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What got you here, won’t get you there

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The two primary ideas we’ll be talking in this video are the following.

1. What got you here won’t get you there

What does this mean? It means that progress isn’t linear. It’s typically (although not always) easier to lose the first 10lbs than it is to lose the last 10lbs. The closer and closer you get to your goal the harder and harder it is to keep losing weight. You need to start doing extra things like more exercise or calorie counting to get you past that plateau point. So, if you’re looking to lose 30lbs it’s typically going to be easier to lose pounds 1-10 than pounds 21-30, and it’s typically going to require extra effort the closer you get to your goal.

2. What you need to get to your goal weight isn’t the same thing you need to do once you get there

What does this mean? Let’s say your goal is to lose 30lbs. Initially to lose that 30lbs you’re going to have to expend a good amount of effort to lose that 30lbs. However, once you lose that 30lbs the amount of effort to stay at that weight is less. For example, it may be necessary initially to drop calories from 2500 to 2000 until the weight is lost and then once they get to that point they can go back up to 2500 calories (potentially to maintain)

If you keep these two ideas in mind on your path to losing weight and getting healthy it will allow you to have a realistic view of your how to get where you’re going and how to stay there once you get there.