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Programming 9.26 – 10.02

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Start Date: 2020-09-26
End Date: 2020-10-02

Saturday September 26, 2020
Title: Saturday

Warmup: 10 Minute Amrap; warm up pace
5 Prisoner Kang Squats
60s Assault BIke
12 Alternating Step Ups
30 JR Singles or 10 Double Unders

A) Grind Work: 3 Sets; 7 Minute Amrap
45 Russian KBS
50 Double Unders or 150 Singles
30 Box Jumps w/SD
400m Assault Bike
5 Minute Rest between sets

Choose a tough weight for the KB, this is meant to be somewhat grindy


Sunday September 27, 2020
Title: Sunday

A) Mixed Cyclical w/Isometrics Aerobic Work : 40 Minute Amrap
1200m Bike
30s Forearm Plank
400m Run
30yard OH DB or KB Carry/arm


Monday September 28, 2020
Title: Week 3 Monday

Warmup: 6 Minute Amrap
10 Alternating Front to Side Plank
20s Isometric Split Squat Hold/leg
10 Alternating Active Straight Leg Raise

A) Notes / Whiteboard Scoring: We are dropping the tempo on some of this work, and picking up the reps!

Score your weight for the RFESS and Three Point Row
B) SA Pull / SL Squat – 24 Minutes: Every 2 Min x 3 Sets
1. Three Point DB Row L Arm x15-20
2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat L Leg x15-20
3. Three Point DB Row R Arm x15-20
4. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat R Leg x15-20

Example Modifications *DB RFESS, Unloaded RFESS, DB Split Squat, Unloaded Split Squat, DB Single Leg Glute Bridge, Unloaded Single Leg Glute Bridge
C) Core / Pull / SL Squat Accessory: 10 Minute Amrap
10 Barbell Curls
20 Reverse Lunges
30 Abmat Sit Ups

*continuous movement with very little breaking, choose weights that allow for that


Tuesday September 29, 2020
Title: Tuesday

Warmup: Move right into the Aerobic Work

A) Note / Whiteboard Scoring: Not a huge amount of adjustments here, note the lack of tempo in the LM Press and increased rest as a chance to load slightly heavier.
B) FB Mixed Modal Aerobic Work – Sustainable: 15 Min Amrap
3 Push Ups
5 Air Squats
7 Russian KBS
20s Reverse Plank Bridge
10 Cal Bike or Row

*the modifications you choose should be something you can hold for a 45 minute amrap. focus on quality and sustainability here. You should feel as though you are PRIMED UP for the next piece, not exhausted moving into it.

C) DL Bend + Glute Superset – 12 Min: Every 2 Min x 3 Sets
1. Dumbbell RDL x15-20
2. 20 Alternating Lateral Banded Walk (in place marching back and forth)

D) SA Push – 12 Min: Every 2 minutes x 3 Sets
1. Single Arm Landmine Press L Arm x15-20
2. Single Arm Landmine Press R Arm x15-20


Wednesday September 30, 2020
Title: Wednesday

Warmup: Get right into it today

A) Notes / Whiteboard Scoring: Class: No score, get in and move

You may start on a different modality
B) Map 10: 12 Min Amrap
15/12 Cal Bike
20s Side Plank/side
2 min rest

12 Min Amrap
5 No Push Up burpees
50 yard Farmers Walk
2 min rest

12 Min Amrap
30 Doubles or 90 Singles
20 Alternating Box Step Ups


Thursday October 1, 2020
Title: Thursday

Warmup: 12 Min Amrap
10 Goblet Good Mornings *keep this attached to your chest
10 Beautiful Air Squats
20s Quadruped Plank
5 Minute Foam Roll – all over

A) Notes / Whiteboard Score: Class: Score last pendlay row and back squat weight
B) Pendlay Row: Every 2:30

*build across sets

C) Back Squat : Every 2:30
*build across sets


Friday October 2, 2020
Title: Friday

Warmup: 7 Min Amrap
10 KB Good Mornings *on back this time
10 Prone Y
10 Drop Squats *into quarter squat

A) Notes / Whiteboard Score: Class: Score Floor press and bend work weight
B) Glute Bridge Barbell Floor Press: Every 2:30

Build across sets
C) Bend Work: Every 2:30 x 4 Sets
TNG Power Clean
x4.4; rest 20s between clusters

PC x 4.4; cluster set – rest 20s between
Hang Muscle Clean x 10
RDL x 10
D) Push w/High Breathing Rate: 12 Min Amrap
10 UB Push Press
15 UB Russian KBS
300m Run
rest 60s between