2014 09 11
15 minutes working on Kipping as a skill
20 minutes to establish Front Squat 1rm
For time
Buy in - 200m Run 5 Rounds 2 Hang Power Cleans 205/135 4 Bar Over Burpees
5 minute minute cap
Lateral or facing is fine on the burpees
Looking for fast and heavy on this one, you only have to perform the 200m run one time at the beginning.
Get your warm up sets for the wod in during your front squats, during some of your beginning sets drop the bar to the floor and hang power clean it back up to get an idea of what your weight for the workout is going to be.
2014 09 10

2014 09 10
2014 09 09

2014 09 09
2014 09 09
20 Minutes to establish Deadlift 7rm
Keep this clean, no touch and go reps, this is a beauty contest today, its okay to have obvious tension on the back, consider the lift a failure if you fail to maintain proper posture throughout the movement.
2 Rounds
20 Pull Ups 25 Hand Release Push Ups 30 Kettlebell Swings 70/55 *Russian
12 Minute cap
Work clean, consistent neutral head position over the bar during pull ups.
2014 09 08

There is an olympic weightlifting competition on 10/25 in Lansing, MI that a few of you guys have demonstrated some interest in! (Info on the CFSB Weightlifting Facebook page) So, for the next 7 weeks we will be preparing all of you (whether you plan to attend or not) for the competition! Instead of maxing out in 4 weeks, we'll have a prolonged cycle this time around and hit a max at week 7.
1) hamstring PNF stretch - 30 seconds passive, 30 seconds flexed x 4 rounds on each leg
2) 3x10 banded good mornings
A) Snatch DL + hang snatch - 5x3@70% of 1RM
B) Front squat - EMOM x 10min - 3 reps each round:
Rd 1-3 - 65% of 1RM
Rd 4-6 - 70%
Rd 7-9 - 80%
Rd 10 - max reps at 85%
C) 3 rounds of tabata:
Round 1 - Russian Twists (35/25#)
Round 2 - Air squats w/ plate (25/35#) and 1sec pause in bottom
Round 3 - Plank hold
2014 09 07
2014 09 07
2014 09 06