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Simple Strict Muscle Up Progression

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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”The Progression Rep Scheme and Notes”]There are hundreds of ways to develop pulling and pushing strength for the Strict Muscle Up. This is just one simple way to develop some strength without complicating it too much.

Basically, we are prioritizing good body position and increasing/decreasing body angle to increase difficulty.


*You will begin at a scaling for each movement that you can perform three sets of 8 perfect repetitions at.

*Continue with that specific scaling until you have reached three sets of 12-20 repetitions at that level, the reason for the range is that you may feel more comfortable at the next progression if you have three sets of 20 repetitions, some may feel comfortable at three sets of 12.

*The decreases in depth angle for dipping and pulling are relative suggestions. I suggest a 5-10 inch drop in depth as you are progressing, make sure you know where you are with each set you perform, otherwise you aren’t driving the same stimulus.

*Body position is paramount with these progressions, you DO NOT move on until the reps are pretty. You must keep false grip in for all pulling, and you must perform everything with a hollow body and control.



[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Progression Training Schedule”]Weekly Schedule

Day 1 Pulling Progression 3 x max reps

Day 2 Dipping Progression 3 x max reps

Day 3 10 minutes of Transition Practice

Day 4 Pulling Progression 3 x max reps

Day 5 Dipping Progression 3 x max reps

Day 6 10 minutes of Transition Practice

Day 7 Rest

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Important Videos to Watch Prior”]False Grip Position

Ring Dip Positions (I don’t need the full turnout, neutral is fine, but listen to his words when he states how bad that internally rotated position is)

Hollow Body Position on Pressing

First Transition Practice

Second Transition Practice[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”Pulling Progression 1″][promo image=””]Progression 1 Start with something easy, make sure you can stay hollowed out and you can keep the false grip throughout the movement without losing it. Initiate the movement by pulling the shoulder blades together, touch the rings to your chest, then control yourself back down to the start. Once you can get Three sets of 12-20 repetitions at this progression, move to progression 2. Note: it is important that you finish the pull and touch the rings to the chest and you do so without using your hips to gain advantage.[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Pulling Progression 2″][promo image=””]Continue to move down once you have reached the criteria of three sets of 12-20 repetitions, keeping the integrity of the body and hand position. Make sure you measure where you are at in relation to where the rings are hanging. Make sure you know where you start each time so that you garner the same stimulus.[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Pulling Progression 3″][promo image=””]Each time you have reached the repetition criteria of three sets of 12-20 repetitions, you may move your feet forward 5-10 inches until you are directly under the rings.[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Pulling Progression 4″][promo image=””]Once you are directly under the rings, begin to move your feet up 5-10 inches at a time until you are on a 20 inch box, only progressing when you have reached three sets of 12-20 repetitions at the height you are at. Remember, don’t use your hips to gain advantage, don’t reach your head. Touch the rings to your chest. [/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Pulling Progression 5″][promo image=””]Continue on to False Grip Strict Pull Ups, only count the repetitions if you make contact with the rings against your chest, pull each repetition as high as possible, keep the false grip in.[/promo][/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”Dipping Progression 1″][promo image=””]These start positions for everything are relative, for pressing, note the hollow body position and arm position, elbows are tucked in, neutral head, everything moves at the same time. You may transition once you have reached 3 sets of 12-20 perfect repetitions[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Dipping Progression 2″][promo image=””]Continue moving down 5-10 inches, each time progressing only when you have reached three sets of 12-20 perfect repetitions[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Dipping Progression 3″][promo image=””]Moving all the way to the floor, once you can perform 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions at the push up without your thighs touching, only your nose and chest may touch[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Dipping Progression 4″][promo image=””]Once you can perform three sets of 12-20 push ups, you will move to the rings performing push ups with your shoulders pulled back, the rings remain neutral, and about 4 inches off the floor, pull through until you are at a deficit for the push ups. Once you can perform three sets of 12-20 repetitions at this level, move to the next.[/promo][/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Dipping Progression 5″][promo image=””]Once you have passed the ring push ups, move to the rings, keep the rings neutral, shoulders remain back, keep the rings off the floor enough so that you do not have to bend your knees, pull deep into the dip position with a vertical forearm[/promo][/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”Muscle Up Transition 1″]Watch this video

Start with this transition until you feel you can comfortably perform the turnover from the top and control your descent to the full hang with ease. Then move to the second transition.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Muscle Up Transition 2″][promo image=””]Second Muscle Up Transition Once the first Transition has become easy, move to a banded transition keeping the elbows in and slowly decrease bands once they are seamless. Continue this until you no longer need a band.[/promo][/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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