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Monday 7.11.16

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New Cycle: 

A1) Dumbbell Strict Press

3×9-12 @ 30X2, rest 90s

A2) Front Rack Reverse Lunges

3×12-16, controlled, rest 90s
B1) Pendlay Row

3×4-8 @ 20X2, rest 60s

B2) Side Plank

3×45-75s, rest 30 between sides, rest 60 before next Pendlay row
C) Snatch Lift Off

Every 2 Minutes for 12 minutes 
3 Snatch Lift Offs to above the knee, 1 second pause above the knee pulling the bar back
D) Snatch Off Blocks

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes 
1.1 Snatch from above the knee off blocks, 3 second pause in the bottom. 10 seconds between reps working on setup.

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