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Wednesday 10-19-16

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Snatch ??????????????
A) Snatch from Hip


 Stand tall with the bar in a snatch-width grip. Hinge at the hips and bend the knees slightly, keeping the bar tucked into the crease of the hips, and initiate the hang snatch from this position.  


The purpose of the hip snatch is to force an extremely aggressive final extension in the pull and to practice the proper position and balance at this stage of the lift, in particular the placement of the bar all the way into the crease of the hips. It will also help improve the pull under the bar due to the limited ability of the athlete to accelerate and elevate the bar first.
B) Snatch with 2s Pause above knee

C) Snatch Pull Pause at knee 6s

D) Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – 3+1

This will be 3 SPP + 1 OHS 


Stand with the barbell behind your neck as it would be in a back squat, holding it with a snatch-width grip. Keep your shoulder blades squeezed back together and your trunk stabilized tightly. Dip smoothly at the knees and drive hard against the floor with the legs as you would for the jerk to accelerate and elevate the bar. As the bar leaves the shoulders, continue pressing it with the arms straight up into the proper snatch overhead position, locking it in tightly before lowering the bar for the next rep. Unless doing otherwise for a specific reason, drive the bar as hard as possible with the legs. Reset in a standing position before starting each rep.


The snatch push press uses leg drive to move more weight into the overhead position and increase the strength development of the arms for the snatch receiving position. The greater weights relative to the snatch press also mean more work for the upper back and trunk. The snatch push press is also commonly used to move the bar into the overhead position for overhead squats, or in a complex with overhead squats.

Heavy set of the complex

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