2015 08 05
2015 08 05
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2015 08 03
2015 08 03
2015 08 03
2015 08 03
Programming Week 7 of 9 – Monday 8.3.15 – Sunday 8.9.15
Just a quick note- It gets hot from time to time in the gym...don't forget to drink water, you know, like an adult.
Classes-Mobility Class: Upcoming Weekly Mobility Schedule through July Classes-August Fundamentals Begins Tuesday August 4th! Details here Events- Free CrossFit South Bend Grocery Store Tour at Whole Foods Events–31 Heroes – August 8th at 9:00am and 11:00am Stories-Johnny K - Sweat Equity News-There will be no more childcare as of August 15th. BRING A FRIEND DAY- Whole Foods Bring a Friend Day - August 22nd -STUDENT WELCOME WEEK! FREE Student Welcome Week August 31st – September 6th Click for Details[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 8.3.15"]Monday 8.3.15 A. 15 Minutes to establish Push Press 3rm Note: Compare to your 1.1.1 Push Press Cluster from 7.13.15 if you have it. B. “Religion” Complete 5 rounds for time: Squat Unbroken for Max Reps 7 Burpee Box Jumps 20″ Notes: It's for time as well, rest enough to give it a good go, but not so long that you are taking all day to finish it. Notice the weight prescription above? there isn't. If you are a novice use body weight or a percentage of your body weight that is manageable. If you are experienced and under a body weight of 225 lbs use 225 lbs. If body weight is over 225 lbs use your body weight. We will be pairing people up for the sake of either having spotters or if you don't need them, someone to watch the legitimacy of your depth, or just to whisper into your ear during the lift if you are in to that kind of stuff. Also, don't be a dumb ass, use a weight that makes sense for you, one that is difficult, but you can move the bar with some speed. Looking to get on the leaderboard with this? Make sure your squats are legit, we don't count quarter squats toward leaderboard scores. The experienced prescriptions described earlier are the ones that get on the board for this. The Push Press: Peculiarities and Pitfalls - Breaking Muscle[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 8.4.15"]Tuesday 8.4.15 A. 10 minutes A little bit of Power Clean Skill Work B. 25 Minutes to establish a 4rm Deadlift Notes: Compare to your 5rm on 7.14.15, try to get a little above it. this is also when you will establish your wod weight. C. For time 12,9,6,3 of Power Cleans 155/105 Pull Ups 8 minute cap. LONG ASS NOTES SECTION: Warm up for the Power Cleans alongside hitting your Deadlifts, FIND YOUR WEIGHT FOR THE WOD, then ditch the power cleans and move on with DL's. Read this a couple times because when I mention it in class, I saw someones head explode trying to figure it out. There are many ways to warm up through this, to give you an example of what I would do, this includes finding my PC weight, then continuing on to the DL, all percentages are based off of current 5rm DL of 465 and Power Clean of 295. So when you see that percentage, its based off of a max, but rounded up or down depending on simplicity of weight changes. This is just an example, not the end all be all. Warming up EXAMPLE 40% of 1rm- Power Clean 2x5 @ 115 **Rest 30 seconds between sets rest as long as it takes for you to get the next % on the bar - now is also a good time to set your pull ups together for the workout, maybe play with a couple, stay busy, stay sweaty 50% of 1rm- Power Clean 3x2 @ 145 (working touch and go or singles, whatever your flavor, touch and go will be dependent on it being a lower % of your max) - **Rest 30 seconds between sets (now is also a good time to maybe hit a second set of pull ups for the workout to make sure you've got your scaling right) rest as long as it takes for you to get the next % on the bar Wod weight - Power Clean 2x2 @ 155 **Rest 30 seconds between sets YOU HAVE FOUND YOUR WEIGHT. SWITCH TO THE DEADLIFT. 50% of 5rm - Deadlift 1x4 @ 235 (chose this weight because its not a huge jump away from the ending power clean weight) rest as long as it takes for you to get your next weight on the bar. 65% of 5rm - Deadlift 1x2 @ 305 rest as long as it takes for you to get your next weight on the bar. 75% of 5rm - Deadlift 1x2 @ 350 rest as long as it takes for you to get your next weight on the bar. 85% of 5rm - Deadlift 1x1 @ 395 rest 2-3 minutes 95% of 5rm - Deadlift 1x1 @ 440 rest 3-5 minutes ATTEMPT 100%-105% of 5rm - Deadlift 1x4 @ 485 You can kip the pull ups - don't flail the pull ups. I'll allow bands or ring rows for this one. Get the chin above the bar, keep the neck as neutral as possible. CFSB - How to set up for a deadlift[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 8.5.15"]Wednesday 8.5.15 A. Double Under Skill work B. 3x Max reps Lo Rep Range Ring Rows C. "Annie" Double Unders Sit ups D. Extra Credit - optional If time allows Watch this Notes: Sorry I typed so much for yesterday's notes section...I blacked out and that was all on the computer. If you did the Lo Rep Range already, you had better remember your last sets, if not, just make sure you listen up in class about what we are looking for and keep in honest. DON'T GRIND ANNIE OUT FOR 15 MINUTES. For the doubles: If your calves aren't used to this amount of volume, just don't do that much volume. If you can do doubles, do doubles, if you can't do doubles, lets say its a 2:1 ratio of doubles to singles for the wod. The coach should be able to give you a good idea of what your doubles scaling should be, whether its hitting a static number between or descending sets, and of that works just fine. For the sit ups: There is a lot of crazy sit up shit out there, keep it pretty, don't hunch your back over like you trying to go down on yourself. Unless you can, in which case, why are you here? you won, go home and celebrate. I like this little demo video here. Ab Mat or not, I like them done this way so it doesn't recruit as much hip flexor in the movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhG_x1bLHwE One last thing, jump ropes never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever go outside. It takes one outside workout on the concrete to destroy a jump rope. So do everything inside.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 8.6.15"]Thursday 8.6.15 A. 20 Minutes Clean Skill work of coaches choice to prime you up for the Front Rack position in the workout. B. 4 Rounds - NFT Max Reps unbroken Deficit Push Ups 18 Front Rack Reverse Lunges AHAP Walk 100 yards Notes: This is NOT FOR TIME Record the weight used and the push ups. Front Rack: 2's or 3's on the rack for this one. 1. Establish a good front rack position, or if you have a shitty front rack use straps, or frankenstein position. I don't care for the crossover position because it puts you in a bad shoulder position. Just don't mess your wrists up. 2. don't bang your knee against the ground. just don't do it. 3. I want your shin vertical. don't crash the knee aggressively past the shoelaces. Deficit Push Ups are done on 2 x 45s on each side. These aren't dynamic or plyometric. Just deficit, get as low as you can with this. The walk is meant to keep you moving after your set and to force a little rest in there.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 8.7.15"]Friday 8.7.15 A. 20 Minutes rope climb work because 31 heroes is tomorrow! for the love of god. Wear leg protection. B. 3 Rounds Farmers Walk 100 Yards 25 Ball Slams (INSIDE! NOT OUTSIDE! INSIDE!) Notes: Again, wear leg protection like long socks or sweatpants on rope climb days, and read this. If you didn't read this and you didn't bring any, then thats what you get. If you didn't bring any, stop when your leg is uncomfortable. That is your fair warning. This is for time, but I understand you may be wanting weights someone else has...just go heavier. Do the ball slams inside, not outside. Little rocks cut holes in our balls. I don't want our balls getting hurt. ...post ball jokes to comments. It's only Rx'd if you catch the ball on the bounce. We see everything, so don't think you are getting away with shit if you don't catch it on your last slam. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 8.8.15"]31 Heroes Saturday 8.8.15 All Details are here. AMRAP in 31 Minutes 8 Thrusters 155/105 6 Rope Climbs @ 15ft 11 Box Jumps 30/24 Notes: Like the warriors of our armed services, this WOD is about working together, sacrificing yourself for your teammate, and accomplishing the mission together. Partner 1 performs the workout listed above. Partner 2 runs 400m with a sandbag (45/25). When Partner 2 returns from the run, Partner 1 will grab the sandbag, and begin their 400m run, while Partner 2 continues the workout where Partner 1 left off. 31 Minutes to honor the 31 Heroes who gave their lives on August 6th 2011 8-6-11 in memory of August 6th 2011 DON’T FORGET TO WEAR LEG PROTECTION FOR THE ROPE CLIMBS! Notes: Take a little time out on the drive in today to think about how awesome your life is and how lucky you are before doing this workout.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 8.9.15"]Sunday 8.9.15 Warm up Touch and Go Skill work A. Snatch Heavy Single B. 2 Rounds 10 Snatches AFAP @ 65-75% Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds C. 5 Minutes 400m Run Max Calorie Row in time remaining Notes: Do some snatch prep the night before, stretch out a bit. Practice your positional work with a broomestick. Kill the part C, make it hurt. [/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]2015 08 02
Last Cinema Series Wod! Saturday 8.1.15
2015 07 31