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Thursday, 02.20.14

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There is Rope Climbs in todays work out. Please come with the appropriate attire, such as longs socks and sweat pants. Here are some videos from Carl Paoli to brush up on your Rope Climbing Skillz. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 He as more videos in this series 5 more to be exact, but the first 3 cover the meat of things.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lb to last workout)
Bench 3×5 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)


Complete 3 rounds:
Squat 75% – 3 reps
Squat 75% + 10 lbs – 3 reps
Squat 75% + 20 lbs – 3 reps

Make sure you are good and warm before jumping into this. Start by squatting 75% of your 1 RM squat from Feb 6, 2014 for 3 reps. Put the weight away and add 10 lb. Squat another 3 reps. Put the weight away and add 10 more lb and squat 3 reps. Make sure to limit the rest during the ascending rep scheme to as long as it takes you to add weight to the bar. Repeat two more times, rest as needed between rounds.

Push Press 7 RM


Complete 5 rounds:
15′ Rope Climbs – 3 reps
Max reps of 40-50 lb Ball Slams – 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds between rounds
*Complete three (3) 15′ ascents, once you arrive at the bottom, start the clock. You have 1 minute to complete max reps of ball slams. Rest 60 seconds and repeat.

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