[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item parent_id="" title="What is testing week?" id="" class="" style=""]NOVEMBER TESTING WEEK -11.9.15 – 11.15.15
We program in 9 week blocks, with a 10th week testing week, then an 11th week of fun to clear your heads before the next training cycle starts. Read the wods below and try to prepare your week and your lifts, come in with a game plan, do a self check on how you are feeling this week as well to help decide what kind of lifts you are going for.
So lets get after testing week.
Oh, and sweet jesus, for the bench press and squat, if you need a spot, make sure you know how to spot - if you don't, ask someone who does.
If you want to know why you are doing a 5 or 3 instead of a 1, ask a coach and they will give you the answer ;)[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]New stuff at CFSB
Whats going on right now at CFSB?
Kids and Teens Training Program Welcome Week Signup is up!
Super Awesome!!
Free Wod Tracking Software for CFSB Members! Train Heroic is LIVE – download it now!
CFSB Wellness Wednesday –
What should I eat?!
The shirts are back in stock, we sold out quick, come get them!
Wades Army 2015 THIS WEEK!
60 Minute Rowing Clinic with Kendra Rask – November 12th
“One Dime at a Time Fundraiser” – Saint Joseph Health System
Our WIFI: Hey all, new wifi settings for “CFSB Public” If you want to use our wifi, when you connect it will ask you to check into Facebook to use it![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 11.9.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]We are opening up the testing week with a few repeats, you'll see a lot of the same strength testers as repeats, but some of the conditioning wods may have changed. Try to find out what you did for the KB workout last time so you can crush it, or go heavier.
Monday 11.9.15
Test 1 – Upper Body Pull Relative Strength RETEST
1 Single Max Reps Unbroken Strict Pull Up
*Sub is ring rows if you cannot perform strict pull ups
Test 2 – Strength RETEST
20 Minutes to Find
Squat 1RM/5RM
*within 2 months of finishing Fundamentals, perform a 5rm
Test 3 – Grip Strength RETEST
5 Rounds
1 Min to do 30 KB Swings
1 Min Rest
Score on Train Heroic is weight used multiplied by reps.
Test 1: Warm up as needed, stay on that bar until you can absolutely pull no longer. Don’t bring your knees up, don’t kick, don’t hump. Make sure you get your chin over the bar without reaching (keep a neutral head position) and make sure you extend all the way down in the hang.
Test2: Over the last few weeks we have went over plenty of percentage work, working up to 90%, you should be able to figure your first attempt off of this. Get your math done ahead of time so you aren’t wasting 5 minutes of your 20 minutes doing barbell math. Everyone has a different lifestyle, you can’t always expect to PR, but if you have been attending regularly over the last 9 weeks, get after it.
Oh, and if we see any sketchy spotting or not asking for a spot,
expect to do some writing on the chalkboard
Test 3: Prep your hands ahead of time, if you tend to rip, you should have your hands taped up already, middle of the workout is not the time to start taping. Oh, and bring your own damn tape. Choose an intelligent weight and get in there and stay connected to the KB as long as you can. Used a 70 last time and got all of your rounds? Use two 55lb Kbs. Most of you should have some kind of prior score for this one.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 11.10.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Okay, during this testing week there is a lot of overhead work and shoulder endurance, we will be getting into the CrossFit Open stuff here pretty soon, and you need to start working on your shoulder mobility and prehab if you haven't. Don't forget, we have a mobility class you can sign up for, and personal training sessions if you want to go over some prehab. Here is a little prehab work from
Diesel Crew. Just don't add volume to a shoulder disfunction, and know your limits.
Tuesday 11.10.15
Test 1: Overhead Stability and Strength
Max Effort Handstand Hold
Option (1) Handstand Hold Option (2) Hold on with feet on 30″ Box
Test 2: Strength RETEST
20 Minutes to Find
Push Press 1RM/3RM
*within 2 months of finishing Fundamentals, perform a 3rm
Test 3: Endurance and Ability to tolerate pain
Max Effort 2k Row
*While you are on deck waiting to row, I'd like to see you perform
2-3 minutes of a
kitchen sink stretch - followed by
some dynamic arm work until you are ready to go
Test 1: There will be 2 different options for this scaling (look up) Know your limitations, when you all kick up, it
shouldn’t look like this. Make sure to keep a good
midline position overhead, stretch your wrists out beforehand.
Test2 & 2.5: It is no accident that the handstand hold was done prior to this, its to prep for the stability and midline control to prime the push press.
Push Press
Jerks don't count, especially slow jerks - NSFW
After that we will be hitting up a certain style of muscle fiber test to see how many reps you can get out of a high percentage of your max. If you want to know more about this google hatfield muscle fiber test. Our test doesn’t have the luxury of waiting 15 minutes between the lift and the test, so you are seeing a short turnover between them, lets see how fast your battery recharges between a max lift and a max rep scenario.
Test 3:
While one team is going with the 2k, we will be performing the kitchen sink stretch during the rest periods. Use your average 500 times to pace this one out. Feel like you need a lot of rowing practice? you are in luck, because on Thursday we have a rowing clinic with a few spots left!
Click here to check it out http://crossfitsouthbend.com/kendrarow101215/[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 11.11.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Switching the max height box jump this time to a max distance broad jump, we want to test some form of vertical/horizontal hip displacement during this testing week, the others are repeats today.
Wednesday 11.11.15
Test 1: Explosiveness
8 Min to find Max Distance Broad Jump
Test 2: Power RETEST
20 Min to find
Power Clean 1RM/3RM Hang Power Clean
Test 3 Percentage Based Metcon Tester
Every 30 seconds Perform
2 Power Cleans @ 75% 1RM/ 80% 3RM
1 Ball Slam
*** every round increase by 1 ball slam until you are unable to complete the work load. Score is total reps and power cleans count towards the reps
Test1: You must land above parallel on the box. The reason being to reinforce max vertical displacement, along with priming the power clean landing. We are looking to test the power in your initial hip extension, NOT your ability to tuck your knees under in a
self fellating (also, not a word) position. There is a time and a place for the tucking variation, just not today. Another point, this is the second time I’ve referenced going down yourself on the blog…if anyone is keeping count. I’ve also linked my favorite
video explosion for reference.
And…again, be mindful and know you limitations, I don’t want any stitched up shins today.
Test 2:
Open up the night before with some nice couch stretching, I want you to be able to really take advantage of that full extension. This will also help with the Box Jump.
Lets talk
Don’t make stupid jumps with percentages. Don’t let your ego get in the way.
Some of this stuff applies here, but this is pertaining to a Olympic Weightlifting Comp, this is a bit different. I am just saying, I’d better see percentages written out on your board. Notice he uses a 100kg opener so it makes your percentage work there pretty easy.
Test 3: Move smooth back and forth, again, this one is a death by, so PAY ATTENTION TO THE CLOCK. You’ll get punished for not transitioning fast enough, and moving the bar slow. Oh, and that ball slam you just did that you didn’t catch? it didn’t count. Even the last rep.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 11.12.15 WADES ARMY" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 11.12.15
Test 1
20 Minutes to Find
Bench Press 1RM/5RM
Test 3 Upper Body Strength Endurance
"Wades Army"
5 Rounds
11 One arm DB Snatches 50/35
12 One arm DB Thrusters 50/35
11 Weighted Pull Ups 50/35
Test 1: You can typically use the same kind of scheme here that you use for your squats in regards to warm up percentages.
Make sure you have a spotter, AGAIN.
We prefer a handoff for safety reasons, make sure to practice this during the lighter weights to get into a groove with your partners.
Also, don’t touch the bar unless you
A. are sure the lifter will not get the rep
B. the lifter is in danger
remember, once you touch the bar, you have made the athletes lift not count. None of this,
It’s all you bro
Now lets hit the bench
Test 2: We have Wades Army today, we are turning it into a tester of overall shoulder endurance. Our last testing week on this day we worked push ups and ring rows as an amrap, this one will be vertical pulling and vertical pushing (and a lot of it) so get some mobility in the night before, and use intelligent weights.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 11.13.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 11.13.15
Test 1: Strength RETEST
20 Minutes to Find
Deadlift 1RM/5RM
Test 2: How good are you at fatigued double unders?
7 Minute Amrap
3 No Push Up Burpees
6 Double Unders
6 No Push Up Burpees
12 Double Unders
9 No Push Up Burpees
18 Double Unders
12 No Push Up Burpees
24 Double Unders
15 No Push Up Burpees
30 Double Unders
18 No Push Up Burpees
36 Double Unders
The No Push Up Burpees move up by 3's, the Double Unders move up by 6's.
Test 1: Place a 45lb plate on the upper back, and have a 45lb plate under neath the individuals quads. Must maintain a flat back, and hands may not touch each other. You are done when one of the following scenarios occurs (1) muscle fatigue sets in (2) if quads come in contact with plate (3) you get one warning on a movement fault, a 2nd movement fault results in the termination on the hold.
Don’t give up on this because “you got bored” or it started to get “kinda hard”
I want you shaking down there when you are about to fail.
Maybe not like this…But that is the best google result I got from “Twerking in plank position” Then I blacked out, and woke up an hour later and cleared my internet history.
Test 2: Hopefully the pillar test got your trunk primed up for that tension you’ll want to create through the midline during the deadlift. Check your ego, our coaches are
clever. They know when you should call it, whether you are rounding because of your body awareness, strength, mobility, any of those…you are rounding none the less and should call it. They aren’t out to get you, they are there to keep you as safe as possible. Very often its not a cueing issue, meaning if we see you consistently rounding it may not be a magical cue that is the fix, it could represent a few weeks of mobility work, so ask a coach and we will help you out.
Percentages warming up may be a little different with this, T-nation has some pretty good guidance
with this here.The typical general overview is less volume, you don’t want to smoke your CNS prior to the attempt.
Test 3:
You should be a little fatigued from pulling and horizontal/vertical shoulder work yesterday - enough to make it harder to perform double unders today. You'll be rewarded on your ability to be efficient on this one.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 11.14.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 11.14.15
Test 1:
8 Minute amrap
30 Calorie Row
30 Burpees over the bar
30 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
Notes: Short and fast today, they didn't have burpees in the last years open, but you never know...I wanted a workout today that will reward going to that dark place on the rower at the end.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 11.15.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Last day of testing week, make sure your are stretching your shoulders out prior to this one everyone.
Sunday 11.15.15
Overhead Squats 95/65
Toes to Bar
We will be working some efficiency on Toes to Bar warm up work today, Overhead Squatting is a different story, we will really grease the groove with it and get some mobility and volume into the warm up.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]