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James M’s Whole90 Testimonial!

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]In more than one way this has been a life changing experience. Even though I had started eating mostly paleo a few months in advance, going through first through the whole30 was a challenge that gave me a better understanding of how my body works and how much of its daily functioning depends on the “fuel” I give to it. Along these lines, the most interesting fact for me was to realize that what I discarded most of the time as regular nuisances (lack of energy, sleepiness, a bothered stomach) where in reality the consequences of my meals. Together with this recognition, the experience was a great way to build a daily routine that made me avoid missing meals and having enough nutrients in each of them in order to function. Before doing the Whole90 I had an idea of what kind of food was better for me, and I was already trying to avoid things that were not that good. But while I understood this in principle, I did not have the experience of seeing exactly how my body could work with a more regulated, free of all “bad foods” diet. While the first thirty days were difficult because of things that I was holding on to like peanut butter, beer, honey, beans, etc., they gave me the opportunity to not only see how I could feel without them, but also to discover other ways in which a completely paleo diet—and even a whole30 diet—could be multifarious and exciting. After the first 30 days, it was almost all smooth sailing for me. Granted I still missed things like beer, or the occasional piece of bread or cheese, but being able to have a glass of tequila for example, or a “cheat day” a month was enough. I think that, like with other things like stopping smoking, the most difficult thing is always to break the habits, the conducts and “traditions,” and not the actual separation from the substance or food. Thus, once I have gotten used to not eating my food always with bread, or not going out for beers, I did not miss the thing unless I got myself in the same context again (i.e. conferences, birthday parties, etc.). In this way, the whole90 and paleo appeared clearly as what they are, not diets but ways of life or styles of living. At the end, it became clear how it was a choice of how I wanted to live my life from now on, and not just a small project of “trying to get in shape” or “to lose a few pounds.” Finally, I think one of the most important aspects of the experience is that it allows people to stop and reflect for a second on the food culture we have in the US. I am a foodie, I believe that if you have the time you should make the best out of each meal. But this does not only mean to find the best recipe or to make the most complicated sauce, it also means to realize what exactly are you giving to your body, and how it is going to help or damage it next day or in the long run.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tuesday 12.2.14

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Mitch's Whole90 Testimonial  Interested in our Whole90 Challenge this year? click here for more details  A. 3x Max Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows Notes: RR should be scaled to a difficulty of 7-10 reps B. Teams of 5 (plan on around 20 minutes for this workout) 3 Rounds Each 20 cal row 20 sandbag shouldering 80/60 20 burpees Plate Pinch Carry down and back on the turf Notes: this will be done in a conga line format, and you cannot pass the person in front of you  

Monday 12-1-14

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Carl sent me a picture of your max out day! Awesome job everyone!! Hopefully we have all digested our turkey dinners enough by now to lift some stuff. :) A) Snatch - 2x2@75%, 2x2@80%, 2x2@90% of 1RM B) Front squat - EMOM x 12min - 2 reps w/ 2sec pause in bottom Weight should increase as follows: Min 1-3 @ 65% Min 4-6 @ 70% Min 7-9 @ 75% Min 10-12 @ 80% C) Acculumate 2:00 in plank, 2:00 in HS hold, 2:00 in L-sit Each time you break, perform 5 American style KB swings (55/35) **15min cap **there are scaled variations for all movements. Try to pick a scaling that you can hold for ~20-30sec at a time!

Mitch’s Whole 90 Testimonial

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][container][text_output]So my experience with the Whole 90 was a little different from the start. I am a fitness enthusiast and have always maintained a very active lifestyle. The one thing that was really missing from my fitness lifestyle was a completely strict diet. I managed to eat moderately healthy and watch certain things that I ate but I was never very strict with it. I had belonged to Crossfit South Bend for a short period of time before I had inquired about the Whole 90. Once I finally asked about it I was instructed to talk to Robby because his vast knowledge in itself is a reassuring factor that he knows his stuff and wants to share lifestyle knowledge with others. It took me just one extensive conversation with Robby to feel completely motivated and compelled to give this a try. My initial goals for the Whole 90 were to lean out my body some and start peaking in my performance with Crossfit. To go along with my performance I wanted to make sure that I could get back to sleeping well again. Robby had mentioned that certain things in my diet could have been causing me some problems in regards to my sleep. I would say within the first 10 days I had dropped about 10lbs and within the 15- 20 days I was sleeping a deep sleep throughout the night. That right there made my performance that much better. I had all the energy in the world and my recovery was phenomenal. Whenever I had a question Robby was not too far and was very willing to help me out with a list of resources to refer to. The most rewarding thing I have gained from the Whole 90 is honestly,I have more confidence in myself. I'm not just visual happy but mental happy as well. Despite having a long background in this kind of lifestyle, staying very committed to this diet in belief that it would change my life was very tough at times. I am the kind of person that I need to see it to believe it. Well I did see it and I will continue to see it. Over the Whole 90 I had dropped some weight, gained back some muscle and have continued to improve my performance. I feel amazing and have helped motivate others in my family to live a healthier(Paleo-ish) lifestyle and make changes in their fitness. I also would like to say thank you to the Crossfit South Bend family. The coaches, the athletes, and my friends there all helped play a part in that journey in my life that I will forever be grateful. Thank you Robby for sharing this lifestyle with me and I will continue to enjoy a Paleo lifestyle.[/text_output][/container][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="none" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="10347"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][share title="Share this Post" facebook="true" twitter="true" email="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday 12.1.14

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A. Bench 5RM B. 20 Min AMRAP, Teams of 3 6Rt/6Lt Two Handed Suit Case Lunge AHAP 6x 25yd Sprints 12 Toes to Bar Notes: one person works at a time, each partner will compete the movement before moving on to the next moment. For example Partner 1 would do 12 Lunges, then Partner 2, then Partner 3, and then Partner 1 would start their sprints.

Monday, 12.01.14

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Just a heads up this Friday we will be doing a Crossfit Football Total. So the strength schedule will be reflecting this.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)


Weighted Barbell Step Up 6, 6, 6, 6 (3 each side), repeat from last week, try to see if you can best last Monday's Step Ups


Complete the following on the minute for 10 minutes: 10 reps Russian KB Swings – 2/1.5 pood 5 reps Ball Slams – 40/30 lbs

Sunday Funday 11.30.14

By: 3 Comments

A. Teams of 2-3 30 minute amrap 70 Wall Balls 20/14 , 10'/9' 50 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 70 Wall Balls 20/14 , 10'/9' 50 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 70 Wall Balls 20/14 , 10'/9' 50 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 70 Wall Balls 20/14 , 10'/9' 50 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 70 Wall Balls 20/14 , 10'/9' 50 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 Shoulder to Overhead 185/125