Look at that sexy CFSB team there
Jumped the gun on the Wednesday post. THIS is the Tuesday workout guys :)
20 Minutes of the Rope Climb Skill practice
Note: COME PREPARED TO ROPE CLIMB - Wear long pants, long socks, don't tear your legs up
5 Rounds (Not For Time)
5 Deadlifts 315/210
Max Unbroken Double Unders
1-2 Rope Climbs, 2 if you are a skilled rope climber
10 total is the minimum you must perform of double unders or double under attempts if you cannot do them unbroken, for those of you who can perform unbroken double unders, if you trip at 9 or under doubles, you may reattempt. Once you hit 10 and continue, that is your set.
Score is (1) deadlfit weight (2) total double unders (3) total rope climbs
2014 09 22