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Wednesday 5-21-14

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CONGRATULATIONS ADAM and WELCOME BABY PEARL!!! We are all so happy for you two! 🙂


A)  Snatch –

Then: 5×2 at 70%, rest 2:00-2:30 between sets.

**focusing on just the snatch today– trying to get quite a few reps under the bar and work up to a heavy single. Then, we’ll drop in weight and hit some working sets.


B)  Split jerk – 2.2.2

Front Squat – 3×5 (try to increase from last week’s 5×5 at 70%)


C)  15 jack knives, 15x3second Superman holds – 4 sets


**IMPORTANT REMINDER:  No class next Monday 5/26 on Memorial Day. Come do Murph with the rest of the gym! There will be partner options, so come on out and have fun with your fellow CFSBers.

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