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CrossFit Wods 2.15.16 – 2.21.16 **Week 2 of 9**

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[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend” parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]CFSB NEWS – EVENTS – UPDATES

THE CROSSFIT OPEN- Announcing the 2016 CrossFit Intramural Open

CROSSFIT OPEN UPDATE: Want to do the CrossFit Open Wods? Read here

BLOG POST – Being late to class

BLOG POST – Seven things to know/do before this years open

IMPORTANT: The Future of CrossFit South Bend

NUTRITION: Amy’s Treat Corner – Gluten free chocolate chip bacon cookies



NEW CLASS TIME(S) TUE/THU Another Set of New Classes Added![/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Monday 2.15.16″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Monday 2.15.16


Snatch Skill Work


7 Rounds

2 minutes to perform

5 Snatches 135/95

10 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

Max Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Rest 2 minutes

Score is total reps performed.

Each round is 5 + 10 + However many pull ups you performed.


Snatch Skill Work:

Coaches choice, but this should have some concepts of barbell cycling involved in it.


If we have a huge class you will be sharing a bar with someone else, so you’ll be paired up with someone who has a similar strength, and if not, look alive and when they get off the lateral burpees over bar, get your plates changed out.

Scale so that you have enough time to get to the bar and bang out a few reps (perhaps with around 20-30 seconds left)

Scaling for pull ups can be anything again, regular pull ups, banded, ring rows. Whatever you feel most technically proficient at.

You don’t have to open your hips all the way on the burpees over bar

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Tuesday 2.16.17″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Tuesday 2.16.17


15-20 minutes to work to a heavy set of the complex

Pause Squat + Back Squat  (4+1)

***3 second pause at the bottom for the first 4 squats, the last squat is normal, work speed out of the bottom on that last one.


Teams of 3

100 Floor Press 165/105

200 Kettlebell Swings 55/35 American

300 Double Unders

Score is time



Just like the description says, the first 4 are a tempo, the last squat is working speed out of the bottom normal tempo down and up.


Again, paired with people of your similar strength if possible, if not, separate bars.

The work can be broken up however you’d like

Only one person works a time

Scaling for doubles is coaches choice.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Wednesday 2.17.16″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Wednesday 2.17.16


3 Rounds

30 yard plate push

rest :30 seconds

30 yard plate push

rest :30 seconds

30 yard plate push

rest :30 seconds

30 yard plate push

rest :30 seconds

10 strict toes to bar

20 cal row

:45 second goblet squat 55/35

rest 3:00 between rounds



Plate push is at 45#

The distance will be broken up to two separate 10 yard segments on the turf, of which, we will be running 3 people on a line at the time (6 total per heat)

You are responsible for tracking your own time, so pay attention

Coaches choice for scaling on strict toes to bar, try to keep it to a strict variation though.

20 Cal row is all out!

Goblet squat is 55/35, don’t touch your elbows to your knees.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Thursday 2.18.16″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Thursday 2.18.16


7 Rounds

3 minutes to perform

3 position Power Clean mid thigh, below knee, floor

max unbroken set of strict chin ups


7 minute amrap

Teams of two

Max Ball Slams 40/30

**These ball slams must be done in sets of 10 at a time



3 position power clean: must be performed without disconnecting from the bar

This means there is a clean at each position

Chin Ups: Unbroken set, and strict – meaning when you come off the bar, you are done.

Amrap: Simple, fast, these have to be done in sets of 10, no more, no less. So…

Joe hits 10 ball slams

Jeff hits 10 ball slams

Joe hits 10 ball slams

Jeff hits 10 ball slams

Joe hits 10 ball slams

Jeff hits 10 ball slams

Joe hits 10 ball slams

Jeff hits 6 ball slams BEEP, time is up

Score is 76 ball slams

Catching on the bounce is mandatory for Rx’d, even on the last rep.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Friday 2.19.16″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Friday 2.19.16


20 minutes to establish

Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk


Front Squat Religion

Max at bodyweight (thats the amount you weight, on the bar)

5 burpee box jumps 24/20

not for time, for reps




If you are new and not technically savvy at these movements, you will perform a push press 3rm unless the coach feels as though your technical ability allows for a push jerk. In which case the coach can customize your complex. example: Push Press, Push Press, Push Jerk.

Front Squat Religion:

Not for time, for reps.

Rx’d is your bodyweight, on the bar, I weight 220, so I would put 220lbs on the bar, and that is Rx’d. If “Yennifer” weighs 160, 160 on the bar is Rx’d for her.

We have two scales, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

If you are extremely sensitive to your weight, make something up. I don’t want any emotional breakdowns today. You weigh what you weigh and we love you guys all the same. Just say Rx’d or Scaled.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Saturday 2.20.16″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Saturday 2.20.16

Teams of 2

For time:

2k Row

50 Power Cleans 155/105

75 Toes to Bar

100 Burpees over Bar



This must be performed in the order written however the work can be broken up back and forth however you see fit.

Burpees can be lateral or facing

Don’t tear your hands on the TTB!

Goal time is 22 minutes.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Sunday 2.21.16″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Sunday 2.21.16


Every 30 seconds for 15 minutes

Thruster x 1


10 Rounds

20 seconds max muscle ups

40 seconds rest

20 seconds max handstand push ups

40 seconds rest



Start with a weight that you think you can keep technically sound throughout the 15 minutes.

Start at whatever weight you’d like

You can take weight off during the 15 minutes, but you can’t add it back on.

If it looks sloppy, strip the weight back

If you no rep more than twice, strip that weight down

Yes, it’s pulled from the floor.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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