snatch 1rm 5 minute transition...then... B. 20 Minute amrap 20 Snatches @ 50% of 1rm 30 Wall Balls 20/14 40 Double Unders
Notes: We are getting into some more work capacity stuff on the weekends, longer workouts with low cycle time movements. We need some conditioning in your lives before the open, so these weekends are pretty important.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]
2015 12 06