2014 05 28
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Check out the awesome plants Amber Polite gave us outside the gym!
Prettying this place up a bit.[/text_output][container][text_output]A.
Squat 3rm
4 Unbroken Split Jerks
60 Yard Shuttle
3 Unbroken Split Jerks
60 Yard Shuttle
2 Unbroken Split Jerks
60 Yard Shuttle
1 Unbroken Split Jerks
60 Yard Shuttle
Workout is not for time, shuttles are meant to be an all out effort
separate weights will be recorded for each split jerk set.[/text_output][line][text_output]mind bending face paintings - the chive
You got a lot of freakin' problems by Matt Foreman - Catalyst Athletics[/text_output][/container][/vc_column][/vc_row]

I hope you all had a good holiday weekend! Time to get back down to business. :)
A) Snatch - 3x1 @ 85% of max last Wednesday, 3x1 @ 90%
2-position hang clean (floor, below knee) - 5x2 (only move up in weight if form is perfect)
B) Push Jerk -
Back squat (pause) - 30X1 - 5x3
C) WOD - 8 minute AMRAP
6 push-ups
8 box jumps 24"/20" (landing on full foot, quarter squat)
10 butterfly sit-ups (extra credit if they're weighted with 30/20# ball
.....We love abs, right?)
2014 05 28
Guess who these two are? hint: they are getting married soon!
7 minutes to accumulate as many vertical pulls as possible
*No bands may be used, either vertical pull or ring rows
*any grip may be used for vertical pull as well, supine, prone, or switch grip.
3-6 Rounds of
10 Sandbag to Shoulder 80/60
25 Yard out and back prowler push 180/120
*Workout is not for time, but for effort per round
Fitness Crazed - NY Times
Instructor Zero
2014 05 27
2014 05 27
Tempo Floor Press 5rm
3 down, 1 pause, up fast, no pause at top
3x12 Reverse Barbell Lunges
Tabata Row
Goal: 1000m men / 850m women
***Every 1 meter under goal is a 1 second hold in an L-sit
2014 05 26
2014 05 26
2014 05 26
2014 05 25

Monday – Memorial Day – 5.26.14
All other classes cancelled. Come in today to do "Murph" either individually or with a partner.
Warm up begins at 10:00am. Bring some food and drink if you'd like to chill out after the wod. We will be there from 10am - 1pm!
2014 05 25

Monday *Memorial Day* 5-26-2014
No oly class today! The rest of CFSB is doing "Murph" at 10:00AM - join in on the fun! Regular class will resume Wednesday at 6:30PM!
2014 05 25