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Strength & Conditioning 4.16.18 – 4.20.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 4.16.18 "] Base MR. Hip 1x4 + 3 Athletic Burpees Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout. Intermediate MR. Hip 1x4 + 3 Athletic Burpees Back Squat 1x1 @ 90%, 1x1 @92.5%, 1x1 @92.5+% Walk Out 3x10 seconds @105% Press Press 1RM Conditioning 3 Rounds Supinated GHD Holds - MAX Single Arm Dumbbell Step Up - 10 reps right and left [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 4.17.18"] Base Mr. Hammy 2x3 + 3 Broad Jumps Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout. Intermediate Mr. Hammy 2x3 + 3 Broad Jumps Deadlift 1x1 @ 90%, 1x1 @92.5%, 1x1 @92.5+% Conditioning 4 Rounds Meadow Rows – Max effort each arm (reps should fall between 8-12) go up from what you used last week. Single Arm Farmer Cary – 20 yards each arm AHAP [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 4.19.18"] Base Mr. Bear Trap 1x4 + 3 Jump Lunges Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout. Intermediate Mr. Bear Trap 1x4 + 3 Jump Lunges Bulgarian Split Squats 6. 6. 6. 6 Bench Press 1x1 @ 90%, 1x1 @92.5%, 1x1 @92.5+% Lock Outs 3x10 seconds @105% Conditioning 3-4 Rounds Skull Crushers – Max effort (reps should fall between 8-12) go up from what you used last week. Slight Incline Dumbbell Flys – 12 reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 4.20.18"] Base Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Vertical Pulls 4x Max Reps Intermediate Power Clean 1x1 @ 90%, 1x1 @92.5%, 1x1 @92.5+% Vertical Pulls 4x Max Reps Conditioning 4 Rounds Prowler Push - 100 yards Clean High Pulls - 8 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Programming 4.16 – 4.22

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Our next Kids Class registration is closing soon! Click here to fill out the form if you are interested! Want to get cut up for the summer? Check out our Physique Cohort Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 4.16"] FIT A. EMOM,Build 8-10 Left - Rear Foot Elevated RDL 8-10 Right - Rear Foot Elevated RDL 8-10 Left Arm Dumbbell Press 8-10 Right Arm Dumbbell Press 30-60s Left Side Plank 30-60s Right Side Plank x 4 sets (24 min total) B. For time - 8 minute cap 30.20.10 Russian KB Swings Push Ups COMP A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark 8 RDL, Start moderate, build to heavy 8 Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead, Start moderate, build to heavy 6+ Max Unbroken TTB *stop 3 reps short of fail x4 Sets (24 Minutes total) B. 8 Minute Amrap 20 KB/DB Snatches 55/35 10 Handstand Push Ups Score: FitA: Heaviest RDL Weight and DB Press Weight CompA: Heaviest RDL Weight,Shoulder to Overhead Weight, total TTB. FitB: Time or reps in cap CompB: Reps Notes: Fit A: Build on the sets, start off moderate. Fit B: Mods > Incline Push Ups, Deficit Push Ups CompA: You should have enough time to transition your weight from RDL to UB STO - this is pulled from the floor on the first one. CompB: I will allow Ring Dips (not scaled ones) or Strict/Kipping HSPU up to 2 mats under the head. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 4.17"] FIT A. 20 Minute Amrap @ Conversational pace - NFT 10 Ring Rows, moderate 30s Front Rack Bottom of Squat Hold 30-60s Dead Bug Hold B. 20 Minutes to establish Back Squat 5rn COMP A. EMOM (20 minutes) 8-10 Bent Over Row, build 3-6 Left Side Plank Clamshells 3-6 Right Side Plank Clamshells 60s rest x 5 sets B. 20 Minutes to establish Back Squat 1rm Score: FitA: No score, conversational pace CompA: No Score, conversational pace FitB: Heaviest weight CompB: Heaviest Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 4.18"] FIT A. 30 Minutes to finish Full Thacker Method Warm Up for Snatch B. Every 90s x 8 Sets (12 min) 3-4 Hang Power Snatches Notes: B. Keep it fast and smooth, work quality of movement - don't load if it looks bad. Mods Snatch RDL > Hang Pull > Hang Power Snatch COMP A. 30 Minutes to finish Full Thacker Method Warm Up for Snatch B. Every 90s x 8 Sets (12 minutes) Build to a heavy Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+3) Build to a heavy set of the complex Notes: B. Keep it fast and smooth Score: Complex Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 4.19"] FIT A. 4 Sets - 20 Minutes to finish 9-12 Strict Pull Ups 100' Farmers walk, heavy B. 150 Wall Balls for time - 8 minute cap COMP A. 4 Sets - 20 minutes to finish Weighted Pull Up x 3 100' Farmers Walk B. Karen 150 Wall Balls for time 20/14#, 10/9 - 8 minute cap Score: FitA: Total pull ups and lowest Farmers Walk Weight. CompA: Heaviest pull up set and lowest farmers walk weight. Fit B: Time or reps in cap CompB: Time or reps in cap Notes: For farmers walks - Start heavy and challenging - you get ONE set down, if you have to set it down more than once during your set, you must grab another weight for your next set. Because some of you MFers will game the system - If you set it down more than once on your last set (because you don't have another set coming after that)- subtract #20 from your score. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday"] FIT A. 90s to finish each station Close Grip Bench Press x 5-8, build Banded Good Mornings x 8-10 Ab Mat Sit Ups x 10-20 x4 sets B. 20 Minutes to find Deadlift 5rm COMP A. 20 Minutes to finish 4 Sets Close Grip Bench Press x2-3, build to a heavy set in the range B. 20 Minutes to find a Power Clean 1rm Score: FitA: Bench press weight CompA: Bench press weight FitB: DL Weight CompB: PC Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 4.21"] FIT & COMP 20 Minute Amrap 10 Alternating Turkish Get Ups 40 Doubles or 80 Singles 20 Alternating KB Snatches 40 Doubles or 80 Singles 30 American Kettlebell Swings 40 Doubles or 80 Singles Score: Total reps in the time [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 4.22"] Gym roll up doors open at 10, if you care about the modality you choose - line up at the door and wait because it will be first come first serve. I will have 8 Biking Spots 6 Rowing Spots 5 Weighted Vest Spots The people who come in first will write their name on the board to choose what they want do to. FIT & COMP 50-60 minute Bike or 50-60 minute Row or 50-60 minute Weighted Vest Walk this allows for 19 Spots, if more people come in, you'll be carrying a sandbag on your back for 60 minutes. Score: Total Cals for Bike Total Meters for Row Total Yards for Weighted Vest Walk [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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I’m Not Perfect…Not By A Long Shot

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In this video I discuss the numerous ways in which I'm imperfect. Why did I think it was important to make this video? Put simply a lot of marketing by health and nutrition coaches on the Internet gives the impression that they've never had to struggle and that everything comes so easily to them. In my case, the exact opposite is true. I'm passionate about what I do and I'm better able to what I do precisely because I've had many health and weight struggles along the way. One of my favorite sayings from a mentor is "My super power is that I make mistakes faster than anyone else", and that's certainly true of me in the health and wellness space. Making mistakes faster than other people allows me to learn from those mistakes more quickly than others, and then I can pass that knowledge on to those I coach. Here are just some of the many ways I'm imperfect, and this is only the health and nutrition side of things :) -I grew up eating more processed foods and fast foods than probably almost anyone watching this video and that continued for about 28 years. -For most of my adult life, about 10 to 12 years I was about 50 to 60lbs overweight and I had significant struggles losing weight -About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Graves' disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism), which took a long time to heal from. That experience was what motivated me to become a health coach for a living. -To this very day, as I'm writing this (April 2018), I am working with my own functional health practitioner to resolve some lingering health issues that haven't gone away. Why? Because I'm not perfect, and 28 years of eating junk food along in addition to being a Type A stress case will really mess up your health. Additionally, the past three years have probably been the most stressful of my life, which leads me to my next point. -Stress, and how I deal with it, is my own personal Mount Everest that I've been working on very hard the past couple of years but it's still a MAJOR area of work for me. -I still eat completely off plan foods (pizza, chocolate chip cookies, etc.) and not always for special occasions (although this has improved dramatically in the past few years) I think it's important as a health coach to show people that I'm not perfect, and that I've dealt a number of health and weight issues over the years. We're all at various levels of imperfection, but we can improve. What separates those who stay stuck in their lifelong imperfections from those who change is the willingness to ask for help to learn and grow as a person. Even though I'm still very much imperfect, the changes I've made have been dramatic from where I used to be, and I'm going to keep trying to improve. You should too.

Weightlifting Programming 4/9/18-4/15/18

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All right, everyone! We're entering phase 2 of the Olympic + Hypertrophy cycle. You'll notice that we once again have 10x2 on all of our olympic movements with the weight slightly higher than it was during the first wave of the cycle. The hypertrophy ranges have stayed the same, but the number of sets has decreased back to the original amount.   Monday – 4/9/18
  • Warm-Up: GHD Back Extensions, Broad Jumps, Box Jumps
  • Power Cleans
    • 10 x 2 @ 77.5-82.5%
  • Clean Pulls
    • 5 x 3 @ 100-105% of Clean
  • Shoulders
    • Filly Press 5 x 10
  • Abs and Back
    • Dumbbell RDL’s 3-4 x 10
Tuesday – 4/10/18
  • Rest Day
Wednesday – 4/11/18
  • Warm-Up: Side Plank, GHD Back extensions/RDL’s, Barbell Warm-up
  • Snatch
    • 10 x 2 @ 77.5-82.5%
  • Back Squat
    • 5 x Max (8-12 Reps) (R 3-5)Leave 3 reps in the tank
  • Chest
    • Incline DB Bench Press 6 x 8-12
    • Close Grip BB Bench Press 4 x 8-12
  • Bi’s
    • Barbell Reverse Curls 5 x10
Thursday – 4/12/18
  • Clean 10 x 2 @ 77.5-82.5%
  • Snatch Pulls
    • 5 x 3 @ 105-110%
  • Back
    • Bent Over Rows 4 x 8-12
    • DB “Lawnmower” Rows 3 x 8-12
  • Tri’s
    • Standing Tricep Extensions 5 x 10
Friday – 4/13/18
  • Rest day
Saturday – 4/14/18
  • Warm-Up: Long Technical Warm-up
  • Clean and Jerk
    • (1+2) 10 x 2 @ 77.5-82.5%
  • 1 ¼ Front Squats
    • 5 x 3 @ Moderate-Heavy
  •  5×5
    • HEAVY single arm PP + Overhead walk (each arm)
Sunday – 4/15/18
  • Rest day

Strength & Conditioning 4.09.18 – 4.13.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 4.09.18 "] Base MR. Hip 1x4 + 3 Athletic Burpees Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout. Intermediate MR. Hip 1x4 + 3 Athletic Burpees Back Squat 1x2 @80%, 1x2 @85%, 1x2 @87.5% Press Press 3RM Conditioning 4 Rounds Dumbbell Walking Lunge -10 Yards GHD Bridge Holds – MAX, try to beat last weeks holds [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 4.10.18"] Base Mr. Hammy 2x3 + 3 Broad Jumps Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout. Intermediate Mr. Hammy 2x3 + 3 Broad Jumps Deadlift 1x2 @80%, 1x2 @85%, 1x2 @87.5% Conditioning 4 Rounds Meadow Rows - Max effort each arm (reps should fall between 8-12) Bottoms Up Kettlebell Cary - 20 yards each arm [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 4.12.18"] Base Mr. Bear Trap 1x4 + 3 Jump Lunges Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout. Intermediate Mr. Bear Trap 1x4 + 3 Jump Lunges Bulgarian Split Squats 8. 8. 8. 8 Bench Press 1x2 @80%, 1x2 @85%, 1x2 @87.5% Conditioning 4 Rounds Skull Crushers - Max effort (reps should fall between 8-12) Straight Arm Pull Downs - 20, build off last weeks numbers [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 4.13.18"] Base Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Vertical Pulls 4x Max Reps Intermediate Power Clean 1x2 @80%, 1x2 @85%, 1x2 @87.5% Vertical Pulls 4x Max Reps Conditioning 4 Rounds Starr Shrugs - Max effort (reps should fall between 8-12) Sled Drags- 100 yards, pick a weight you can move at a fast walking pace. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Programming 4.9 – 4.15

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] April 21st - May 26th Begins our Next CrossFit Kids Class! Email if you are interested! Want to get cut up for the summer? Check out our Physique Cohort Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 4.9"] FIT W/U: Group warm up will include DL/Power Clean WU A. 4 Sets, each at the top of a 90s mark (18 minutes) Deadlift x 8-10, build on sets 8+ Max Unbroken Push Ups 40-60s Plank B. Amrap in 15 minutes 10 Push Press 20 Kettlebell Swings 30 Double Unders COMP A. 18 Minutes to finish Power Clean 4x1.1, rest 20s between singles, rest 2-3 minutes between sets B. Amrap in 15 minutes 10 Clean and Jerks @ 60% of your heaviest 1.1 50 Double Unders Score: Fit A: Deadlift weight Comp A: Heaviest PC Fit & Comp B: Total Reps Mod Incline Push Ups > Push Ups > Deficit Push Ups Incline Plank > Plank > Plank on Rings [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 4.10"] FIT A. 4 Sets, 30 Minutes to finish 8 Overhead Squats @ 3231, build 10+ Max Supinated Grip Pull Ups 40-60s Side Plank Left 40-60s Side Plank Right B. Row 500m, hard COMP A. 30 Minutes to finish Front Squat 5.3.1, 5.3.1 Weighted Pull Up 6x3 B. Row 500m, hard score: Fit A: heaviest OHS weight, total # pull ups Comp A: Heaviest FS, pull up weight notes: For Comp's FS - I want the second set heaviest than the 1st suggested warming up after the strength piece for rowing if time allows Row 15s, hard rest Row 30s, hard rest Row 45s, hard rest Row 60s, somewhat hard rest I'd like to see some climbing in pacing - with enough rest to feel somewhat recovered (depending on class size - at a minimum 3x the amount of time you rowed) Mod Front Squat - Overhead Squats Ring Rows - Pull Ups Strict Pull Ups - Weighted Pull Ups [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 4.11"] FIT A. 30 Minutes to finish Fuil Thacker Method Warm Up for Clean B. EMOM 10 Minutes 3-4 Hang Power Cleans Notes: B. Keep it fast and smooth, work quality of movement - don't load if it looks bad. Mods RDL > Hang Clean Pull > Hang Power Clean COMP A. 30 Minutes to finish Fuil Thacker Method Warm Up for Clean B. EMOM 10 Minutes Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean ( 3 +1 ) Build to a heavy set of the complex Notes: B. Keep it fast and smooth Score: Complex Weight[/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 4.12"] FIT A. 4 Sets, 32 minute cap - all sets challenging 10-15 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Left Arm rest 30s 10-15 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Right Arm rest 30s 20-30 Unbroken Wall Balls rest 30s 20 Calorie Bike rest 30s COMP A. 5 Sets, 32 Minute Cap 1-5 Unbroken Muscle Ups 20 Wall Balls 30 Cal Bike rest 2-3 minutes Score: Nothing, train, get after it today Notes: Fit: Start with heavy weights for the bent rows [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 4.13"] FIT A. 4 Sets, each at the top of a 90s mark Close Grip Bench Press x 8-10 @ 21X1 10 Single Leg Bench Supported RDL Left @ 2110 10 Single Leg Bench Supported RDL Right @ 2110 B. Amrap in 15 minutes 30 Russian KB Swings 15 Hanging Knee Raises Run 200m COMP A, 20 Minutes to finish Standard Grip Bench Press 5.3.1,5.3.1 B. Amrap in 15 minutes 30 Alternating KB Snatches 55/35 15 Toes to Bar Run 200m Score: A: Bench weight B: Rounds + Reps Notes: Close grip - directly in front of the shoulders If you have issues with the SLBSRDL (lol) perform the movement with foot supported on the ground MOD Hanging Knee Raises > Sit Ups If running is shitty outside, coaches choice [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 4.14"] A. 30s Left Arm DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks 30s Right Arm DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks 60s Double Unders 60s Wall Balls 60s Calorie Bike 60s Rest x4 Sets Score: Total Reps Notes: Work on being consistent [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 4.15"] A. 60s Crocodile Breathing 15 Half Kneeling Pallof Press Left Arm 15 Half Kneeling Pallof Press Right Arm B. Amrap in 10 Minutes @ 60% effort 10 Med Ball to Toes 30s Heavy Front Rack Hold 30 Doubles or 30 singles C. 60s Row 60s Bike 60s Run 60s Step Ups 5 sets [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Weightlifting Programming 4/2/18-4/8/18

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Monday 4/2/18 Warm-Up: Side Plank, GHD Back extensions/RDL’s, Barbell Warm-up   Snatch Heavy Double   Back Squat 5 x Max (8-12 Reps) (R 3-5)   Chest Incline DB Bench Press 6 x 8-12 Close Grip BB Bench Press 6 x 8-12   Bis Barbell Reverse Curls 6 x10 Tuesday 4/3/18 Rest Day   Wednesday 4/4/18 Warm-Up: Elbow Planks, Glute Bridges, GHD Back extensions/RDL’s   Power Cleans Heavy Double   Clean Pulls 5 x 3   Shoulders Arnold Press 7 x 10   Abs and Back Dumbbell RDL’s 4x12   Thursday 4/5/18 Cleans - Heavy Double   1 ¼ Front Squats 5 x 3   Back Bent Over Rows 5 x 8-12 DB “Lawnmower” Rows 5 x 8-12   Tri’s Standing Tricep Extensions 6 x 10   Friday 4/6/18 Rest Day   Saturday 4/7/18   Warm-Up: Long Technical Warm-up   Clean and Jerk (1+2) Heavy   Snatch Pulls 5 x 3   ME Incline push-ups (30+ reps) Bear Crawl + Sandbag Pull Through   Sunday 4/8/18 Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning 4.02.18 – 4.06.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 4.02.18 "] Base MR. Hip 1x4 + 3 Athletic Burpees Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout. Intermediate MR. Hip 1x4 + 3 Athletic Burpees Back Squat 3x5 @70%, 1x3 @75%, 1x2 @80% Press 5RM, work up to a heavy 5 for the day Conditioning 4 Rounds Goblet Squats - find a weight you can do for 8-15 reps GHD Bridge Holds - MAX [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 4.03.18"] Base Mr. Hammy 2x3 + 3 Broad Jumps Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout. Intermediate Mr. Hammy 2x3 + 3 Broad Jumps Deadlift 3x5 @70%, 1x3 @75%, 1x2 @80% Conditioning 4 Rounds Single Arm Dumbbell Row - find a weight you can do for 8-15 reps each arm Prowler Push -100 yards [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 4.05.18"] Base Mr. Bear Trap 1x4 + 3 Jump Lunges Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout. Intermediate Mr. Bear Trap 1x4 + 3 Jump Lunges Bulgarian Split Squats 10. 10. 10. 10 Bench Press 3x5 @70%, 1x3 @75%, 1x2 @80% Conditioning 4 Rounds Dips - 8-15 reps, if you can add weight to operate within the rep range Straight Arm Pull Downs - 25 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 4.06.18"] Base Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Vertical Pulls 4x Max Reps Intermediate Power Clean 3x5 @70%, 1x3 @75%, 1x2 @80% Vertical Pulls 4x Max Reps Conditioning 3 Rounds Sled Drag - 50 yards Reverse Sled Drag - 50 yards Single Arm Farmers Walk - 50 yards each arm AHAP [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]