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Primal Kitchen Part 3-It’s Here!

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The very first Primal Kitchen restaurant not just in Indiana, not just in the United States, but in the entire world is opening up next week! The Primal Kitchen Granger is set to officially open next Thursday July 20th. In this video we take you on an exclusive tour of the restaurant with Tara and Anthony before it actually opens. -We take a closer look at the menu with amazing looking items like a bison tenderloin steak, chicken and waffles, double chocolate mug cake and much much more. -We get a tour of the ordering area and the dining area, which looks great. -Anthony shows us the drink bar where you can order Teaspressa, bone broth, drinks, smoothies, and juices to go. -We finished off by taking a tour of the quick grab and go section which has tons of Paleo staples and pretty much all of the Primal Kitchen products like ranch, caesar, etc. -You'll eventually be able to get grab and go meals from this take out area so you can grab a quick healthy meal to go. Thanks so much to Tara, Anthony, and the whole Primal crew for brining this amazing place to this area!

Tuesday, 7.11.17

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Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout.

Pull Up 3x Max Reps


Front Squat 2 @ 70%, 2 @ 75%, 4x2 @ 80%, You have been handling some good weight on the front squat. I want doubles @ 80% for speed. Think fast.

Snatch Pull 2. 2. 2. 2. 2, I want the first set done at your final weight of the power snatch from yesterday. Second set add 10 pounds and final two sets get 20 pounds added.


5 sets Dynamic Step Ups - 20 Reverse Med-Ball Too - 5 Sprint - 20 yards Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets

Mindfulness Mondays: The Iceberg Method — Hack Your Routine to Create More Mindful Moments

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“I really want to be more mindful, but it’s just so hard to find time for it.” Does that sound familiar? Feeling “too busy” prevents people from doing new things all the time. Humans inflate the negative consequences of losing things they already have. Which makes it tough to re-prioritize your time to create new habits. This is especially difficult if you have a type-A, career-driven personality. Every day is chock-full of meetings, deadlines, and important tasks! How could you ever take 20 minutes to just sit and breathe? It feels completely out of reach. With that approach, mindfulness falls into the category of “things I don’t have time for”. Which sets you up for a downward spiral. A self-fulfilling prophecy of stress and anxiety. Get stressed —> Avoid cultivating space with mindful breaks —> Stay stressed —> Repeat Fortunately, there's a simple way to be more mindful while maintaining your existing habits. You don’t need to take time away from your current activities to live more mindfully. Yes, you read that right! You can increase the amount of mindful moments in your life without changing anything about your schedule or morning routine. " is that possible?"

Mindfulness is a State of Mind

Mindfulness isn’t an activity that you do. It’s a state of mind. When you do something mindfully, you're fully present in the moment. You aren’t thinking about the past or the future. Instead, you place your attention and awareness on whatever you're experiencing at that time.  Many people make a simple mistake when learning about mindfulness. They characterize it as a set of activities: "Mindfulness is when you do yoga, or meditate, or journal…" You wouldn’t be wrong to define yoga and journaling as mindfully oriented activities. In fact, both are a part of my mindfulness practice! But they’re only a few of the countless ways to cultivate mindfulness--merely the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more beneath the surface!

The Iceberg Method: How to Hack Your Routine to Create More Mindful Moments

The Iceberg Method works in three steps:
  1. First, expand your view of what's considered a "mindful activity"
  2. Second, find new opportunities to be mindful that you previously overlooked
  3. Third, queue more mindful moments with physical reminders

1. Recalibrate Your Definition of Mindful Activities

Think about mindfulness as an iceberg. The ice represents all the opportunities to create more mindful presence in your life. Activities like meditation and yoga are the tip of the iceberg. They’re the clearly visible manifestations of a mindfulness practice in everyday life. What's “beneath the water”? It’s the rest of your day! Here’s what I mean by that... You can create mindful moments at any point in the day. Usually this means focusing on your breath, or paying specific attention to your senses. Every moment of every day is an opportunity to be mindful. Which doesn’t mean you need to be mindful and aware every second of every day. But it does give you the chance to cultivate mindfulness more often than you do now. If you haven’t thought of mindfulness in this way before, you probably didn’t realize the countless opportunities for mindfulness that already exist in your routine! You don’t need to set aside extra time to meditate to be mindful. (Although it does help, and I highly recommend it.) And you don’t need perfect conditions to be mindful. You just need to remember to pay attention! When mindfulness is an always-available state of mind, the hardest part isn’t having time, it’s remembering to do it! With the Iceberg Method, you can define new opportunities to be mindful that you previously overlooked. Repurpose everyday moments into mindful breaks and start building your mindfulness practice!

2. Define Opportunities to be Mindful in Your Daily Routine that Won’t Take Extra Time

Everyone has different routines. So it doesn’t really matter what parts of your day you pick for mindful breaks. The important thing is that you create these mindful moments every day! Here are 12 everyday moments I’ve used as opportunities to be mindful.
  • While washing your hands…focus on the temperature and sensation of the water, soap, and towel on your hands.
  • While eating food…focus on the taste, texture, and temperature of the food as you eat it. Notice how the flavors change as you eat.
  • While moving/exercising…focus on your breath, and the sensation of the muscles you’re using.
  • While drinking water…focus on the temperature, and the feeling of the water as it moves into your mouth and down your throat.
  • While cooking…observe how the food reacts to heat, and changes form over time. Focus on the smells of the food and seasonings.
  • While getting dressed…notice how the various fabrics feel on your body as you put them on.
  • While cleaning…notice how the surface changes as you clean it. Focus on the patterns of your movement as you scrub or wipe.
  • While showering…focus on the temperature and sensation of the water and soap against your skin.
  • While outside in weather (wind, rain, snow…)…notice how the shifts in weather feel against your clothes and skin. Observe how your environment changes.
  • While waiting…pay attention to your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths in and out through your nose.
  • While writing…focus on the sensation of your pen against the paper. Notice how the ink dries on the page.
  • While on the bus…close your eyes and listen. Notice the loud sounds around you. Then, try to find the quietest noise you can hear.
Think back to them in the coming days to create mindful moments throughout your day. (Or tailor the method to your habits with the free worksheet.)

3. Use Physical Reminders to Queue Mindful Moments

To make this habit easier, try using physical reminders as a way to queue yourself to be mindful. I do this with my gratitude journal by leaving it on my bed every night. That way, I'm guaranteed to remember to write in it before falling asleep. A few ways to do this:
  • Leave notes for yourself You can put simple notes like “Breathe”, or “Accept”, or “Present” around your house where you know you’ll see them. The worksheets for this article have a full list of reminder words you can cut out. Place them where you know you’ll bump into them!
  • Write on your hand/arm Just a small dot, letter, or short word will do the trick. (Or, repurpose the classic “rubber band around your wrist” reminder.)
  • Put a “marker" on a high-use object Use a permanent marker to make a mark of some kind on your toothbrush, or deodorant stick. Or put a sticker on your phone case. Make it visible, and put it on something you use every day!
Anytime you notice one of these markers, take a deep breath, and use it as an opportunity to create a mindful moment.

Start Creating More Mindful Moments

Building this new mindful moments habit will take time. But soon enough, you’ll find yourself spending more time in mindful presence. You’ll start to recognize how beneficial these simple everyday moments can be! Remember the iceberg, and you’ll never have too little time for mindfulness! PSClick here to download The Iceberg Method Worksheets and start hacking your routine for more mindful moments.
Based in Chicago, IL, Patrick Buggy is a coach and writer at, where he shares mindful strategies to help you live your best life. To start every week on the right foot, join the free newsletter: Mindful Monday Mornings.

Programming 7.9

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]Jean Jammin' and Better Poops: The Angie and Amy Story Part 1 CrossFit South Bend Coffee:Its here and ready to go! Share the link with everyone you know! July Fundamentals begins July 11th! Mindfulness Mondays: Creating Positive Change That Lasts CFSB COMPETITION – New Wods on the Block – This will be our first official competition we will be hosting, if you all make it a success, you’ll see more in the future! CFSB Facebook Page: CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 7.9" open="false"]FITNESS A. 20 Minutes to finish Front Squat 3x5 @ 32X1 B. 10 Rounds - For time - 20 Minute Cap 5 Strict Pull Ups 8 Goblet Squats Run 100m C. Optional Pulling Work - If time allows 3 Rounds 10 Scap Pulls 10 Hammer Curls 20 Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs COMP A. 20 Minutes to finish Front Squat 3x5 @ 32X1 B. 10 Rounds - For Time - 20 Minute Cap 3 Strict Pull Ups 3 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Ups 8 Double Kettlebell Front Squats Run 100m C. Optional Pulling Work - If time allows 3 Rounds 10 Scap Pulls 10 Hammer Curls 20 Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs Notes: Scoring: A, score FS. B, score time. C, don't score - just do it. A. In both cases, I want all of the Front Squat sets as heavy as possible - no build. B. Scale so that you can finish in under the time cap, you almost want the pull ups to be a little easier than you feel they should be out of the gate. Go moderate on the goblet squats, ring rows can be subbed for pull ups. C. This is some optional pulling work if time allows[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 7.10" open="false"]COMP & FITNESS A. 15 Minutes to establish a Deadlift 5rm @ 31X1 B. @ the top of a 2:30 mark 12.12.12 Single Leg RDL @ 3111 C. For time 5 Rounds 5 Strict Presses - pulled from floor 20 Russian KB Swings 30 Double Unders D. Optional Upper Body  Push Accessory - If time allows 3 Rounds 15 Front Raises 15 Lateral Raises 15 Rear Delt Raises Max Banded Tricep Extensions Notes: Comp and Fitness are together today Scoring: Score weight for A and B. Score time for C. Don't score D. A. Work up to a 5, but leave a little in the tank, you'll be doing a 5 next week. B. Build up to the 12 over the course of 3 sets. C. Keep the presses heavy from the floor, start heavy and stay heavy. D. If time allows - some extra shoulder/pressing work[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 7.11" open="false"]FITNESS A. Coaches Choice Oly Warm Up B. Every 90s for 12 Rounds Odd Rounds: Snatch Deadlift x 3 Even Rounds: Hang Power Snatch x 3 C. Row 750/650 - All out COMP A. Coaches Choice Oly Warm Up B. Every 90s for 12 Rounds Odd Rounds: Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat Even Rounds: Snatch Deadlift + Full Snatch C. Row 750/650  - All out Notes: Scoring: A, Throw your range of weights on the board for the snatch. B, score time. A. Oly warm up with some of the skill work for the lifts today thrown into it. B. Notice, there is a different lift for the odd and even rounds - drill these hard in the warm up coaches. C. Max Effort![/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 7.12" open="false"]FITNESS A. 3x10 Overhead Squats with PVC or Bar into the warm up. B. 18 Minutes to establish a Back Squat 7rm @ 30X1 C. 3 Rounds @ the top of a 2:00 mark 12 Bent Over Barbell Row D. 5 Rounds @ the top of a 3 minute mark 20 Weighted Walking Lunges COMP A. 10.10.10 Overhead Squats with a small build during the warm up B. 18 Minutes to establish a Back Squat 7rm @ 30X1 C. @ the top of a 2:00 mark 12.12.12 Bent Over Barbell Row D. 5 Rounds @ the top of a 3:00 mark 20 Front Rack Walking Lunges Notes: Score: B. Score weight, C. Score Weight, D. Score weight. A. Just a warm up - fitness stay the same, comp build lightly as a primer for B. B. Get after it. C. Comp - you can build on this, Fitness, stay heavy for all sets. D. Stay heavy the entire time, you can drop your weight down but you can't add it back on.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 7.13" open="false"]FITNESS A. 18 Minutes to establish a Bench Press 5rm @ 31X1 B. For time 15 Heavy Deadlifts 30 Burpees 10 Heavy Deadlifts 20 Burpees 5 Heavy Deadlifts 10 Burpees COMP A. 18 Minutes to establish a Bench Press 5rm @ 31X1 B. For time 15 Heavy Power Cleans 30 Burpees Over the Bar 10 Heavy Power Cleans 20 Burpees Over the Bar 5 Heavy Power Cleans 10 Burpees Over the Bar Notes: Scoring: A. Score weight, B. Score time and weight. A. Leave a  little in the tank, you'll be doing a heavy 5 again next week. B. Score time. B. Fitness will be doing DL, Comp will be doing Power Clean and Burpees OVER the bar. If you cannot Power Clean your body weight, stick to deadlifting right now. If you aren't sure what your Power clean is, stick to deadlift for right now.  [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 7.14" open="false"]FITNESS A. 5 Sets Against a three-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 20 Ring Rows 30 Incline Push-Ups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Air Squats COMP 5 Sets Against a three-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 20 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Air Squats Notes: Score: Total reps At the conclusion of three minutes, you will rest for exactly 3 minutes before repeating for a total of 5 three-minute sets. You will begin your next set where you finished the previous set – i.e., if you finish your 39th squat at the conclusion of the three minutes, you will begin with your 40th rep after your three minute rest period, and then roll immediately into pull-ups after your 50th squat.  [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 7.15" open="false"]FITNESS AND COMP A. Take 15-20 minutes to find today’s 1-RM Push Press B. For time: Row 1000 Meters immediately followed by… Three sets of: 10 Push Presses (95/65 lbs) 15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) immediately followed by… 40 Toes to Bar Notes: Score: Push Press weight + individual time stamps for the workout.[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Monday, 7.10.17

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Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout.

Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout.


Back Squat 3. 3. 3. 3, For the last 6 weeks we have been using percentages. For today, I want you to work up to a heavy triple on the back squat.

Power Snatch 3. 3. 3. 3, Same deal on the PS - work up to a heavy four.


8 minute cap Max 15 yard Shuttles 3 strict pull up buy in at the top of each minute. You have 8 minutes to get max 15 yard trips. Remember you have a 3 pull up buy in at the top of each minute.

Friday, 7.07.17

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

Chin Up 3x Max Reps


Snatch Pull 1x2 95%, 1x2 100%, 2x2 105%, 1x2 107.5%

Inclined Dumbbell Press 8. 8. 8. 8


Complete as many sets of the following as possible in 15 minutes. Landmine Push Press-20, Alternate arms as needed. Slide Board Push Ups - 10 right and 10 left Sandbag Shoulder Toss - 5