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Programming Week 9 of 9 – Monday 8.17.15 – Sunday 8.22.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend”]Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend

This isn’t really a thing coming soon, but its an interesting video.- Wisdom

Classes-Mobility Class: Upcoming Weekly Mobility Schedule through July

Classes-August Fundamentals Begins Tuesday August 4th! Details here

Events- Free CrossFit South Bend Grocery Store Tour at Whole Foods

Stories- Katie B’s Story

News-There will be no more childcare as of August 15th. On a related note, Parents come get your toys!

BRING A FRIEND DAY- Whole Foods Bring a Friend Day – August 22nd

-STUDENT WELCOME WEEK! FREE Student Welcome Week August 31st – September 6th Click for Details[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Monday 8.17.15″]Monday 8.17.15


15-20 minutes to find your heaviest weight of the complex.

Take 3-5 sets to get there.

Lower Body Primal Mash Up

4 DB Front Squats + 4 Lunges + 4 Step Ups + 4 Reverse Lunges + 4 DB Front Squats


12 Min AMRAP

Max Effort Handstand Push Ups

200m every time that you break


This Primal mashup can be hard to wrap your head around, just ghost through it a few times without any dumbbells to get a nice groove going. TRY just try,as much as you can, to not use your back leg to assist in the step ups.

Handstand push ups in a workout?! I can do like…3, lets RX THIS!


You can kip them, you can strict them, but once you get fatigued and your reps are falling below 5’s, its time to move it back to the scaling behind it. I don’t want you flailing to get up, and then not having enough strength to control the descent, thus ramming your neck into the ground, don’t break your neck, or your arms, or your legs…I know some of you are accident prone…

Your scaling options for this workout are…

HSPU Scaling Options (1) HSPU (2) Toes on a Box (3) Push Ups

If you get the the point where you cannot handle your current scaling, step back a bit during the workout, don’t run 200m, get back in and grind out one painful handstand push up. If you can’t hit 5s, move back.

You know what else I hate?! Watching someone perform incline push ups on the HSPU on a box scaling. make sure to push your head through like this.



[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Tuesday 8.18.15″]Tuesday 8.18.15

5 Rounds

5 Plate Pushes

10 Pull Ups

15 Alternating Sandbag Shouldering 60/40lbs


The distance for the plate pushes…well, you don’t need to know about that, you’ll find out when you get in.

The pull ups can be kipped. If you don’t know how to kip, we will be throwing in some skill work here and there during class when it comes around. Want to accelerate the process? Get some 30 minute skill sessions and we will crush it.

Go heavy on the sandbag shouldering, just deal with it.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Wednesday 8.19.15″]Wednesday 8.19.15


3x Max Ring Rows at the low Rep Progression


4 minutes Jump Rope (Singles)

1 minute rest

4 minutes Rowing for calories

1 minute rest

4 minutes Sled Drag 1-2 45lb plates @25 yard trips

1 minute rest

4 minutes No Push Up Burpees


You know the drill with the low rep progression, keep tracking this and moving along.

As for the workout, try to find a pace you can consistently work at, I want some smooth long cardio on this one.

Scoring this one…how about total repetitions? just add em up, add em alllllll up.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Thursday 8.20.15″]Thursday 8.20.15


Squat, Base this off of a 1RM weight, for those within the last two months of completing Fundamentals – work up to a heavy 5
50% x4
60% x4
70% x2
80% x1
85% x1
90% x1
92.5-95% x1


8 Rounds of 30sec to Perform

Pro Shuttle (5yd.10yd.5yd)

Max Ball Slams with remaining time

Rest 15 seconds between rounds


We will be hitting a 1rm this coming week, so use these percentages and make sure you don’t have any fails, you can’t always feel amazing in the gym, but with that being said, even if you are feeling great at 95%, pull the reins and get ready to plan out next weeks PR attempt.

For the workout, this is always a little funny to watch, because you’ll be alternating the side you are facing at the top of each round. You may not get it now, but you’ll figure it out…[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Friday 8.21.15″]Friday 8.21.15


15 minutes to work to a Overhead Squat 2RM


Single Arm DB Row (each arm)
Chin Ups


Extra Credit

4 Rounds
1 minute on, 1 minute off
Max Banded Tricep Extension


Iffffff your overhead mobility sucks, I’d like to perhaps see some Snatch Push Presses, if even that is pretty shoddy, lets go ahead and work to a Front Squat 2rm. Don’t push it if you don’t have the mobility to do so.

For the workout today, Its kind of a bicep burner, if you have to switch weights mid workout, go ahead and do so, but if you want to stick to a nice heavy weight the whole time you are going to have to rest a bit.

And who doesn’t like some Friday jacked street work? Lets even out those biceps with some tricep extensions – so drink some power thirst  get your favorite body building fanny pack. Make your sleeves explode off of your shirt.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Saturday 8.22.15″]Saturday 8.22.15


I will post this wod very soon, how convenient though? you might as well plan  your grocery shopping for this day as well, you know…since we will be there anyway.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Sunday 8.23.15″]Sunday 8.23.15


75 Snatches at 75/55[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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