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Programming 8.22-8.28

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Amy’s Treat Corner-Chocolate, Caramel, and Coffee Almond Bark

Wades Army 2016! Click here for details

2016 Student Welcome Week! Click her for details

Stay tuned for Barbells for Boobs as well!

***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)***[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Monday 8.22.16″ open=”false”]Monday 8.22.16

A. Strength

20-25 minutes to hit a 6×5 Deadlift @ 32X1, rest 3-5 minutes between sets

***score deadlift weight.

B. Muscle Endurance

At the top of the minute for 12 minutes

Minute 1: 30 seconds of plyometric push ups @ 45#
Minute 2: 30 seconds of Toes To Bar

***score total repetitions


A. you have some heavy 6’s to go off of from the week before last – use those numbers to dial it in. Do the math and understand that if you want to get your sets in, and get appropriate rest, you’ll have to start your first set around the 9 minute mark, work up with some fast sets to your working weight. Thats if you have that prior number to go off of, if you didn’t do the heavy 6’s, just work up within the four sets to find your heavy 5’s – I’d prefer these are all heavy sets though, lets say your 1st set should be within 10% of your heaviest last set if you climb.

B. For this one, I’d like you to accumulate volume, so if the reps are broken within that 30s mark, thats fine, as long as you are giving it a solid effort. The continuum for push ups is:

elevated push ups –> push ups on floor –> plyometric push ups at varying levels of height

Break up the TTB however you’d like to in the 30s[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Tuesday 8.23.16″ open=”false”]Tuesday 8.23.16

3 Rounds

Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 each leg @ 60X1, rest 20-30s between legs

Bent Over Barbell Row x 8 @ 60X1

rest appropriately in between exercises

***score your weights for the BSS and Bent Row


Sprint Prep Warm Up – Primarily with the calves and hip flexion

C. Alactic Power/Endurance

5 Rounds

@ the top of a 3 minute mark

One Full Length Plate Push @ 95% Effort (45#)

try to keep walking between rounds

***Score – no score, just get after it


A. You have some prior numbers for this the week before last as well, the tempo has changed a little – so it may be a little more difficult. Keep that in mind.

B. This is just one aggressive ass plate push the full length of the turf – we will have it marked out so we can have a little room for setup on each side of the turf. just get into a line and @ the top of the 3 minute mark, you’ll haul ass across to one person, who can then push it back. This shouldn’t feel like complete death, you should be able to get up and wobble right into a walk to recovery a bit, I shouldn’t see your output drop a huge amount either.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Wednesday 8.24.16″ open=”false”]Wednesday 8.24.16

A. Conditioning – Lactic Power

5 Rounds

60s to perform

10 Unbroken Fast Push Presses

Row max meters in remaining time

walk 5 minutes between rounds

***score push press weight and total meters rowed for each round, should look like this
135#/255, 135#/265, etc

B. Optional Cool Down

5-10 Amrap Cool Down

4-6 Moose Antlers
30 Singles
4-6 Childs Pose
30 Second Goblet Squat

***Don’t score, its a cool down


A. I have a particular setup in mind for this one so that it flows well and you get the correct response, what response you might ask? Think of it this way…I want you to work hard enough in the 60s so that you feel as though you need that 5 minutes of walking to recover before giving it another good effort. Think of a lot of work in a short amount of time, aggression, explosive. This will have more of that “brain fog” after the rounds associated with it on account of the CNS effect of it. This is now gear 4 out of 5 and you are pushing at a high RPM instead of a steady RPM.

B. The aerobic is shifting back a little on account of the volume increasing on these lactic power days – the rounds and time are going up for the Lactic Power, so the effort and movement selection is pulling back to something that resembles recovery work a bit more, just breath and move smooth through the light aerobic work. This is definitely sustainable, gear 1 of 5, zone 1, however you want to look at it. Hit quality movement inchworms – work on your breathing.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Thursday 8.25.16″ open=”false”]Thursday 8.25.16


15-20 minutes to find

Back Squat 6.4.2 @ 52X1

between your working sets, accumulate 3×10 supinated banded pull aparts with a 2 second pause at the back end

***Score is weight for 6.4.2. BS


10 minute amrap

2 Heavy As Possible Turkish Get Ups

Max Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups

***Score is total number of pull ups and TGU weight



The tempo has been lengthened for the squats, use your numbers from a couple weeks back as a guideline. Make sure you pack the shoulder for that 2 count on the banded pull apart.


Pull Ups can be kipping, chest to bar if you want, these are now unbroken sets, once you drop – you are done–  Coaches choice on the scaling for the individual. If you are a C2B stud, why not work on UB muscle ups?

For the TGU – use something heavy. like. heavy heavy.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Friday 8.26.16″ open=”false”]Friday 8.26.16


20 minutes to find

Press 3×2-3 @ 32X1, rest 2-3 minutes between your heavy working sets

***Score is press weights


10 minutes to establish

Power Clean 2rm


Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes

2-3 Power Cleans @ 70-80% of today’s 2rm


A. stick to the tempo, you’ll notice the rep scheme has dropped from last week, which should allow you to hit a heavier load.

B. Treat these Power Cleans like 2 separate heavy singles, once you drop, reset, big breath, hit the next one.

C. This is a little heavier this time than last PC, seeing as how its a 2rm now and a higher %. I have a range of weights you can perform on this one of 2-3 if you are feeling good or bad about it. This will just continually get heavier and heavier before we retest the CP Power clean workout.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Saturday 8.27.16″ open=”false”]Saturday 8.27.16


With a running clock


Warm Up


Establish a heavy Front Squat single


Change Plates to 80% of what you hit for your heavy single

35 – 55:

5 Rounds

200m Run
5 Front Squats @ 80%
30 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs


These saturday CP workouts are all on the clock, so when we get in, we get the clock rolling with or without you. These Front Squats are pulled from a rack. There are subs for Rope Climbs – just come in prepared to climb the ropes. These workouts should run from smooth to grindy back and forth, note the aerobic work mixed in with the more challenging work.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Sunday 8.28.16″ open=”false”]Sunday 8.28.16

A. Skill Work / Recovery

5 Rounds
90s Row @ 70-80%
90s Muscle Up Transitions
90s Step Ups
90s Inchworms in place
90s Light reverse sled drag

Just some muscle up skill work mixed in with some recovery work, get that blood moving – here are some pro’s of aerobic training btw for those of you interested

#1- Enhances transportation of oxygen to working muscles

#2- Increased enzyme availability for muscle endurance

#3- Provides ATP required to resynthesize PCR during times of low activity between high efforts.

#4- Liberate Free Fatty Acids for fuel (regulates body fat distribution)

#5- Speeds recovery between high intensity training sessions

#6- Improves cardiovascular health and function[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Bring A Friend Week / Student Welcome Week Begins Tomorrow 8.29!” open=”false”]Click here for all the details you could ever want[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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