Friday 4.10.15

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A. 50 Get Up Sit Ups AHAP Note: complete the 50 reps as quickly as possible, aim for 25 on each arm. B. 12 Rounds, Teams of 2 10 Sandbag to Shoulders AHAP 1 Full Length Plate Push Note: partners will take turns completing a round back and forth until 12 rounds are completed. Totaling 6 rounds each. C. Get your cameras out and set that Instagram filter to Jacked. Here is a little Extra Credit/Jacked Street work 3-5x 10 Hammer Curls (whatever is heavy for you for 10 reps) Max Reps to Failure - Elevated Push Ups @30" Note: this does not have to be done, as if suggest it's extra credit. For the elevated push ups we will use the cross bars on the pull up rig they are 30"

Friday, 4.10.15

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean x 6 *Perform 6 sets of designated complex using 85% of 1 RM Power Clean from 04-03-15.


As many rounds as possible in 14 minutes: 40/30 lb Ball Slam – 10 Reps Towel Pull Up – 5 Reps AHAP DB Power Snatch Right – 1 Rep AHAP DB Power Snatch Left – 1 Rep

Thursday 4.9.15

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A. Skill 15-20 minute working on the Power Clean skills/drills. B. 4x 10yd out and Back Dumbbell Walking Lune. AHAP Note: Grab a heavy dumbbell in each hand walk 10yds out and back. We will be working to eliminate the wedding step.
C. Break up however you want 1000m Run 40 Push Presses 185/125 80 Russian Twist 45/25 Note: Push presses will be pulled from the floor. On the russian twist use a bumper plate. Each tap equals 1 rep The brutal truth about getting to the CrossFit Games - Amanda Allen The Power Snatch: Uses and Cautions - Greg Everett

Thursday, 4.09.15

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Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Floor Press 3, 3, 3, 3 Barbell Step Ups 4×6 each side


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes: Sprint 40 yds Plyo Push Ups – Max Reps Unbroken

*Plyo Push Ups should be performed on a 45 lb bumper. One hand will start on the plate and at the top of each rep, you must switch hands explosively without “walking” them. The set ends when you can no longer perform this movement dynamically.

Wednesday 4-8-15

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There are a couple of weightlifting competitions coming up over the next few months. If anyone is interested in competing, let me know so we can start tailoring your programming accordingly! The competitions are: 

- May 16-17: Indiana State Championships in Indianapolis, IN

- June 13-14: CANUSA JekyllHYDE Summer Open in Ypsilanti, MI

- June 20: Sayre Park Chicago Summer Open in Chicago, IL

Warmup: (watch this video of a super strong woman pushing some serious weight. Pay especially close attention to her jerk form, how much she pushes that weight off of her shoulders, popping her head through, the lack of flex in her elbows/shoulders after she has the weight overhead, etc.)

3x5 each leg - split/lunge/lunge/recover

3x5 each leg - jerk + 3 press in split

3x5 each leg - dip/dip/jerk

A) Jerk - 15min to work to pretty heavy single

B) OHS - 5RM (try to beat weight from 3/4)

C) (Modified) Death by American KB swings (75/55) - the modification is that we will be going every :30 instead of every minute on the minute 

What are we doing with your Goals?

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I want to thank everyone who took the time to fill out our Goal Questionnaire form --we had 50 responses! Now, you’re probably wondering what we’re going to do with all the information.Reviewing all of the responses are going to help us with a lot of things: 

1. Get a better understanding of What You Are Training For: A lot of your goals have probably changed since you started. Maybe you didn’t have goals to start out with or maybe we weren’t aware of all the goals you had. Now we will have a better understanding of some driving factors in you being here. 2. See what the common goals are: Looking to see what trends there are in the goals will help us better understand how we can make small changes to our daily programming. If an overwhelming amount of people have Handstand Push Ups on their goal list, we can start throwing in specific work for that skill. 3. Possible additional services: One of the questions asked, "Are there any services you would like to see offered that would pertain to your goals?” Reviewing the responses to this question will help us see if there is anything we currently aren't doing that an overwhelming amount of you want. 

It is going to take us awhile to look over all of the data and organize it into an easy digestible fashion -- there is a lot! After we have looked over everything, we will be sure to do another post and share the data with you.