2015 03 03
Hearing Impaired Scam with CrossFit
Note: I thought the private transportation thing was a little odd, we have had things like this in the past though with transportation issues due to Notre Dame in the area. This isn't terribly out of the ordinary, we do a lot of personal training with a many different types of people.Brandon wilton: Hey there! Its nice to hear back from you. Our personal training sessions are usually $60 an hour, if you are purchasing more than 10, we give 15% off. so at 24 sessions with 4 people, it would wind up being. $1224. Or around 300 a person for 24 private group sessions. If you would like to move forward on this, just let me know and I can give you the link with the discount code. Then I can gather some further information as to what you would like to accomplish during the sessions. You can check out more details pertaining to our personal training sessions here http://crossfitsouthbend.com/personal-training/ This way we can get a good idea of your expectations and start working on a template. 7329646436: None of them is hearing impaired, no health issues nor injuries The goals are to Gain strength, Mobility, Flexibility Does M/W/F work for you Afternoon sessions Brandon wilton: What time(s) were you looking for in the afternoon? 7329646436: 3pm Brandon wilton: and when were you looking to begin? 7329646436: Could you please help me with the sum total? 9th March Brandon wilton: So here is how this would work from here, step by step. 1. Head to https://crossfit-south-bend.myshopify.com/products/60-minute-personal-training-session?variant=1126929804 2. Put in as many personal training sessions as you would like in the quantity and enter discount code “ tenplus “ If you purchase 10 or more, that will give you 15% off, and you can see the sum total from there the total would be $1224 after discount I will then email you ( if you could send me your email please ) That way I can set up an initial consultation for free to talk to everyone, get to know everyone, and have something a little more solid to base the programming off of. 7329646436: Sorry, I have no direct access to the internet nor computer for the moment, I have been advised to stay off this due to my recent surgery and to allow me quick recovery.
Notes: This is where I wanted to call bullshit, so I started googling and found this message board on CrossFit.com http://board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?p=1249645 . No internet nor computer for recovery? and you are typing? This is all really off. I went on CrossFit.com and immediately sent them an email, perhaps they can put something out there to warn people so someone a little more gullible won't fall for it. Wanted to continue the conversation because I couldn't quite figure out the endgame here of what they wanted.Brandon wilton: okay, we can advise through text message if you would like. 7329646436: Ok, that's fine What is the total cost, tax inclusive and Can I have your full name,address and direction for the private transport to locate your place when they are coming for the service. Brandon wilton: Hey there Jennifer, the tax is already included in the service, it is $1224 for 24 sessions. Brandon Wilton, Crossfit South Bend. 3927 North Home Street, Mishawaka IN 46545. I would love to give you directions as well, if you would like to let me know where they will be coming from. Also, have you been hearing impaired your entire life? or is this from a recent event? and are you at a hospital locally? or traveling to a hospital? Hey there! I was speaking to a colleague of mine who would love to pay you for an interview about doing CrossFit while hearing impaired as well. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
Note: Tried baiting them a few times with conversation, or with payment to see what they wanted until I found this on hearing impaired scams . It looks like it was the transportation service that was the hook. So I thought I would make sure.Hey there, just checking in with you to make sure things are wrapped up. Let us know if you need anything in the future. Also let us know if you would like us to arrange transportation or if you would prefer to use your own service. 7329646436: Using my own transport service
Note: Ahhhhh, there is the response, thought so.Brandon wilton: sounds great. how would you like to proceed? 7329646436: I'm still having problem getting driver arranged because he does not have credit card facility Brandon wilton: is that anything we can help with?
Note: or not, here is the bait.7329646436: If you can have it charged together with your fees and have his portion deposited into his bank account as soon as you have payment cleared into your bank account.
Notes: Aaaaannnnddd thats the scam. They want you to deposit funds into their account before the cash clears into yours, then they cancel the transaction and close down the accounts. Not very well versed on every scam out there, but, hopefully no one falls for this.
2015 03 03

2015 03 02
2015 03 02

Deadlift 1x5 (add 10 lbs to last workout) Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps
Power Snatch 8×2 – Use 90% of Power Snatch 2 RM from 2015-02-10 Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps
Complete 4 Rounds for time. 1.5/1 pd KB Power Snatch Right – 6 Reps 1.5/1 pd KB OH Farmer Carry Right – 20 Yards Burpee – 12 Reps 1.5/1 pd KB Power Snatch Left – 6 Reps 1.5/1 pd KB OH Farmer Carry Left – 20 Yards Burpee – 12 Reps
2015 03 02
March Fundamentals Begins Tomorrow!
2015 03 02

Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Squat 5 RM Press 3×5 *Collegiate and Professional: 85% of your 3 RM from 2015-02-09 for Press.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 135 lb Front Rack Walking Lunges – 10 Reps Supine Ring Rows – 10 Reps 40/30 lb Ball Slams – 10 Reps
2015 03 02
5 minutes good landing practice for burpees - use no push-up burpee
5 minutes double under practice - work on rhythm and finding your pace
5 minutes - sit in the bottom of the squat
12 minute cap
25 calorie row
25 burpees over bar
25 kettlebell swings 55/35 *american
25 front squats 95/65
25 kettlebell swings 55/35 *american
25 burpees over bar
25 calorie row
2015 03 01
2015 03 01
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
8 Shuttle sprints
16 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
24 Wall Balls 20/14
32 hand release push ups
40 double unders
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
8 Shuttle sprints
16 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
24 Wall Balls 20/14
32 hand release push ups
40 double unders
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete for time
8 Shuttle sprints
16 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
24 Wall Balls 20/14
32 hand release push ups
40 double unders
2015 03 01