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CrossFit Open Validation Times and Friday Night Lights Details

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[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][text_output]Hey all, here are the details to getting validated for the CrossFit Open Workouts.


The workout is released on a Thursday night at 8:00pm, you have until 8pm on Monday to get your score in / do the wod.


Friday Nights at 5:15pm is when the big Friday Night Lights will begin, this is the big game night, we will be having some prizes, some talks prior to the open wod, then we will be creating some heats and getting after it.

Friday Night Schedule:

4:15pm -5:15pm: The Wod Prep Talk: whether you’ll be doing the wod that night or a few days from then, if you signed up for the open you can come into the strategy talk. Here we will be chatting strategy for the workout, warm up, mobility and nutrition considerations. This will give you a much better understanding of how to attack this workout. This is optional, you don’t have to show up for this, if you want to just show up and hit the stock warm up and get sorted into a heat, then show up at 5:15.

5:15pm – 7:15pm: We will have you show up at 5:15, and there are a lot of factors to consider, how long the workouts are, how much equipment is involved, how many people show up, and how many heats we will have to run. This may run anywhere from 60-120 minutes to run. The heats are first come first serve. But I will have a good suggestion on the board for you as to when your heat is, and when you should start warming up.


Here are the other validation times for you to come in to get your wod judged. It’s important to note that you must come in on time for these, having people trickle in through the hour is a pain in the ass when I have an athlete who came in early and is ready at 12, then 12:20, then 12:40, etc.

Friday: 12:00pm, 5:15pm (Friday Night Lights Event)

Saturday: 12:00pm

Sunday: 11:00am

Monday: 5:30am, 12:00pm, 4:15pm


If you absolutely can’t make it to any of those times, or the friday night – I will put out the details each week on how to video your wod to send it in to get it validated.



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