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Are you kicking ass at life or is life kicking your ass?

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In this video we ask the question “Are you kicking ass at life or is life kicking your ass?”

The essential point of the video is that the standard medical definition of health as “no symptoms or not sick” is a bad one. Most of us don’t just want to survive life and go through the motions. We want to thrive.

Optimal health is not just lack of symptoms or a lack of disease. Instead, it’s kicking ass at life. Your energy, mood, sleep, and recovery from workouts shouldn’t just be okay. They should be great, if you’re optimally healthy. Of course, we all have times in our lives where stressors have the upper hand. However, that shouldn’t be the norm.

A normal healthy functioning human being shouldn’t just have so-so sleep or energy. Instead their sleep and their energy are great. On the other hand, if you don’t feel like your energy, mood, libido, recovery from workouts, etc. is great and/or you’re having symptoms that’s a sure sign that something has gone wrong with your health.

When it comes to health, your birthright is to kick ass at life. Don’t settle for less.

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