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Programming 7.23 – 7.29

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Whats going on this week!”]

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Monday 7.23″]


A. 3 Sets; 20m cap
Seated DB Press; @31X1; 9-12 reps, rest 60s
Ring Row; @31X1; 9-12 reps, rest 60s
Anchored Sit Ups;15-20, rest 60s

B. 15 Minute Amrap
4 Alternating DB Single Arm Push Press/arm
8 No Push Up Burpees
60 Singles


A. 3 Sets; 20m cap
Filly Press; @31X1; 6-9 reps/arm, rest 60s
Strict Pronated Pull Up; @31X1; 6-9 reps, rest 60s
Straight Legged Sit Ups;15-20, rest 60s

*add weight to the pull up if you can keep the tempo

B. 15 Minute Amrap
4 DB/KB Snatch + Push Press/arm
8 Burpees
45 Doubles

A. write this in your own journal for progression purposes
B. Rounds + reps and weight used

Comp A; you may use bands, but keep to the tempo
B. Choose weights that allow you to keep this sustainable round to round


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Tuesday 7.24″]


A. Snatch Thacker Method
10-15 Minutes working on full snatch

B. Back Squat; 18 min cap
@ 32X1; 2×8-10, 2×6-8, rest 2-3m between sets

C. 3 Sets; 20 min cap
Foot Supported Single Leg RDL; 3111; 9-12/leg, rest 60s
Side Plank; 20-30s hold/side, rest 60s


A. Snatch Thacker Method
10-15 Minutes working on full snatch

B. Back Squat; 18 min cap
@ 32X1;; rest 2-3 minutes between

C. 3 Sets; 20 min cap
Single Leg RDL; @3110; 6-9/leg, rest 60s
Star Plank; 20-30s hold/side, rest 60s

B. Heaviest weight and F/C
C. write this in your own journal for progression purposes

A. If you can load and keep this technical and pretty, you can load slightly


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Wednesday 7.25″]


A. 3 sets; 20 min cap
Bench Press @2121; 8-10 reps, rest 60s
Dual Bent Over DB Row @31X2; 8-10 reps, rest 60s
Forearm Plank; 30-45s; rest 60s

B. 4 Sets; 3 min amrap, 1 minute rest
10m Bear Crawl
100m Run
10 Cal Bike
10 Russian KBS


A. 3 sets; 20 min cap
Bench Press @2121; 6-9 reps, rest 60s
Dual Bent Over DB Row @31X2; 8-10 reps, rest 60s
Plank March; 30-45s; rest 60s

B. 4 Sets; 3 min amrap, 1 minute rest
10m Bear Crawl
100m Run
10 Cal Row
10 American KBS

A. write this in your own journal for progression purposes
B. Rounds + Reps


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Thursday 7.26″]


A. Front Squat; 18 minute cap
@3231; 3×6-9 reps, rest 2-3 minutes between

B. 4 Sets – Grind; 20 min cap
Split Squat @2111; 6-9 reps/leg
12-15 Hanging Tuck’s
45s Wall Sit
rest 2 minutes


A. Front Squat; 18 minute cap
@3231; 3×4-6 reps, rest 2-3 minutes between

B. 4 Sets – Grind; 20 min cap
Split Squat @2111; 6-9 reps/leg
6-10 Strict K2E/TTB
30s Goblet Wall Sit
rest 2 minutes

A. Front Squat weight
B. Don’t write, just dial it in and grind


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Friday 7.27″]


A. 3 Sets; 15 min cap
Side Plank Powell Raise @ 3111; 6-9 reps/arm, rest 60s
Legs only Inchworms @ controlled; 8-10; rest 60s

B. 4 Sets – 20 min cap
5 Deadlifts
10 Push Ups
8 Ring Rows w/ 1 sec at top
Bike 60s moderate to tough
rest 2 minutes


A. 3 Sets; 15 min cap
Side Plank Powell Raise @ 3111; 6-9 reps/arm, rest 60s
Rower Pike Ups @ controlled; 8-10; rest 60s

B. 4 Sets – 20 min cap
5 Power Cleans
5 Push Presses
8 Ring Rows w/ 1 sec at top
Bike 60s moderate to tough
rest 2 minutes

A. keep it for your records, no score
B. Weight used on DL/PC+PP

A. Keep this smooth and controlled
B. I want the bike to increase in pace/effort each time, end at 90% effort, you can build on the DL/PC+PP, I also want the PC+PP weight to be the same weight.


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Saturday 7.28″]


A. Work to a heavy set of the complex in 4 sets (20 min cap)

5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Hang Power Cleans
5 DB Front Squats
5 DB Shoulder to Overhead

B. For reps
3 Min Bike
2 Min Barbell Thruster
1 Minute Burpees Over Bar
rest 3 minutes
x 2 sets


A. weight
B. total reps each round


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”Sunday 7.29″]


A. Flow – 30 min amrap, easy, light, and conversational
Bike 10 cals
30 Singles
4 Turkish Get Ups
Row 10 Cals
5 Inchworms
40yd Kettlebell Front Rack Walk

Don’t score this, just move well.
