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SNOW! snow snow snow. snow.

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Yes, check it out, there is snow outside. So lets go over some Snow related details.

  1. Shoes: Again, there is snow, on the ground, at this very moment. Which means when you go outside and step in it – it turns your feet into sloppy wet salt and dirt covered sponges. Please try to bring a different pair of shoes to train in. or drive a hover round from your car to the gym so that you don’t track a bunch of dirt in here.
  2. Being on time: You’ll have to get up earlier, and clean your car off, and maybe warm it up, and maybe jump it (you should all have jumper cables by the way) – take a flamethrower to it and read the wod ahead of time while your car is thawing out so you are prepared to jump into class. Whatever you have to do just know that you may have to wake up/get your shit together earlier, so that you get here on time. People drive slower or irresponsibly fast when it begins to snow – so prepare for worse traffic that you may have to cut through. But even if you DO leave late, this brings me to my next point.
  3. Driving: Don’t drive like a maniac. Every year we had a lot of students that have never driven in snow before. Go out to a parking lot and drive around for a while to get a feel for it, because each year we have at least one student that gets into a fender bender. If you are late to CrossFit, even though we don’t like it – don’t speed here just to get here on time.
  4. Class cancelations/delays? We will post any kind of delays or cancelations in two places on the blog – one as a post on the daily wod page, and two – as a banner on the top of the page.
  5. Holidays – most of the time we are closed holidays unless we post some abbreviated open gym hours. So just look for that as an individual blog post – again, on the wod page.

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