Testing Week 6.27-7.3

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="CLICK ME FOR NEW THINGS!" open="false"]Fundamentals – July Fundamentals registration is open   CrossFit Football Seminar Coming to CFSB! Click here for details Open Gym: We are reiterating Open Gym hours, we have noticed a lot of people having no idea what the actual times are, so click here to read. Wellness Wednesday - Do I need to buy grass fed beed and wild caught fish? ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)***[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Testing Week Notes" open="false"]Hey all, a quick note about testing week. We have trained a lot of tempo these last 9 weeks, and regardless of whether you like it or not - its here to stay in one fashion or another. We have stripped out the tempo for this week, just make sure you are sticking to the standards of the movement like glue. It’s important to note that when we program our blocks, we program off of the results we see in class, and the trends that the coaches and I notice. If you don’t put your results in Train Heroic, you aren’t a part of the data, we will still look at all of the whiteboard results, but it helps to have you all put it into Train Heroic! Click here to get your free account on Train Heroic and Start Tracking Right Away. The testing is what typically matters most to us as we go through, that is why we stress it a bit more than some of the sessions through the weeks of training. Oh, and a note we saw looking over the data last testing week.. for fucks sake. Make sure you: a. put in the score correctly in train heroic, so you don't get shot to the top of the leaderboard by putting in a 800lb squat and also skewing our data. b. make sure your gender is set appropriately AND the weight measurement is selected as "lbs" in the top right corner, and NOT KILOS. If I see you as a male at the top of the women leaderboard with a 300 kilo squat, I am coming after you. **Next week we will be having a new style of week instead of a deload, we will be setting some different baselines for the next 9 weeks, AND stay tuned because this next week we will be having an "ask me anything" for those of you wanting to know about programming, or what the focus is, or putting your two cents in. Its great for us to answer questions, and its great for you all as well - lets get some good discussions going with your training or really anything else for that matter. So look for that. [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 6.27.16" open="false"]Monday 6.27.16 A. roughly 10 minutes to warm up and hit your attempt 1 x Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups   B. 20 minutes to establish to Establish a Back Squat 1rm (or 3rm – see notes)   C. 5 Rounds 1 Min to do MAX REPS Russian KB Swings 1 Min Rest ***Notes*** Pull Ups: This is 1 single max effort set of pull ups. Warm as needed, but you have one shot at it. Make sure to keep good positioning, no reaching the chin, bending of the knees, or kicking. If you are unable to do pull ups you will complete a max effort set of ring rows. If you went with this option make sure to check off the RX button. These are prone grip (standard grip) Back Squat:Today we are going to hit a heavy single. IF YOU are within 3 months of completing Fundamentals or Accelerated Fundamentals you will complete a 3RM. This is that day to go for it, but remember to be smart. Don’t make unrealistic jumps. If form is going to shit, don’t keep adding weight and expect it to get better. Suggested Warm Up 50% x4 155lbs 60% x4, 70% x2, 80% X1, 85% X1, 90% x1, 95% x1, Max, Max Spotting and some other info for the back squat: if you don't know how to spot - today isn't the day to learn. Ask someone who knows or a coach. Also, keep to the standards - if you don't want someone to tell you it wasn't low enough, don't leave anything to chance - either squat all the way down, thats an easy way to avoid a no rep, or video it to get a better gauge of where you are at. Oh...and just use bumpers today instead of metal plates when loading - we have been seeing some shoddy spotting with metal plates on the bar, they aren't as kind to our bars as the bumpers are. The only time you can switch to metal is if you are 405 and beyond. Wod: Choose a weight where you feel like you can crush 30 unbroken in the first round - or something you feel like you can push out reps for all 60s Wod Scoring: Scoring on Train Heroic is reps, on the whiteboard it will be reps multiplied by weight used.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 6.28.16" open="false"]Tuesday 6.28.16 A. 15 minutes to establish a Strict Press 1rm   B. For Time 2000m Row   ***Notes*** Planning out the day: 5-10 minute warm up, leading directly into 15 minutes and not a second more leaves you with 25 minutes elapsed and 35 minutes left in class. If we have 18 people in class that means 3 heats. Average time for a male last time was 8:09 in class, average for female was 9:14. Here is how this shit is going to go down. Everyone goes through the warm up together, everyone goes through the press together. When assigning heats for the row - fastest rowers go first, you know who you are, if you feel as though you may be a few minutes off from someone else in a heat - go in a later heat. For instance, if we have 13 people in a class, and 3 people have 7-9 minute 2k's...only those three go first, if we have 6 others in the 9-11 minute range, they go next, the people in the last heat are the people that have no idea what their 2k is, or people in the 11+ range. Press: No hip movement in the press, make intelligent jumps with this – small small small jumps, 3-5% is a huge jump on this relative to the other movements. 2k: Pace yourself! If you have a prior number, set yourself up for success by watching your splits.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 6.29.16" open="false"]Wednesday 6.29.16 A. 20 Minutes to establish a Power Clean 1rm (or 3rm, see notes) B. CP Battery Test 8 Minutes AMRAP Max Power Cleans at 90% of 1RM/3RM ***Notes*** Power Clean: Today we are going to hit a heavy single. IF YOU are within 3 months of completing Fundamentals or Accelerated Fundamentals you will complete a Hang Power Clean or Power Clean 3RM, whichever you are most versed at. This is that day to go for it, but remember to be smart. Don’t make unrealistic jumps. If form is going to shit, don’t keep adding weight and expect it to get better.Suggested Warm Up: Bar x3, 40% x3, 50% x3, 60% x2, 70% x2, 80% x1, 90% x1, 95% x1, MAX, MAX Max Reps Score: Only click the Rx’d button on Train Heroic if you used your 1rm.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 6.30.16" open="false"]Thursday 6.30.16 A. 20 Minutes to establish Bench Press 1rm (Or 3rm) B. “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders Sit-ups (no anchoring the feet) 11 minute cap ***Notes*** Bench Press:Today we are going to hit a heavy single. IF YOU are within 3 months of completing Fundamentals or Accelerated Fundamentals you will complete a 3RM. This is that day to go for it, but remember to be smart. Don’t make unrealistic jumps. If form is going to shit, don’t keep adding weight and expect it to get better. Suggested Warm Up 50% x4 155lbs For Annie: Your ONLY OPTIONS are A. Rx’d 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders, Sit Ups B. Cutting 50% of the double under volume 25-20-15-20-5 Double Unders 50-40-30-20-10 Sit Ups C. 2:1 Singles to Doubles 100-80-60-40-20 Singles 50-40-30-20-10 Sit ups[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 7.1.16" open="false"]Friday 7.1.16 A. 20 Minutes to establish a Deadlift 1rm (or 3rm) B. For time 400m Run 40 Wall Balls 20/14 – 10′,9′ 200m Run 20 Wall Balls ***Notes*** Deadlift: Today we are going to hit a heavy single. IF YOU are within 3 months of completing Fundamentals or Accelerated Fundamentals you will complete a 5RM. This is that day to go for it, but remember to be smart. Don’t make unrealistic jumps. If form is going to shit, don’t keep adding weight and expect it to get better. Wod: *If unable to run, scale a 1:1 on the row – 400 for 400, and 200 for 200. *Pick a wall ball weight that you can consistently nail your intended target with. [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 7.2.16" open="false"]Saturday 7.2.16 A. “Sage” 20 Minute Amrap 20 Thrusters 135/95 20 Pull Ups 20 Burpees ***Notes*** For the Workout: Use a scaling that makes sense for you Thrusters: Try not to get above 50% of your max thruster weight, if you do not have a max thruster weight, you should feel as though you could hit 20 reps unbroken if you needed to. Pull Ups: Scaling here is either standard pull ups, or ring rows. Lets keep away from the bands. Burpees are standard If you have a prior score at this workout - use that scaling!!! [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 7.3.16" open="false"]Sunday 7.3.16 A. Lactate Test 3 Rounds for time: Row 250m 10 KB Swings @ 70/55 10 Burpees 10 KB Swings @ 70/55 10 Burpees 10 KB Swings @ 70/55 Row 250m Rest exactly 12min b/t rounds ***Notes*** All out, don’t hold back This looks at your ability to use lactate as fuel. Too much lactate for some will cause premature fatigue as your body does not have enough time to flush it out of your bloodstream. For those who have done lactate training before this was not a problem. Your ability to recover quickly and in some cases use excessive lactate as fuel is optimal which is reflected in your times. I'd like to make slight modifications for some of you to get the time down to get the correct stimulus out of you (within reason) some of you may not have developed the ability to head down this energy system pathway. Lets look at some avatars Sarah – 5:51 (average time across 3) – inability to recover quickly enough due to excessive accumulation of lactate in the bloodstream causing premature fatigue and excessive breaks. With proper training this will get better. Leann – 4:37 (average time across 3) – good recoverability. Shows good ability to use lactate as fuel. Nick – 5:16 (average time across 3) – inability to recover quickly enough due to excessive accumulation of lactate in the bloodstream causing premature fatigue and excessive breaks). With proper training this will get better. Jeff – 9:20 (average time across 3) – low to moderate recoverability. Able to recover to a point but not able to go 100% consistently. Lactate tolerance okay but on the low end. With proper training this will improve. Zach – 4:16 (average time across 3) good recoverability. Shows good ability to use lactate as fuel.[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

SATURDAY 6.25.16 

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Jerk Work Day  A1) Back Squat  3x4-6 @ 31X1, rest 90s A2) Single Arm Dumbell Torso Row   3x8-12, rest 30s between arms, rest 90s before back squat  B) Rack Pulls Above Knee ( yes ABOVE)  3x4-6 @ 31X1, rest 3 minutes between attempts - make these explosive - i'd prefer straps with your clean grip rather than switch grip.  C1) Sotts Press in Jerk position  4x3 @ 3101, rest 30s C2) Hanging L-sit  4x20-30s, rest 30s D) Jerk Complex 4 Rounds  2 Press in Split  2 Push Press in Split  2 Split Jerk Balance  rest 2-3 minutes between Most of these touches should be heavy but technical E) Tall Jerk Complex  Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes  Tall Jerk + Jerk (1+1) with 2 count in the catch position   Most of these touches should be heavy but technical  

Reiterating Open Gym Rules and Times

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Hey all, With all of the new athletes performing Open Gym, and Private Program Design off to the side, we notice a few of you aren't really sure of the Open Gym schedule. So lets look back over Open Gym Rules and Schedule together. Click here to take a gander at our schedule for open gym times. It's the one that says "Open Gym Schedule" click here to glaze back over some of the rules Now we have this little standing rule, that if we are here, we don't mind you coming in to work out - but that comes with a risk - that if its an off gym time, and we need to run out to get some errands done, then you have to pack your stuff up and head out. We don't mind this off gym time - but you as an athlete need to know and understand when is an actual open gym time, and when you are taking your chances and we may have to head out. We are looking to expand these time(s) possibly in the future if its a desired service - but as of now, those are the hours that we have set, so try to respect them.

Friday, 6.24.16

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps


1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean Single Arm DB Bent Over Row 3×12 *Take 20 minutes to find your heaviest complex. You may not drop the bar between Power Clean and Hang Power Clean.


Complete 4 rounds: Power Snatches – Max Reps in 60 seconds Row – Max Calories in 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds between rounds.

Do I need to buy grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish?

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Have you ever wondered, “Is it worth the money to buy grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish?”
This video answers that question and many more about which types of protein you should buy.
Today in the supermarket there are so many terms surrounding certain foods like “nitrate-free”, “antibiotic-free”, “omega-3 enriched”, “pasture raised”, etc. We talk about and explain all of these terms in this video and more.
Here’s the headline on quality protein: from a health perspective it’s always best to get your protein as close to nature as possible. Ideally that means from a local family farm, but it can mean organic food as well when a local family farm isn’t available.

Wednesday 6.22.16

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Clean Day Try to increase in weight or move up in the rep range for the movements from last week.  A1) Barbell Standing High Pull 3x12-15 @ 31x2 (Rest 60s) A2)  Dumbell Pullovers 3x12-15 @ 3201 (Rest 60s) B1) Close Grip Bench 3x8-12 @ 31x1 (Rest 30s) B2) Front Rack Step Ups 3x16-24 Alternating legs (Rest 30s) B3) V Ups 3x30s (Rest 30s) C. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes 1 lift off to knee (pause one second) +3 lat pullbacks with 1 second pause  +1 clean High pull (from the floor)  D. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes Tall clean x 2 (3 second pause at bottom)  

Tuesday, 6.21.16

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Deadlift 1x5 (add 10 lbs to last workout) Chin Ups 3 x Max Reps


Power Snatch 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Chin Ups 3 x Max Reps


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes: Burpee with Vertical Touch – 6 Reps DB Deadlift – 6 Reps DB Farmer’s Carry – 50 yds

*For DB Deadlift and Farmer’s Carry, go as heavy as possible. *For Burpee with Vertical Jump and touch, test your max height before the workout and attempt to replicate throughout.

Monday 6.20.16

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SNATCH DAY  A1) Dumbbell Strict Press  3x12-15 @ 30X2, rest 90s A2) Front Rack Reverse Lunges  3x16-20, controlled, rest 90s B1) Pendlay Row  3x8-12 @ 20X2, rest 60s B2) Side Plank  3x45-60s, rest 30 between sides, rest 60 before next Pendlay row  C) Snatch Complex  Every 2 Minutes for 12 minutes  1 Snatch lift off to above the knee  3 Lat Pull Backs with 1 count against leg  1 Snatch High Pull from floor   start heavy but technical for your first set  D) Tall Snatch  Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes  2 Tall Snatches with a 3 second pause in the bottom start heavy but technical for your first set